JULY 16, 1996
Site Plan No. 37-96
Tax Map No. 16-1-30.2
Louie & Christine Lecce
Michael Chrys
Oscar & Debra Schreiber
Site Plan No. 26-96
Tax Map No. 16-1-28
Site Plan No. 13-96
Tax Map No. 6-1-2
Site Plan No. 38-96
Tax Map No. 98-1-5.21
Nemer Motor Group
Petition for Zone Change
Tax Map No. 98-2-1
Double "H" Hole in the Woods
Ranch, Inc./Charles R. Wood
(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
JULY 16, 1996
7:00 P.M.
April 16, 1996: NONE
April 23, 1996: NONE
May 7, 1996: NONE
MOTION TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 4/16/96, 4/23/96, AND 5/7/96,
Introduced by Roger Ruel who moved for its adoption, seconded by
George Stark:
Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
MR. BREWER-Yes, but I'll abstain from the 23rd.
AYES: Mr. Stark, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. Ruel, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Paling
ABSENT: Mr. MacEwan, Mr. West
1/2 TO 3' HIGH. PER SECTION 179-60 15 (3) - ALTERATION TO
TAX MAP NO. 16-1-28 LOT SIZE: .92 ACRES SECTION: 179-60 15(3),
179-16 179-60 B(l) (a) [2]
Notes from Staff, Site Plan No. 26-96, Louie & Christine Leece,
Meeting Date: July 16, 1996 "This application was tabled by the
Planning Board on June 18, 1996 for further information and review.
The applicant has submitted new information regarding the retaining
wall to be used and the proposed boathouse. The retaining wall
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will be connected to the existing stone wall on the shore. No
areas of soil will be left exposed between this wall pre-existing
stone retaining wall. It appears that the design of this wall will
prevent an increase in erosion or runoff from this property or
adj acent properties into Lake George. The design of the boat house
has been changed by the applicant from a peaked roof to a flat
roof. This new structure meets the setbacks and size requirements
listed in the Zoning Ordinance. Construction of this new structure
will not have an adverse impact on adj acent property owners. Views
of Lake George will not decrease from what presently exists at this
location. Subject to review of any additional comments from the
Town's engineering consultants, staff recommends approval of Site
Plan No. 26-96."
MR. PALING-Okay. There are no other documents on this one, I don't
MS. CIPPERLY-We have also received a letter from Rist-Frost, dated
July 12th.
MR. PALING-Okay. You have that, we don't.
MS. CIPPERLY-I gave you a copy of that.
MR. STARK-I've got a copy.
MR. PALING-All right. Do you want to read that into the record?
MS. CIPPERLY-Sure. This is to Mr. James Martin, from Rist-Frost.
"Dear Mr. Martin: We have reviewed the supplemental information
received July 9, 1996, C.T. Male letter of June 24, 1996, C.T. Male
Drawings Sl and 95-445, and C.T. Male letter dated July 10, 1996
and received July 12, 1996. The concerns enumerated in our letter
of June 17, 1996 have been addressed except that a note
incorporating the requirements of "NY Guidelines for Erosion and
Sediment Control" has not been added to the drawing. If you have
any questions please call. Sincerely, RIST-FROST ASSOCIATES, P.C.
William J. Levandowski, P.E. Senior Vice President & Director of
Technical Services" This letter's dated July 12th.
MR. PALING-Okay. Any others?
MS. CIPPERLY-There are comments from the public. Do you want to do
those now or during the public hearing?
MR. PALING-During the public hearing. As soon as we open the
public hearing, we'll do those letters first. Is there someone
here representing the applicant? Would you come up, please, and
identify yourself.
MR. LECCE-I'm Lou Lecce, the applicant.
MR. PALING-Okay. Does anyone on the Board have any questions or
comments at the moment?
MR. LECCE-Before you get started, there's been a modification to
the original plan. I don't know if it was addressed in the initial
MR. RUEL-It's from peaked roof to flat roof?
MR. LECCE-Well, also she's got a 40' by 40' foot structure, which
we narrowed the dock itself. Before we had a 28' opening. Now
it's only 24.
MR. RUEL-24, by 30'?
MR. LECCE-So now it's 36' by 40'.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. BREWER-35, isn't it? It's six on one side, five on the other.
MR. PALING-Thirty-five total across.
MR. LECCE-Correct, six and five and 24 in the middle. So we've
made the dock narrower. We've changed the roof from a peaked roof
to a flat roof. If you notice the dock, the boathouse itself, it
does not extend out any farther than the existing. There was a
question before, when last we met, if I was going to extend it to
the end of the dock. That was not the intent. It wasn't clear in
the original drawing, so the boathouse, the way it looks right now
is the same. The only difference is that it will be wider·going
away from the adj oining property owners. So it does not extend any
farther on the dock than is currently there right now.
MR. RUEL-Do you propose any access to that flat roof?
MR. LECCE-No. The top? No. It's going to be the same height and
elevation that it is now. We're not going to increase the height.
We're not going to make it any longer. We're just making it wider
to cover the 24 foot opening.
MR. RUEL-No railing around it?
MR. LECCE-No railing, no deck on top, no access to the top of the
roof deck at all.
MR. BREWER-Bob, do you have, from last month, the list that we had
for him?
MR. PALING-Do I have what?
MR. BREWER-Didn't we create some kind of a list that you were going
to come back with?
MR. LECCE-No. You wanted a drainage study, which was done by C.T.
MR. LECCE-Which was done by C.T. Male, which was presented. You
wanted the letter from Male that the retaining wall was not going
to impact Mr. McCollister's retaining wall.
MR. PALING-Lets see if I can out jumble them here. There was four
or five of them. They talked about a permit to ensure no negative
environmental impacts. That was answered. Town Engineering
Consultant, that's the letter we talked about, and then subject to
review, Rist-Frost, that's been done. Short Form.
MR. LECCE-It's not necessary here because it's not a classified
MR. PALING-Okay, and erosion control. I think the ones I had, Tim,
have been addressed. Yes. How tall is the structure to the flat
roof, from the water?
MR. LECCE-It's on the plan. I think it's seven feet.
MR. PALING-Seven feet? Okay. That's all I care. That's nowhere
MR. LECCE-The second page of the plan shows existing and to be
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. LECCE-So, I think keeping it the same, we've left the views
from the adjoining landowners the same.
MR. PALING-All right.
moment? We'll go to
hearing was tabled at
public hearing now, if
AnYmore comments or questions for the
the public hearing. Right. The public
the last meeting. So we'll re-open the
anyone would care to speak.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-My name's Mark McCollister. My wife and I l~ve on
the property immediately to the south of the Lecce property. Two
points I and obviously this is a distinct change from our last
meeting. It's not clear to me how the sea wall or the retaining
wall is going to tie into the existing sea wall, from the drawings
that 1 see. The only difference I can note is that it's
approximately one foot shorter from where it was before, but I'm
still a little uncomfortable as to how this new wall is going to
tie into the existing rock wall, and what that will do with the
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Again, my concern is just that we don't end up with
a problem in that one foot section that didn't existing before.
