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PROJECT NUMBER: 16.6497 AVIATI N MALL C NNECT R R A T WN F UEENSBURY , WARREN C UNTY , NEW Y RK Town of Queensbury Town of QueenC sbury Community Development Office MOTION TO GRANT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR SITE PLAN 452017, SPECIAL USE Community Development Office MOTION Bay Road6L .Queensbury.NY 1?804 PERMIT 10-2017 AVIATION HOSPITALITY LLCAREA VARIANCE 42-2017 SIGN VARIANCE 742 Bay Ruad,Queensbury,NY 12804 • d) If application was referred to engineering then Engineering sign-off required prior to signature of 6-2017 AVIATION HOSPITALITY,LLC:SITE PLAN 47-2017 AMBROSIA DINER&SITE PLAN 48- Zoning Administrator of the approved plans; 2017 AVIATION MALL.Introduced by George Ferone who moved for its adoption. Town of Queensbury Planning Board e) Final approved plans should have dimensions and setbacks noted on the site plan/survey,floor plans Town of Queensbury Planning Boardand elevation for the existing rooms and proposed rooms in the building and site improvements;- As per the resolution prepared by staff. RESOLUTION-Site Plan Approval f) If required,the applicant must submit a copy of the following to the Town: SEQR RESOLUTION-Grant Negative Declaration SITE PLAN 48-2017 AVIATION MALL a. The project NOI(Notice of Intent)for coverage under the current"NYSDEC SPDES General SITE PLAN 45-2017,SPECIAL USE PERMIT 10-2017 AVIATION I IOSPITALITY,LLC 1. Part I of the Long EAF has been completed by the applicant. Tax Map ID:302.5-1-92.11,202.5-1-93.1/Property Address:578 Aviation Rd./Zoning:ESC Permit from Construction Activity"prior to the stall orally site work. AREA VARIANCE 42-2017.SIGN VARIANCE 6-2017 AVIATION HOSPITALITY,LLC b. The project NOT(Notice of Termination)upon completion of the project; 2. Part 11 of the Long EAF has been reviewed and completed by the Planning Board with a notation that pp pP g P 8 applicant P J y SITE PLAN 47-2017 AMBROSIA DINER Thea applicant has submitted an application to the Planning Board ro sin construction ofit connector road c. The licant must maintain on theirproject site,for review b staff: Number Nine,the impact on aesthetic resources,lhat the proposed impact may be visible from publicly SITE PLAN 48-20]7 AVIATION MALL that intersects Aviation Road and the mall. The project involves disturbance of 1.6+1-acres and a new i. The approved final plans that have been stamped by the Town Zoning Administrator. accessible vantage points is a small impact. roadway of approximately 17,500+J-sq. ft. The road will include access for Ambrosia Diner and the These plans must include the project SWPPP(Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan) proposed hotel and connect to the Aviation Mall ring road. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-020 of the Zoning when such a plan was prepared and approved; The applicant proposes three Site Plans,Special Use Permit,Area Variance and Sign Variance applications for. 3. Part III or the Long EAF is not necessary because the Planning Board did not identify potentially Ordinance,new connector road shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. it, The project Not and proof of coverage under the current NYSDEC SPDES General Applicant proposes construction of a new 62,620 sq. ft.(floor area),4 story,92 room hotel with associated moderate to large impacts. Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Queensbury Zoning Code-Chapter 179-9-080,the Planning Permit,or an individual SPDES permit issued for the project if required parking. Project includes a connector road on adjoining property to Aviation Mall ring road. Included in the Board has determined that this proposal satisfies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; g) Final approved plans,in compliance with the Site Plan,must be submitted to the Community project will be a lot line adjustment between 302.5-1-96.1 and 302.5-1-93,1 with the former reduced to 2.0 acres and the later to be increased to 4.31 acres.Project includes work with Ambrosia Diner for access as lot does not Motion seconded by John Shafer. Duly adopted this 18i8 day of July,2017 by the following vote: As required by General Municipal Law Section 239-rn the site plan application was referred to theDeWarren Coves Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and es personnel; have road frontage on Route 254. Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-040 & 179-10 of the Zoning Ordinance,new County Planning Department for its recommendation; h) The applicant must meet with Staff after approval and prior to issuance of Building Permit commercial use in the ESC zone shall be subject to Planning Board review and approval. AYES: Mr.Deeb,Ms.White,Mr.Shafer,Mr.Hunsinger,Mr.Magowan,Mr.Ferone,Mr.Traver and/or the beginning of any site work; The Planning Board has reviewed the potential environmental impacts of the project,pursuant to the State i) Subsequent issuance of further permits,including building permits is dependent on compliance with Ambrosia Diner Applicant proposes to modify the entryway area along Aviation Road and internal access to NOES: NONE Environmental Quality Review Act(SEQRA)and adopted a SEQRA Negative Declaration-Determination