2004-948 Target • a O fDA1 H a- p vA AAA- S / O � V A ,l \\ AVIAT1a � M sp ! a . ueM n >. fA0 AO ql to A W ® ® SY Alb A R ® M w \\I\V N O AVAgm, A Id!A ® ; L o 66 - IAI nil•. MAI A O19 AtC =7 / 7• cm or 20 L 1 S .» • •°'° LOCATION MAP: : V 5.00 "19 0 9 O S co sA� ZD N 59-38 10" E PROPOSED >� ss 128.77 PARCEL -� , �► TOTAL 354,560 .ft. —8.-t4`acres E LINES QNLY SEE S►TE LAN FO R�4 2 f PROPOS CONDITI .SSB_ y,�11 - 3 p4gy 4,9 W / 255.29' 3 ---,_ ,� o , 18'+/- dt '0 IN8353'01"yy rn S 5 r co p I ' 1 2 7' I 1 ; L12 z N N83 46' " 34 O 0 1 4 o i 11 I i Q ,� W N o TARGET BUILDING v' O 1 Dy AS CONSTRUCTION Ls 1 z LOCATED C.T. 00 BY MALE o� 120.00' ) 3 N84101 25 yy I L6 W I PR UNE 392.17' .`� " OFF WALL N8358'01"yy PROPERTY UNE ' _ I N �. o �I I }�I � WALL I� �I I JI zl L4� �lo• ,OD'', �, � I o r- I o00 O � p I R 6$ I COMP EAIAINING PyRAM/D 1 I I I IY 4&3 FALLS PARCEL 9 �, F-• II r I N 83 57'20" W 1 S 8 520' " 96.00 E I I I 231.95, 1 I I I I I I WI" 13 I 3 icyl 106 llEn to I I S� Marshall Sign Corp N 83 57 2g I o " yV O� I 00• I sa3 Van Duesen & ,SO8g33 Steve' s4�0 �;° \ ,�0, N 83'1 g'$S$1 W record) �1 N \ •O� '�� 58.99' caic.) r� �`� N 06.03100E Land Surveyers � � --- 40.80p 169 Havilan d 814.66' {recor 17.41 ' Queensbury, NY 6 d ' � 814.1 g' ----. .. talc, S 75'33 3 E LINE TABLE FOR J.C. PENNEY N 83009'50» W �3p.9� 59.60' , N 83-18900,9 LINE DIRECTION I DISTANCE 12804 Ll S 06'02 40" W 12.94' L2 N 0 W 49.00 06*02 ' 518-792-8474 L3 N 0602'40" E 113.72 L4 S 83'57'20 E 41.34' 5 N 06'02 40 E 107.22' Scale: 1"= 100' L6 N 83'57 20 W 2.84 L7 N 06'02 40 E 90.00 L8 S 83.57 20 E 2.84' TOTAL AREA L9 N 06'02 40 E 142.00 58.53 ACRES L10 S 83'57 20 E 55.66 L11 N 06'02 40" E 6.00 L12 S 83'57'20 E 90.00' L13 S 06'02 40 W 6.00 L14 S 83'57 20 E 58.00 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040948 Application Number: A20040948 Tax Map No: 523400-302-005-0001-092-012-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TARCTF,T CORP. T-1830 For property located at: AVIATION Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tyne of Construction Value Owner Address: TARGET CORP. T-1830 C/O PROPERTY TAX DEPT. T-183 Sign Total Value P.O. BOX 9456 MENNEAPOLIS, MN 55440-9456 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2004-948 TARGET 35 SQ FT WALL SIGN $70.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the of Que bury; nday, April 04, 2005 SIGNED BY Wfor the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Co e Enforcement Fee Paid: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Approved By: Qj (518) 761-8256 Permit #: . SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. 2. Plot plan of location of sign. 3. Written consent of the owner of the building or land. OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS t 000 N I Q10L.L1= A/A-[,l, M ft. MN TEL. NAME OF APPLICANT .4 J:�S4AI_ X 16A/ Z=r10UP ADDRESS -3 D (Z TEL. 7`�- 7 BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing __ Permanent _ Projecting Sign Temporary Nan-conforming Existing RECEIVED Free-Standing Wall __ New K. Location: Tax Map Number �Z , �J-_ f - 9Z- •( L DEC 0 8 2004 Address X dhI 1� T owFQUEENSBURY Proposed Setbacks from Property Line (front) _ (s i de)BUILDING AND CODE If sign is to be illuminated, please check appropriate box: Internal , External { ) , Incadescent ( ) , Neon ( ) , Other ( ) Size of Sign: Width l ft. Length 7 ft. Total Square Footage: Sign Copy: UAMAcul Color and Material To Be Used: '6 A -V_ 1A&14 Signature: Circle One: Applicant, owner, contractor or agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TO PLACE A SIGN ON MY PROPERTY BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner: / ORIGINAL-Offic Copy COPY-Applicant ' �-7ff TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY. 12804-5902 April 1, 2005 Stefanie DiLallo Bitter Bartlett, Pontiff, Stewart & Rhodes, PC P.O. Box 2168 One Washington Street Glens