MR. PALING-Yes. I think we all had that question. I think we'll
just refer that to the applicant. Do you have other questions?
MR. MCCOLLISTER-The other question we have, we're still concerned
about the width, total width of the dock, being increased as much
as it is.
MR. PALING-Now the width is less than.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Less than applied for before, but still
significantly greater than what exists. Currently there's three
boat slips at that dock. By doubling, essentially doubling the
inside of the width. There's room now for two under cover plus one
on the outside, at least one on each outside pier. If you look at
the drawing 95-445, which shows the plot plan. You can see the
existing covered boathouse and the new dock. You can see it's
significantly wider. The width is, what, 24 feet under cover.
There's certainly room for two boats underneath the cover now,
where there's only one.
MR. BREWER-Mark, I know we can limit, I believe we have the
jurisdiction to limit the amount of boats at that. Is there any
kind of a number that kicks in, that you can say that you can have
five boats or eight boats?
MR. SCHACHNER-There's no standard in the Zoning Ordinance that I'm
aware of.
MS. CIPPERLY-Yes, there is.
MR. SCHACHNER-There's a limitation on the number?
MS. CIPPERLY-For Private Docks.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-At least as I interpret the regulations for a
Private Wharf, it can be limited to three.
MS. CIPPERLY-Yes. It says, Dock, Private, the definition.
MR. BREWER-Where are you, Sue?
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MS. CIPPERLY-Chapter 179-7, the Definitions.
Private" .
Look under "Dock,
MR. BREWER-I guess what I would say is if you have the certain
amount of, I know it limits the amount of docks you can have, with
the frontage you have, lake frontage. I was wondering if that
applied similar to the amount of boats that you could have, I guess
is my question.
MS. CIPPERLY-So if he has two docks, can he have more boats is what
you're saying.
MR. BREWER-Can he have two boats? Can he have nine boats?
MS. CIPPERLY-I spoke to Jim Martin about this this afternoon. He
said this dock that's being proposed is in conformance with the
requirements of the Ordinance.
MR. PALING-Yes. I'd asked the same question and got that answer,
but I didn't get into any detail beyond that, and it wasn't
questioned in that way the last time. So I don't know what to say.
I think that it's a conforming dock the way it's designed.
MR. BREWER-I understand that, but I guess what I'm saying is there
is a restriction if you own, lets say, 300 feet of Waterfront
property, you can have a certain amount of dockage. I guess what
my question was, is there anything that applies to how many boats
you can have on that?
MR. PALING-Boats, yes.
MS. CIPPERLY-Okay. In this case, he has one dock. So it says that
he can have three vessels owned by the property owner, except for
canoes and rowboats and sailboats under 18 feet.
MR. RUEL-There's no limit on boats under 18 feet?
MR. PALING-That leaves it pretty open.
under 18 feet.
There's a lot of boats
MR. SCHACHNER-Canoes, rowboats and sailboats under 18 feet, not any
boats under 18 feet.
MS. CIPPERLY-Essentially non motorized.
MR. PALING-Except canoes, rowboats and sailboats.
There's nothing motorized in that.
MR. STARK-Why don't we move along and we can address this later on.
MR. PALING-Yes. Well, no, I think we better answer it now. It
isn't going to go away.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Our fundamental concern, the essence of our concern
is two fold. One is the runoff situation, which likely can be
addressed. The second bigger concern that we have is the increase
in the total size of the dock and the increase in the number of
boats that will be at that dock on a residential property. As we
stated before, there's currently three boats there. To our
knowledge, none of those are owned by the applicant. They're being
rented. There's a good possibility that the property, the house
itself is going to be rented in August. So there's going to be new
people, new boats in for the month of August. This is a
residential neighborhood, and we'd like to see restrictions such
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
that it remains a residential property, not a commercial property,
and by doubling the size of the width, or doubling the width,
however, you want to put it, there's just going to be more access
for more boats for more people.
MR. RUEL-But still one dock, and three boats.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Well, that's not clear. The current slip,
basically the size of the slip limits it to three boats, one inside
and one on each outside pier. By increasing the covered area as
much as he has, there's certainly room under cover for now two
boats, and one on each outside pier.
MR. RUEL-But he's still limited by the Ordinance to three.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-If that's the limit, if in fact he's limited to
three, our objections begin to diminish dramatically.
MR. RUEL-Well, Staff just answered it and said it was limited to
there, on page.
I think you have, do you have it in front of you
MR. MCCOLLISTER-It says up to three boats, and as long as you're
willing to say that that's what's going to be enforced, but we see
with the activity and traffic that's been there now, by increasing
this, that we're concerned that there's going to be more than three
MR. BREWER-Well, if that's the case, he has more than three boats,
then he's in violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-And what action do we have at that point? I mean,
do we have to end up having to sit up there and police it?
MR. BREWER-You can call the Enforcement Officer, and he can come up
and do whatever he does.
MR. PALING-He can enforce the Ordinance.
MR. BREWER-Is that right?
limited to three boats?
The Ordinance, as we see it, he's
MR. BREWER-If he has more than three, then the Enforcement Officer
can go up and take care or do whatever he has to do.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-What is the remedy at that point?
MR. PALING-They call into the Planning Office and the Enforcement
Officer will be advised, and he'll take it from there.
MR. STARK-What about the length of the wharf coming out into the
lake? Do you have any concerns about that at all?
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Well, certainly we're less concerned now that it's
not covered, as far as it's not a peaked roof, but it's still, the
increase in length of the total dock appears to be approximately 10
feet longer than what's there now, even though it's not all
covered. The work itself extends beyond the covered portion.
MR. PALING-Yes, but I think it even appeared longer on the first
set of prints we looked at.
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Well, it's still 47 feet long, if I'm not mistaken.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. PALING-It's 40 feet from here to here, but then there's this
area in here.
MR. STARK-Bob, what's the dimension from the covered portion out to
the end of the dock?
MR. BREWER-It's 46'6".
MR. STARK-See where the covered portion is, and then from there to
the end of the dock is how long?
MR. PALING-It looks to be, I don't know, 10 feet.
MR. BREWER-10 or 12 feet.
MR. PALING-You can scale it off. I just eye-balled it. I'd say
it's about 10 feet.
MR. RUEL-The dimensions of the dock meet the regulations.
MR. PALING-Meet the regulations. All right. Can we take those two
questions and we'll get answers for you? Okay.
MRS. SCHREIBER-My name's Debbie Schreiber and my neighbor's the
McCollisters, and I have some concerns because we just built in the
there two years ago. We built a residence, year round residence,
and we also have a 40 foot U-Shaped dock.