this and all other conditions of this resolution; Ambrosia Diner. Project includes new alignment of driveway,new access for Diner and site work.Pursuant to of Non-Significance j) As-built plans to certify that the site plan is developed according to the approved plans to be provided Chapter 179-9-120 of the Zoning Ordinance,amendments to previously approved site plan shall be subject to prior to issuance orthe certificate of occupancy. Planning Board review and approval. The Planning Board opened a public hearing on the Site plan application on 07/1812017 and continued the k) This resolution is to he placed in its entirety on the final plans public hearing to 07/18/2017,when it was closed, Aviation Mali Applicant proposes construction of a connector road that intersects Aviation Road and the mall. The project involves disturbance of 1.6+1-acres and a new roadway of approximately 17,500+7_sq.ft. The The Planning Board has reviewed the application materials submitted by the applicant and all comments Motion seconded by David Deeb. Duly adopted this I8a'day of July,2017 by the following vote: road will include access for Ambrosia Diner and the proposed hotel and connect to the Aviation Mall ring road. made at the public hearing and submitted in writing through and including; Pursuant to Chapter 179-9-020 of the Zoning Ordinance,new connector road shall be subject to Planning Board AYES: Ms.White,Mr.Shafer,Mr,Hunsinger,Mr,Magowan,Mr.Ferone,Mr.Deeb.Mr,Traver review and approval. The Planning Board determines that the application complies with the review considerations and standards set forth in Article 9 of the Zoning Ordinance for Site Plan approval, NOES: NONE The Planning Board has determined that the proposed project and Planning Board action is subject to review under the State Environmental Quality Review Act; MOTION TO APPROVE SITE PLAN 48-2017 AVIATION MALL;Introduced by George Ferone who moved for its adoption. The proposed action considered by this Board is Unlisted in the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and the regulations of the Town of According to the draft resolution prepared by Staff with the following: Queensbury; 1) Waivers requested granted; Site lighting, signage, landscaping, traffic, commercial alterations, Other agencies involved granted Lead Agency status to the Planning Board, construction details,floor plans,soil logs,construction demolition disposal and snow removal. Part I of the Long EAF has been completed by the applicant; 2. Adherence to the items outlined in the follow-up letter sent with this resolution. a) The limits ofclearing will constitute ano-cut buffer zone, orange construction fencing shall Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF,it is the conclusion of the Town of Queensbury Planning be installed around these areas and field verified by Community Development staff; Board as lead agency that this project will result in no significant adverse impacts on the environment,and b) If applicable,the Sanitary Sewer connection plan must be submitted to the Wastewater therefore,an environmental impact statement need not be prepared. Accordingly,this negative declaration is Department for its review,approval,permitting and inspection; issued. c) If curb cuts are being added or changed a driveway permit is required. A building permit will not be issued until the approved driveway permit has been provided to the Planning Office; Page,oft Page I.1`2 Page 2 of 2 Page I nr2 Phaae: 5[8.761-82201 Fax:518-745-44371742 Bay Bead.Queeasbray,NY 128041 www ti—bury—t Phone:518.761.92201 Fax:518-745-44371742 Bay Road,Quaasbruy,NY 128041 www.queensbury.nn Phone: 518.761.822-01 Fax: 518.745.44371742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 228041 www,queensbury.net Phone: 528.761.822o 1 Fax: 528.745,44371742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 228041 www.queensbury.net munutum LIST OF DRAWINGS: rrttr+ttrrlutr AVIATIO (NYS ROU f/ °oi Silo Restaurant McDonald CdkP NROAD TE 2 54, DRAWING ID SHEET NO.. TITLE h h° ceps 8 Gift Shop M Road 9e Rd r dodo © old Aviation 0 Northgate Barber Shop Aviation Rd 4vi,ti0/) 2 ° StarbucksA G100 1 TITLE SHEET ® Aviation Mall Rd J Toy C100 2 LAYOUT PLAN SITE 354 J C110 3 GRADING PLAN ?l Z Target 0 7 - C120 4 UTILITY PLAN Aviation Mall � o ' a pCa 7a. Regal Cinemas . C 121 5 WATERLINE PROFILE Aviation Mall 7 p E101 SITE LIGHTING PLAN Ramada Queensbury/© o Aviation Mall Rd Lake George � �� C500 7 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN SITE LOCATION MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 90oP"0 , C510 8 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS C800 g SITE DETAILS r r C810 10 SANITARY/STORM SEWER DETAILS r � t C82011 WATER DETAILS •,, T w T C .T. MALE ASSOCIATES LOA I M1 I p m Engineering, Surveying, Architecture & Landscape Architecture, D.P.C. OVERALL SITE PLAN 50 CENTURY HILL DRIVE LATHAM NY 12110 UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR n ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT ISA SCALE: 1 =100 * / / • VIOLATION OF THE NEW YORK STATE 518.786.7400 FAX 518.786.7299 EDUCATION LAW. 0 2017 DATE: MAY 15, 2017 PROJ. NO.: 04.9368 SHEET: G100 DWG. NO.: 17-0305 C.T. MALE ASSOCIATES LAST REV.: Jan 24, 2018