Falls, NY 12801 Re: Target Corporation Aviation Mall Pharmacy Sign Dear Ms. Bitter: I am writing to you in response to your March 30, 2005 letter regarding the above referenced matter. With regards to the existing "Pharmacy" wall sign we agree with your assertions relative to the status of the Target facility as a "stand alone" business on its own parcel. Therefore, our business complex sign regulations do 'not apply and the Pharmacy sign can be permitted as a second wall sign, which is allowed per Section 140-6 of our Sign Code. We acknowledge your commitment regarding the future signs or, in this case, the lack thereof, for the Starbucks and Piaa Hut facilities within the existing Target building. Our records indicate that the Pharmacy sign permit application has been filed with our office. We will strive to issue the permit promptly. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. teensbury n Zoning Administrator CB/sh CC. Bruce Frank L:\Craig Brown\2005 letters\BitterTarget 4 1_05.doc L Ls Philadelphia Sign C O M P A N V Electric In Vicinity By Others 707 West Spring Garden Street (_ Palmyra,New Jersey 08065 .063 X 9.5 Pre-Coat Alum. Coil(Red)Painted To Match Foss 822Ms� Faces(Welded Const.) r-1_9CPhiWdy1,r ig"mm CUSTOMER: Trimcap Molding Red 8" TARGET JOB#: 17'6" 3/16"Plex Faces (Red Acrylic) REVISIONS Red Neon — Dm D nW"" By�__PHARMACY - N D2 Housing W/1"Brackets .080 Mill Alum.Back LETTER ELEVATION 30MA Transformers SCALE:3/8"=1' 3"X 3"Alum.Trap-Nut Plate O High Fabricated Tube O DRAWING TYPE: Stands O PERMIT Inside Of Letter To Be SIGN TYPE: Painted Matthews Zap White ELEVATION #74-200 SP LOCATION: 1/4"0 Drain Holes VARIOUS (Minimum 2 Per Stroke) DATE: Junction Box By 10/7/04 Others DRAWN BY: DL CROSS SECTION ELECTRICAL LOAD SHEET: SCALE:1-1/2"=1' "PHARMACY"LETTERS 4 OF 4 9.2 AMPS @ 120 VOLTS ELECTRICAL REO'MTS DWG NUMBER: (1)20 AMP/120 VOLT CIRCUITS B-1751 B STANDARD LETTER NOTES: iC+ 1. SUFFICIENT PRIMARY CIRCUIT IN VICINITY OF SIGN THIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBLISHED BY OTHERS. DRAWING CREATED BY P.S.C.O.IT 2. LETTER TO LETTER WIRING AND FINAL PRIMARY HOOK-UP IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL BY SIGN INSTALLER,WHERE ALLOWED BY LOCAL CODES. USE IN BEING PLANNED F ON OR YOU BAPROJECT �. 3. SIGN SHALL BE U.L.LISTED. IT IS NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE 4. MOUNTING HARDWARE BY SIGN INSTALLER. OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR S. FULL SIZE DRILLING TEMPLATE FURNISHED WITH SIGN. IS ITTO BE USED,COPIED,REPRODUCED, OR EXHIBITED IN ANY FASHION. C;�06 ^ 9w Philadelphia Sign C O M P A N V 707 West Spring Garden Street f• t•NARYAC • Palmyra,New Jersey 08065 TARGET \�\\ \\\ \\�\r ._8 sssis60 L-mvikmnif@TM1Tm4ipirimlgnmm CUSTOMER: TARGET FRONT ELEVATION SCALE:1"=30' JOB N; REVISIONS Dom D—dpU- By r �5 A!!T '.Z. cD 3'S" 17'6" a B PH A R M A DRAWING TYPE: PERMIT N B T �G SIGN TYPE: ELEVATION LOCATION: QUENSBURY, NY. \ DATE: \ 10/7104 i DRAWN BY: DL BLOW UP ELEVATION SHEET: SCALE:1"-10' 1 OF 4 r DWG NUMBER: B-175111 STANDARD LETT R NOTES: 1. SUFFICIENT PRIMARY CIRCUIT IN VICINITY OF SIGN ELECTRICAL LOAD THIS IS AN ORIGINAL UNPUBUSHED ` DRAWING CREATED BY P.S.CO.IT BY OTHERS. LOGO IS SUBMITTED FOR YOUR PERSONAL 2. LETTER TO LETTER WIRING AND FINAL PRIMARY HOOK-UP 14.98 AMPS @ 120 VOLTS ELECTRICAL LOAD USE IN CONJUNCTION WITH APROJECT "TARGET"LETTERS I� BY SIGN INSTALLER,WHERE ALLOWED BY LOCAL CODES. "PHARMACY"LETTERS r BEING PLANNED FOR YOU BY P.S.C.O. 7.7 AMPS @ 120 VOLTS `iM R IS NOT TO BE SHOWN TO ANYONE 3. SIGN SHALL BE U.L.LISTED. 9.2 AMPS @ 120 VOLTS OUTSIDE YOUR ORGANIZATION NOR 4. MOUNTING HARDWARE BY SIGN INSTALLER. ELECTRICAL REO'MTS ELECTRICAL REO'MTS IS IT TO BE USED,COPIED,REPRODUCED, 5. FULL SIZE DRILLING TEMPLATE FURNISHED WITH SIGN. (2)20 AMP/I20 VOLT CIRCUITS (1)20 AMP/120 VOLT CIRCUITS OREI(HIBITED IN ANY FASHION.