MR. PALING-How many feet did you say?
MRS. SCHREIBER-Forty feet out. That's what we were allowed. My
question is why, my understanding was when we were doing our docks
and we went before you folks, that the maximum allowed footage out
into the water was 40 feet. Why is his 47?
MR. STARK-Because you're allowed to go 40 feet out from the low
mean water mark. He's saying the low mean water mark is seven feet
from your shoreline out, and then go 40 feet from there, even
though Mr. McCollister said he's never seen the water, 20 years
living there, out that far.
MRS. SCHREIBER-That's right, and I've lived there, my parents have
a place around the corner, and we've lived there for many years,
and I've never, if I were to measure tonight, I don't think his
water line is any deeper or less deep than ours. So what I'm
saying is that he's being allowed, the rules aren't the same for us
versus him, and this is what I'm having a problem with, in the
sense of, we're two doors down, and we're only allowed 40 feet.
MR. PALING-We got into this last time, and as I recall the drawing
that we have in front of us was allowed as 40 feet into the lake.
We'll find out. We'll get more information for you.
MRS. SCHREIBER-The other question on that is my husband had spoken
to Mr. Hilton, and he said that the maximum that he was going to be
allowed was 40 feet, because my husband questioned him on it
because we were concerned as to why the rules were one way for him
and a different way for us.
MR. STARK-From the low mean water mark.
MRS. SCHREIBER- I understand what you're saying, but I'm saying
we're two doors difference, and there's not a big difference, and
if I went and measured it tonight, I could probably prove to you
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that, within an inch or two, that it's relatively the same.
closer to the swamp, if anything. The other question I
also, you're saying three boats by the property owner.
what you're saying?
have is
Is that
MR. BREWER-I would say three boats, period.
MRS. SCHREIBER-Three boats period.
MR. PALING-All right. It's short. Let me read it to you. II Dock ,
Private - A wharf or portion of a wharf extending along the shore
and generally connected to the uplands which accommodates up to
three (3) vessels owned by the property owner, except canoes and
rowboats and sailboats under eighteen (18) feet. II
MRS. SCHREIBER-Okay. Last weekend, not, last weekend, the weekend
before, there were three boats at the dock, currently. There was
a boat across the end of the dock, and none of them were his, and
his is sitting on a trailer in the back yard, and we've also had to
PWC boats there, and this is already without even extending the
docks, without extending the square footage in between, between the
docks, okay, and I know for a fact that my husband's boat is
approximately 10 feet wide, if that, okay, and he's got a boat~with
twin engines on it, with mufflers, and so what I'm saying to you
is, even with him decreasing the size of that dock down to 24 feet,
he can still get two boats, side by side, if he wanted to, and two
deep. So that's four. Now we can get two on either end, and now
we're up to eight.
MR. RUEL-He's only allowed three.
MRS. SCHREIBER-Okay, but my concern is the fact that, I'm just
letting you know that already, one of the reasons we built in there
was so that our kids, and we wanted to be in a bay. We didn' t want
to be in the main part of the lake, and we've adhered to the rules
and regulations. When we built this house and we did the docks and
everything, the only variance that we ever asked for was a six inch
variance to extend our house wider. The property's only 74 feet
wide. We have not asked for anything. We wanted to make this a
place to get away, quiet, this, that and the other, and all of a
sudden, two weekends ago, we had three boats in there, one tied off
the end of the boat port and two wave runners. So that's six boats
MR. STARK-You alluded to a PVC boat?
MRS. SCHREIBER-PWC, Power Water Craft, the little wave runners.
That's what they call them.
MR. STARK-What's a wave runner count as?
MS. CIPPERLY-It's less than 18 feet.
MR. SCHACHNER-I don't know. These are really questions for Sue and
her department, not for me, and PWC, just so you know, actually
stands for Personal Watercraft.
MRS. SCHREIBER-I'm sorry, yes.
MR. SCHACHNER-That's okay, but it's exactly as ,this commentor is
indicating. It's a jet ski, wave runner, whatever you want to call
it, but they're called PWC's, Personal Watercraft. I'm guessing,
and it's a guess, Sue, I think you'll have to help us out, but that
Jim Martin, the Zoning Administrator, takes the position that a
Personal Watercraft is a boat, but I don't know that for a fact.
MR. RUEL-Mark, I have a question. The Ordinance, as he just read
it, indicates that the boats must be owned by the property owner.
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What about rental boats, and what about visitors?
MR. SCHACHNER-Ask the Zoning Administrator and Staff.
MR. RUEL-Must they be owned by the property owner only, or can they
be rental, or can they be visitors?
MS. CIPPERLY-Well, I'm sure if you have three attorneys, you'd have
three different interpretations of this paragraph here. If you
read it one way, you could say three vessels owned by the property
owner, plus any number of private ones. I don't know that that was
the intent of doing it. If you compare to Dock, Commercial, it
doesn't mention ownership at all, and as far as the wave runners
go, I think they're less than 18 feet, in general. So you could
have those there. They wouldn't count as a boat.
MRS. SCHREIBER-My understanding was, though, when you just, when
she just read that law, though, she said that it was not motorized,
it was a canoe.
MS. CIPPERLY-It says, "canoes, rowboats, and sailboats." Probably
when this was written, it wasn't exactly a big, it was 1988.
MR. PALING-Those things weren't popular yet.
MR. RUEL-A sailboat could be motorized.
MR. BREWER-I think what it means is that the owner can probably own
three boats and tie them up to there. I mean, how can you restrict
somebody having a visitor?
MR. RUEL-Or if the owner rented a boat.
MR. BREWER-I think the intent of it was they could have up to three
boats there at that thing at any permanent time.
MS. CIPPERLY-If you look at the Waterfront Residential section, a
dock is an accessory structure to a private home. I think the
intent here was to make a differentiation between commercial and
private, in that rental would not be involved with the private
docks, but that's not exactly stated right there.
MR. PALING-Well, I think we're in a situation where no one here
absolutely knows for sure what it is, and we may have to get an
interpretation of this, or a final ruling on it, Jim Martin's
people, and go by whatever that is, because none of us actually can
say we know exactly what to do, and I'm going to just kind of put
, that aside for the moment, that one question, and we may proceed
with the rest of the business, but that would be left open for some
sort of a written opinion out of Planning.
MS. CIPPERLY-You're saying you'd like one?
MR. PALING-Yes, we're going to have to have it.
MR. SCHACHNER-That should actually come from Jim Martin, as Zoning
MR. SCHACHNER-And you're quite correct, Bob. That would be his
call, as Zoning Administrator, at least initially.
MS. CIPPERLY-But as far as the dimensions and physical nature of
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
this dock, it is a conforming dock.
MR. PALING-Yes, it is a conforming dock.
MS. CIPPERLY-I don't know that you need to spend, we'll get an
MR. SCHACHNER-Yes, I agree. That doesn't seem to be an issue.
MR. PALING-All right. Then of your two questions, we've answered
one, in regard to dimensions, well, no, there's three questions you
had. The other one, the private boat thing and the number of boats
we're going to have to answer later, but now Mrs. Schreiber has
again raised the question of the length of this dock, whether it's
40 or 47 feet, and it depends upon where you draw the line. Last
time we drew the line across the wall and said that the length
behind it didn't count. It was only the length from that mean low
water mark and out.
MR. STARK-That's seven feet out in the lake, Bob.
MR. SCHACHNER-Correct. What George said earlier is correct, that
the regulation in our Zoning Ordinance specifically states ,/ "No
dock shall extend more than 40 feet off shore from the mean low
water mark", and that's, I think, what George said a few minutes
ago. Then, obviously, Staff has to confirm, and I think Staff has
confirmed where the mean low water mark is, I'm assuming that, on
the plan, and if in fact that confirmation has been made and it's
no more than 40 feet, then that would be deemed to be in
conformance with our regulation about the length of the dock.
MR. PALING-All right.
MRS. SCHREIBER-The only other question I'd have in regard to this
is also the wood deck. He has on his plans a wood deck, in front
of the U-Shaped wharf. Okay. I would like to know, first of all,
if there was ever an application for a building permit or whatever
he needs to do to do that wood deck, and the reason I'm raising
this question is the fact that, once again, two years ago, when my
husband and I built, and he did his dock, we had some 300 boulders.
I mean, they were allover the property.
MR. PALING-Yes. I think you're getting out of our jurisdiction
now. If there's suspicion about a building permit, I would suggest
that you go back to the building, to the office, and see, but that
isn't something that this Board is concerned with.
MRS. LABOMBARD-But I think that this is part of the plan that is
before us. So I think she's trying to give it some significance.
MR. PALING-Yes, but what can we do if there is or isn't a building
MRS. SCHREIBER-I'm sorry. What I'm asking is, is that considered
part of the 686 square feet? Because when we went to you folks to
get the plans for our dock, the first time, the person that drew up
the plans was above the square footage allowed.
MR. BREWER-I understand what you're saying.
MRS. SCHREIBER-Okay, and we were told that the dock could not hook
to the land and we could not put a small,I mean, we need like
eight feet to go across there for safety reasons, for kids,
somebody falls in these rocks on the way to the dock. I mean,
we've got a liability problem, and we just wanted to cover up the
rock. Aesthetically it would look a lot nicer, and is that
considered part of the square footage of the dock? Because we were
told two years ago.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. BREWER-It looks like it's tied to it.
MRS. SCHREIBER-It is, and according to this, it doesn't look like
it is, but physically looking at it there are posts that are hooked
to that, to the dock.
MR. PALING-I don't think it's off the beaten path if we're tying it
to square footage.
MR. BREWER-If it's tied to the dock, then it's square footage,
isn't it?
MS. CIPPERLY-It depends on whether you're calling the dock. .
MR. PALING-What's the limitation on square footage of the dock?
MS. CIPPERLY-Where are you starting to count the dock from?
MR. PALING-Okay, but what's the limitation on square footage of
the dock?
MR. SCHACHNER-Seven hundred.
MR. PALING-Seven hundred. So, now the question is, where do you
count the sizing of the dock from?
MR. BREWER-Has he got 86 square feet on that deck? How big is the
MR. RUEL-The deck on land, what's the size?
MR. BREWER-It doesn't say.
MR. PALING-Then that's attached.
MR. BREWER-That's attached right to the dock.
MR. PALING-We'll get that clarified, yes. Okay. Next question.
MRS. SCHREIBER-That was my question.
Because we were denied.
Is it part of the dock?
MR. PALING-We'll find out.
MRS. SCHREIBER-Okay. Thank you.
MR. PALING-Now is there anyone else from the public that would care
to talk?
DR. MERRIGAN-My name is Jim Merrigan and I live at the end of
Seelye Road with my wife and I have three children, and I just want
to raise some questions about the nature of the project. What is
it that the Lecces are trying to accomplish here. I'm very
concerned because I have three children myself, and have talked to
some of the neighbors about this, about the nature of the project
and the effect on the neighborhood. We're already seeing several
boats parked at this dock. We're seeing one parked in the
driveway, and I see a lot of cars there on the weekends. I'm also
concerned about the size of the project and the structure, and why
it needs to be so large. It seems to me that the intent here is
not to pursue residential interests, but to develop what I would
call perhaps a mini-marina, as many people seem to be doing on the
lake, and so I'm questioning the nature of the project itself. I'm
also concerned about safety issues with congestion, and the
environmental impact. I don't live right next to the Lecces. I
live down the road, but I frequently walk up and down the road and
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
enjoy the views of the lake which this structure will block to a
certain extent. I think I can also shed some light on the question
before when you were trying to determine just how many boats are
allowed at a residential dock. Well the answer, in terms of boats,
if you own I believe, is three. The answer in terms of rental
boats is zero, and that comes under the jurisdiction, not of the
Town of Queensbury, but the Lake George Park Commission. To have
even one rental boat there, you must have a permit from the Park
Commission, if you have more than, and that's considered a Type B
Marina. If you have more than one rental boat, then you must have
a Type A Marina status, which is considered a major project, and
you have to show parking, sewage, and other facilities. Okay. So
if Mr. Lecce has any rental boats there, he's in violation of the
Park Commission, not necessarily the Town rules, and if he has more
than one rental boat, he is also in violation of that marina
statute, and I'm aware of that because I've recently had the Park
Commission people out to look at another dock right on Warner Bay,
not too far away from the Lecces, and the reason I'm concerned is
that I watched this other residential property, which I
unfortunateÌy had to report to the Park Commission and they took
action on this week, grow from one or two rental boats to three or
four rental boats to this year six rental boats, and that's why I'm
concerned about the nature of this proj ect, and I realize that.-some
of these questions are not within your jurisdiction, but I would
like to raise that issue, as a neighbor, as to what is the intent
here, because we have to live with it after it's done. You may
make your decisions in terms of size and so on and so forth, but we
have to live with the results of that, and it looks very much like
growth, to me, and it looks like more than a resident needs to
house his own private property and his boats, and that's my
MR. PALING-Okay. Thank you. Is there anyone else that would care
to speak?
MS. CIPPERLY-Well, just to address something Dr. Merrigan said. If
you look at the definition of Marina, it says "Any waterfront
facility which provides accommodation services for vessels by
engaging in any of the following:", and Number Three there is, "The
sale, lease, rental or any other provision of storage, wharf space
or mooring for vessels not registered to the owner of said
facility, a member of the owner's immediate family, the owner or
lessee of the immediately adjoining upland property, members of
their immediate families or an overnight guest on said property."
So, technically, if you are leasing dock space, you're a marina.
That's not what this person has applied to do, and marinas are
currently not a conforming use in that zone.
MR. BREWER-Didn't we discuss this last month?
MR. PALING-Yes. I think it will come up again, too. Does anyone
else care to talk on this matter? Okay.
MS. CIPPERLY-This is a letter from Mrs. Merrigan. Should I still
read the letter in?
DR. MERRIGAN-Please, yes.
MS. CIPPERLY-This letter is from Mary Ellen Merrigan who lives on
Seelye Road, Cleverdale, NY "I would like to express my concerns
about the overuse of the dock space being proposed for the Lecces'
property. If people are allowed to purchase property and turn it
into a mini-marina, what happens to the quality of life for
everyone else? What compelling reason could there be for
overloading a residential area with extra boats? I understand that
the town at times has to balance the needs of the residents with
the needs of the business owners and true marinas must be allowed
to exist and function as such around the lake. However, except for
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting
the financial gain of an individual owner, I don't see any benefit
to the town or the community in allowing individuals to develop
their lakefront property in this manner. Every additional boat
represents the potential for additional traffic, sewage and
parking. Seelye Road is a quiet residential location and I ask you
to please help us maintain the character of our community. Please
do what you can to preserve the quality of life here and not ask us
to compromise and accommodate a situation that is solely for the
financial gain of one individual. Sincerely, Mary Ellen Merrigan"
I have one from the McCollisters. Would you like me to also read
yours in?
MR. PALING-Okay, and we have one here, Sue, if you have no others.
MS. CIPPERLY-I have one from McCollisters.
MR. PALING-This is one that was just handed to us, and we'll give
to you. Go ahead, Cathy.
MRS. LABOMBARD-Okay. It's from a Kathleen M. Tarrant, ....--from
Saratoga. "Dear Mr. Martin: As the residential neighbor to the
north (directly) of the Lecce property, I would like to voice my
concern regarding the proposed expansion of said dock and the
purpose thereof. I would request that the Planning Board restrict
the number of watercraft allowed in a residential area. Currently
there are three, sometimes four, large boats at this dock. The
noise and traffic are of serious concern to this neighborhood. I
am unable to attend tonight's meeting, but would ask that this
proposal be carefully reviewed with regard to overuse and/or
commercial use in an environmentally sensitive area. Sincerely,
Kathleen M. Tarrant"
MR. PALING-Okay. Is there anyone else who would care to speak on
this matter? Okay. Then the public hearing portion of the meeting
is closed.
MR. PALING-Would the applicant come back up please. Lets start
from the beginning of the list I have. Would you talk.about the
adjoining walls, and address is to the adjacent property?
MR. LECCE-Okay. The last meeting that we had here, I forgot the
gentleman at the end, he requested a study from an engineer whether
the new retaining wall would impact the adjoining neighbor's
retaining wall. We then retained C.T. Male who prepared a letter,
certified to the Town. I guess he wanted it certified so if there
was any liability, it would fall back on the engineer who went out
and did a site inspection of the site and noticed that the
McCollister property's elevation was higher than my elevation, that
the retaining wall would not adversely impact, I think you have a
letter, on the McCollister retaining wall at all. They also sent
it to Rist-Frost who reviewed it, who also, I guess, agreed with
the C.T. Male representations that it would not impact the
McCollister wall. As a result, we decided to shorten the wall one
foot, so my wall, the boulders that currently exist now would still
be there to help support Mr. McCollister's wall.
MR. PALING-Right, and that was approved by the engineer.
MR. LECCE-By Rist-Frost as well as C.T. Male, and it was a
certified opinion made by C.T. Male to the Town of Queensbury.
MR. PALING-Okay. The next question I have on my list, and I'll
just right down here, would you care to comment on the number of
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
boats, and go back to last meeting, and about what you're doing,
what you will no longer do.
MR. LECCE-Yes. At the last meeting, I told this Board that I had
a new boat coming on board, and that's the boat that everybody's
saying that is not owned by me. That boat was delivered the Fourth
of July weekend. I also have another boat, I own currently two
boats, and the one that I currently own is stored in the back,
because I have no spot to put the boat. So there are two boats
there that are both mine, okay. I went on record last time at this
meeting that the current tenants that rent now that live nearby me
will be leaving the dock. They're no longer going to be renting
from me. So, I don't see that as an issue anYmore. If there's a
concern being raised that I'm renting to people, I went on record
before. Those people were going to be leaving the site.
MR. PALING-When what you say is applied, how many boats will be at
your dock, besides your own two?
MR. LECCE-Just two?
MR. PALING-Just your boats?
MR. LECCE-Just my boats. Now, understand, Mr. McCollister's
correct. I do rent my house for the month of August, which is
totally legal under the zoning code, and I do give a slip for that
person who rents my house to use the slip. So I will own two
boats. There'll be a tenant there for August. They'll have a slip
for themselves, and that is the extent of what's going to be there,
and as far as the length of the dock is concerned, we only have
four feet at the end of the dock. My kids dive into the water. I
want the docks- longer, so they don't break their neck going into
the water, and that's the reason why I'm making the dock longer.
MR. PALING-That's the 10 foot extension beyond the cover.
MR. LECCE-Exactly. Correct. Now we're going back to the low water
mark. The low water mark was not determined by myself. The low
water mark was determined by the Lake George Park Commission, as
well as C.T. Male. So we have engineers out there who determined
the low water mark. If Mrs. Schreiber thinks her low water mark is
different, then she should go out and measure, but that was
measured by C.T. Male and by the Lake George Park Commission, not
by myself. Molly Gallagher came out herself and measured the low
water mark.
MR. PALING-And, Sue, was the confirmed? Did we confirm that?
MR. LECCE-George did, George will Molly Gallagher of the Lake
George Park Commission. Then it was re-confirmed by C.T. Male,
when they came out and did their engineering after the June 18th
meeting. So the low water mark has been determined by two
engineers. By one engineer and the Park Commission.
MR. PALING-Okay. Now, how about the attachment, the deck?
MR. LECCE-The deck, if you look at the Lake George Park Commission
Regulations, any deck that is upland from shore is not counted in
the square footage of the dock.
MR. BREWER-No. Lets talk about ours.
MR. LECCE- I think yours is the same. George and I had this
discussion before the meeting, and that is not part of the
calculations of a dock. It's upland, and it's on shore. It's not
calculated as dock space.
MR. PALING-Is it connected to the dock?
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting
MR. LECCE-I think it connects on shore. There's steps that step
down to the dock.
MR. BREWER-Are we going to get a determination about the other
point, Bob?
MR. BREWER-Lets get a determination about that, too.
MS. CIPPERLY-I've already got it written down. How long has the
deck been there?
MR. LECCE-The deck's been there since 1993. The deck was built in
1993. I bought the house in 1993, 1994.
MR. PALING-I think what you said earlier is sufficient to cover
what your intention is, regarding any kind of commercial operation.
So I think that brings us down to two points that have got to be
resolved in this regard, and that is the deck, and if it's
attached, and if that's considered part of the total dock.
MR. RUEL-I have a question here. This deck, upland deck, you~now
the square footage added to the dock, and if it doesn't exceed 700
square feet, it would be all right.
MR. LECCE-It probably does.
MR. RUEL-It's probably over 700?
MR. RUEL-Okay.
So we do need an interpretation.
Sue, what are you going to get for us?
MS. CIPPERLY-I have written down that you want Jim to interpret the
definition of a Private Dock.
MR. RUEL-Yes, the number of boats and ownership.
MS. CIPPERLY-And whether the deck is part of the square footage of
a dock, the upland deck.
MR. RUEL-Right.
MR. BREWER-We want him to give us a definition of what a deck is,
or a dock is?
MR. PALING-No. I think what we're saying, Tim, if the deck is
attached to the dock.
MR. BREWER-No, I know that, but what was the first one you said?
MS. CIPPERLY-No. The original question was, the definition says,
to be used, for up to three vessels owned by the upland property
owner, but it doesn't say anything about other boats.
MR. PALING-But also by the applicant's statement, he doesn't intend
to violate that no matter how you interpret. He's going to have
two boats of his own and maybe one.
MR. BREWER-I think that's pretty simple.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. BREWER-I don't have any question about that.
MR. RUEL-Well, he's going to rent the property.
MR. PALING-Well, I think we have a question about the square
footage, if you include the deck and the dock.
MRS. LABOMBARD-Well, to me, if the deck is on the land, and it's a
step up.
MS. CIPPERLY-If the deck has height, I would like to look ~p the
dock, the deck, and see whether it got a building permit in 1994,
and whether it maybe got a variance or something, because,
technically, if you're putting a deck on your property, and it has
height above the ground, it should meet setbacks. So, I would like
to research the deck.
MR. PALING-Then that comes down to one unresolved issue, which is
what you're just stating. Does the Board agree with that?
MR. PALING-All right. Then we can entertain a motion to pass this,
pending the investigation which Sue will.
MR. BREWER-No. I don't want to. I want to get the interpretations
done before we.
MR. LECCE-I would rather not table this. I would like to have a
decision tonight.
MR. BREWER-Not from this Board member.
MR. LECCE-Well, I'm entitled to a decision. I have an application
that's before you tonight.
MR. SCHACHNER-Well, you're obligated under law to provide the
applicant with a decision within 62 days from tonight, because
tonight's the close of the public hearing. So, as far as, you can
decide the way you want to decide, but I didn't want the record to
stand on the applicant's statement that he's entitled to a decision
tonight. Under law, you can decide anytime between now and 62 days
from now.
MR. PALING-All right. Well, I'm going to poll the Board.
MR. STARK-If he wants a decision, fine, but why don't you poll the
Board as to what their concerns are about this, first.
MR. PALING-Go ahead.
MR. STARK-I have a big concern, how many docks have we ever okayed
up there, and I never heard of a dock being measured seven feet out
from the shore, this low mean water mark, and then you go from
there. Every dock we ever did up there was measured from the
shoreline. Nobody ever heard of this before in the last four years
I've been here. The same with you, Mark. You've probably never
heard of that either.
MR. SCHACHNER-Actually, to be honest, I've heard it every single
meeting I go to of the Lake George Park Commission, the calculation
is done from one of the mean water marks, not from the shore, and
as far as I know, this provision has been in the Town of Queensbury
Zoning Ordinance for several years.
MR. STARK-Okay. Fine, well, anyway, I have a concern about that.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. LECCE-I understand, but the regulation does call from the low
water mark.
MR. SCHACHNER-That's what I'm saying.
MR. LECCE-That's for the record. So it's low water mark.
MR. PALING-And if that was done by the Lake George Park Commission
and C.T. Male and confirmed by George Hilton, then I don't think we
have an issue there.
MR. RUEL-Did you say low, or mean?
MR. LECCE-It's the low, low water mark.
MR. SCHACHNER-The regulation says "No dock shall extend more than
40 feet offshore from the mean low water mark."
MR. LECCE-The mean low water mark. Correct.
MR. STARK-Another concern is the number of boats. Never more than
three boats. A visitor can come, but never more than three
overnight. /
MR. LECCE-But is this Planning Board, is this an enforcement Board,
or is this a Planning Board for site plan review? That's an
enforcement matter for the local zoning, and I've gone on record
already that I'm not going to be leasing the dock to anybody else.
So I'm bound by the regulations, which I have consented to on the
record to be bound by. So as far as the record is concerned, I've
gone on record,for that.
MR. STARK-I still say never more than three boats overnight.
MR. LECCE-But have I violated the Ordinance? Am I violating the
Ordinance is the question.
MR. STARK-No. I'm not saying you have.
that's illY recommendation.
I'm just saying that
MR. PALING-George, I'd just like to comment on that. I don't think
we can single this dock out and tell this particular owner he can't
do this, violate the three boat rule, if you will, and not ever say
it to anyone else. He said he's not going to do it, and I don't
think we can ask that, we don't ask that of anyone else, nor should
we ask him to make any extraordinary statement in that regard.
MR. STARK-Well, it's been brought up, the concern about four boats
here and five boats there, and so on. Then what do we have a
public hearing for?
MR. PALING-No question, and that's the Enforcement Officer's duty.
MR. STARK-Why don't we put it in our recommendation that, never
more than three boats.
MR. LECCE-I'm not going to accept it.
regulations, but that's all I'll accept.
I'll live by the
MR. STARK-Okay. That's all.
MRS. LABOMBARD-I agree with George, as far as the nature of the
project and the effect on the neighborhood. There has been so much
concern by all of your neighbors, and it sounds as if there's an
incredible amount of traffic there, but then when YOU speak, it
sounds perfectly fine, that there's nothing going on there.
MR. LECCE-The traffic there is my family. If I bought a house on
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
Lake George and wasn't allowed to entertain my family to come visit
for the weekend, then we have a big problem here.
MRS. LABOMBARD-The way I inferred it was there was boats. The boat
on the trailer on the property.
MR. LECCE-Which is mine.
MRS. LABOMBARD-And then somebody said there has been up to four
boats on the dock, but that's what they're saying.
MR. LECCE-First of all, the personal watercraft are friends of mine
and live at the Antlers, and they come and visit me on their jet
skis, but I don't see a zoning restriction, tell me if I'm wrong,
of people that can come and visit your house while you're there.
MRS. LABOMBARD-No, there isn't.
MR. LECCE-So this is an aesthetic feeling more than an actual
regulation and zoning code violation. If someone doesn't like the
amount of traffic that comes when I rent my house, then that's an
issue with them, not with me.
MRS. LABOMBARD-Exactly, and that's why I'm just saying that when I
heard the other people, I thought, wow, what's going on here, but
then as you talk and tell us what really is happening, what you say
is happening on your property, obviously, of course there's no
problem whatsoever. So, that's the concern that I had, and if
there's not going to be more than three boats, then there's
certainly no problem.
MR. LECCE-And r"ve gone on record with that already.
MRS. LABOMBARD-But I guess, and you don't have to answer this. It
just seems like such an enormous structure for three boats, but
that's your business.
MR. LECCE-If I meet the Ordinance, and I don't violate any
ordinance, the regulations, I don't know where the other issues
even come into play.
MRS. LABOMBARD-Exactly, but I was given the chance to speak my
mind, and I'm just saying it. Thanks.
MR. RUEL-Well, first of all, I have to assume that the applicant
will meet ordinance requirements, and after re-doing everything
that was presented here tonight, I feel that everything does meet
the requirements of all Ordinances. However, this application, I
feel, is subject to Planning Staff interpretation of Ordinance 179-
7, Definition of Private Docks, specifically the number of boats
and ownership. Now, this is a question addressed to Mark. This is
really not an ordinance. What I'm looking at in 179-7 is not an
ordinance. It's a definition.
MR. SCHACHNER-It's a definition in an Ordinance.
MR. RUEL-It doesn't say it's an Ordinance.
It says, it's called
MR. SCHACHNER-That's a section of an Ordinance.
MR. PALING-Roger, excuse me, but there has been no challenge of
what's written here by the applicant. He says, whatever that says,
I'm going to do.
MR. RUEL-No, I'm asking the question. Is this an Ordinance, or is
this a Definition. That's all I'm asking.
- 18 -
'............. '-'
(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. SCHACHNER-It's a definition in an Ordinance.
MR. RUEL-Okay. Thank you. Also, Number Two, we need a definition
of on-shore deck, if it's connected to the dock, as far as total
square footage.
MR. SCHACHNER-You're not going to get a definition of that. You're
asking for a Zoning Administrator determination, and that's an
appropriate question that the Zoning Administrator can provide you
with. Jim Martin, as Zoning Administrator, can provide you with
that determination.
MR. RUEL-So instead of the word definition, I will change that to
MR. SCHACHNER-That would be appropriate.
MR. RUEL-That's it.
MR. BREWER-I have a concern with the amount of boats. The
ordinance is there, and it's for protection for everybody, but I
think we have an obligation, just because it's within the Ordinance
doesn't necessarily mean that we can't make any changes to it~- If
we feel that there's changes should be made, then we should make
MR. PALING-What changes do you have in mind?
MR. BREWER-Well, I'm not saying that we should. I'm just saying
that it's been said tonight that because it's within the size
limits that, if that's what it has to be, and I don't agree with
that. It has' to be within harmony of the general purpose and
intent of everything in that area, and if we don't think it's in
harmony there, then we shouldn't accept it. I don't want to make
any decision until we get the determination of the deck. We don't
have to make a motion tonight.
MR. PALING-The only question I have has to do with the deck.
MR. BREWER-That's all I want to know, too.
MR. PALING-And I'm waiting for a definition from Planning on that,
but I don't have any quarrel with the rest of it.
MR. BREWER-I don't think we have to limit it to three boats. He's
bound by the Ordinance to that anyway.
MR. PALING-I totally agree with that.
MR. BREWER-So I think we should wait and get a determination.
MR. RUEL-Would you like to see a motion with a condition?
MR. PALING-A motion with a condition concerning the deck, yes.
MR. RUEL-All right. Then I'll make a motion.
Introduced by Roger Ruel who moved for its adoption, seconded by
Robert Paling:
To remove and replace old stone retaining wall along shoreline with
new interlocking retaining wall and create sandy beach and
modification of existing U-shaped dock to result in a 40' by 35' U-
shaped dock with open sided boat shelter with a flat roof. The
applicant will remove the existing 42' wood dock, and with the
condition that the approval of this application is predicated on
the determination by Jim Martin of on-shore deck, if connected to
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
the dock.
Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
MR. SCHACHNER-And which way he makes that determination.
MR. PALING-Yes, and if it is constructed properly and attached to
the dock, it can make a difference in what we're saying. It might
have to be detached, as I understand it.
MR. RUEL-Well, it is connected now, isn't it?
MR. LECCE-It's not nailed to the dock. It just sits on the.dock.
It rests on the dock.
MR. PALING-If this dock it'll legal, it'll be the interpretation by
Jim Martin to tell us if this dock is legally installed and meets
all specs, ordinances.
MR. SCHACHNER-I would suggest that that condition relate to whether
the plan for the dock is determined by the Zoning Administrator to
be in conformance with the regulations, including square footage.
MR. RUEL-Wasn't that determination already made, Sue?
MS. CIPPERLY-I asked Jim. He did not put it in writing. You want
it in writing, and the question wasn't posed as to whether it
included the deck or the seven feet between, like where does the
dock really start.
MR. RUEL-Yes, ~nd you don't know that, right?
MS. CIPPERLY-I'm not the Zoning Administrator.
MR. PALING-That's going to be part of the determination.
MR. LECCE-For the record, the issue was brought up with Mr. Hilton.
MR. PALING-All right. Do we have a second on this? I'll second
AYES: Mr. Rue 1 , Mr. Paling
NOES: Mr. Stark, Mr. Brewer
ABSTAINED: Mrs. LaBombard
It's a no go, because we've got to have four
MR. LECCE-I understand.
MR. PALING-All right. Now what do we do here, Mark?
MR. SCHACHNER-Well, that's actually a non decision, because you
don't have four votes going either way. So, to some extent, this
may be up to the applicant, if he wants to withdraw his
application, but basically that's a non action by this Board. It
would seem to me that one possible approach would be for the matter
to be tabled for further review pending the Zoning Administrator
determination, and also pending the possibility that we'll have
more of our Board here at the subsequent meeting, whenever this is
re-Iooked at. That's just a possibility.
MR. PALING-I would favor that latter one, yes, tabling it.
MR. LECCE-I'm not ready to make that decision right now, about
which way we're going to go, whether I want to table or withdraw
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. PALING-Okay. We can't table it unless we have your permission.
MR. LECCE-I understand.
MR. SCHACHNER-Wait. That's not correct. Okay. That's not
correct. The Board has no obligation to make a decision on this
application until 62 days from the close of the public hearing.
The public hearing was closed tonight. You have the discretion
within that 62 day time period to make the decision at any regular
or special meeting that you choose. So although it is perfectly
appropriate to seek the applicant's consent if you want to· table
it, you are not required to have that consent. You can table
without the applicant's consent, if that's what you decide to do.
MR. LECCE-But this decision will be filed when, this vote here will
be filed in the Clerk's Office when? This decision will be filed.
MR. SCHACHNER-Well, it's not a decision.
MR. LECCE-The no vote, though, will be filed.
MR. SCHACHNER-No. It's not a decision. The minutes will be filed.
MR. LECCE-Correct. Okay.
MR. SCHACHNER-The minutes will be filed, and that won't happen
until after they're approved at a subsequent meeting.
MR. PALING-That's fine. Well, I'd like to see it tabled until we
have the writtèn explanation from Jim Martin, and then open the
subject again and see what we can do.
MR. SCHACHNER-Then that would require a motion enacted by the
MR. PALING-All right. Does somebody want to make a motion to that
Introduced by Timothy Brewer who moved for its adoption, seconded
by Robert Paling:
Until next week, provided we get a determination for next week.
Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
MR. BREWER-Do we have to give it a date, Mark?
MR. SCHACHNER-You don't have to. It's good to do. I think our
practice is to do that, just so people know, if you know. Well, of
course, you don't know when the Zoninq Administrator's
determination is going to be made, that's true.
MR. BREWER-We don't know when he's going to make his determination.
Well, we can table it until next week, in hopes that we get a
determination, and if we don't, then we table it until next month.
Can we do that?
MR. LECCE-Now, just to go back to the last meeting, we had the same
discussion last meeting. You guys needed a set of things answered,
and we submitted those. To narrow the scope of this issue that is
outstanding, the issue is the size of the dock? The deck, or the
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
deck is included with square footage of dock space?
MR. PALING-Is the deck in conformance, I think, is the basic
question, and I'd like to have the attachment clarified also. Is
it attached to the dock, and does that make a difference.
MR. BREWER-Well, if it's attached, then, to me, in illY mind, then it
becomes part of the dock, and then he has to reduce the square
MR. PALING-Lets make that part of the interpretation, is it in
conformance, and is it attached, and can it be attached.
MS. CIPPERLY-Well, I'm sure Jim will read your questions in the
minutes, and do a determination.
MR. PALING-All right. We have a motion by Tim to table it until
next week, if I heard it right.
MR. BREWER-Provided we get a determination.
MR. LECCE-Mr. Chairman, just for the applicant's sake,' what other
issues are we talking about besides that issue? ~
MR. PALING-I don't want to be unfair to you. Let me poll the
Board. I know what it is in my own mind. Tim?
MR. BREWER-Well, the size of it. I mean, do we really want to
allow a 47 foot dock, or do we want to reduce it to eliminate some
of the traffic concerns?
MR. PALING-If ít's determined to be a 47 foot dock, then I don't
think we can allow it.
MR. BREWER-Right. So then we'll wait for the determination.
Roger, what other things are bothering
MR. RUEL-As far as tabling? Why do we have a motion for tabling?
Supposing we vote no, then what? Supposing we vote no on the
MR. LECCE-The I can Article 78.
MR. PALING-Okay. What do you want to do? He's asking what other
questions might be raised, so we can get this thing taken care of.
MR. RUEL-I don't have any further questions. I think I elaborated
the whole thing. I gave a motion with a condition, and the
condition is the thing we're waiting for, determination from Jim
MR. PALING-Okay. Cathy, do you have any other questions? George?
Okay. I don't either. We're telling the applicant that the only
thing we have is a question in the determination of the dock.
MR. BREWER-As we speak right now.
MR. LECCE-Let me ask for now? Any other issues? I think, in
fairness to me who's paying engineers to have studies done, I need
to know. I guess for me to prepare for the next meeting, I'd like
to have these issues that you have concerns over, and if you're
saying, right at this time, does that mean next week there may be
something else?
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. BREWER-No. The 47 foot bothers me a little bit.
MR. BREWER-That's what I'm waiting for.
MR. LECCE-So, for the record, the outstanding issue is the 47 foot
dock, and two, the calculation of coverage for, does it include the
deck or not.
MR. RUEL-That's the same thing.
MS. CIPPERLY-The 47 feet is not including the deck at all.
MR. SCHACHNER-It's not the same thing.
MR. BREWER-The 47 feet bothers me, the length.
MR. LECCE-Let me just clarify the issue. If the deck space is not
calculated for square footage of a dock, do you still have a
problem with the 47 feet?
MR. LECCE-Okay. So what can I do to address that issue?
MR. BREWER-Reduce it.
MR. LECCE-Okay. So for the record, you want me to reduce, even
though I meet the Zoning Code? Is that correct?
MR. SCHACHNER-Well, the Board's not sure whether that's correct or
not, and I'm going to advise the Board not to answer a hypothetical
MR. PALING-Okay. All right. Do we have a second on Tim's motion?
MR. BREWER-To table.
MR. PALING-To table. I'll second it.
AYES: Mr. Stark, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Paling
NOES: Mr. Ruel
ABSENT: Mr. West, Mr. MacEwan
MR. BREWER-All right.
We agreed to nothing more than just a
MR. LECCE-Is there a date for tabling?
MR. BREWER-Well, we said in the motion that, provided we get a
determination for next week. If we don't get a determination next
week, it'll be, I would presume the first meeting in August.
MR. PALING-Hopefully we'll be able to wind it up next week.
MR. BREWER-In all hopes.
MEMBER OF PUBLIC-Could we be advised of that determination?
MR. PALING-What can we do in that regard.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. SCHACHNER-Certainly if there's a determination made it's public
information and they're certainly entitled to be notified.
Notified may not be the right word, but you are certainly entitled
to a copy of any determination that's made, and you're certainly
entitled to be informed about it.
MR. PALING-If we notified all of those that spoke tonight, would we
be covered.
MR. SCHACHNER-You're not even obligated to do that, but you can.
MR. BREWER-Can we pick one person, if we notify them when the
determination is made, you'll contact the rest of your neighbors?
MR. PALING-All right.
MR. SCHACHNER-And you're certainly entitled to a copy of whatever
determination is made.
MR. PALING-Okay. All right.
Notes from Staff, Site Plan No. 13-96, Michael Chrys, Meeting Date:
July 16, 1996 "Applicant is proposing to relocate an existing dock
which sits partially over the property' line with an adjacent
property owner. The applicant has received a setback variance from
the ZBA for this dock to have a zero setback at the property line.
A determination has been made by the Zoning Administrator that zero
setback in this situation can only exist when the proposed dock is
clear of the side property line if it were extended into the lake.
'Although staff foresees no adverse impacts associated with this
application, an updated site plan which shows that the dock will
not intersect an extended side lot line is needed before staff can
recommend approval of this site plan. The applicant has indicated
that he will provide a new site plan at the Planning Board
meeting. "
MR. PALING-Is there someone here representing the applicant?
MR. BREWER-Well, we can't really do anything without the new site
MR. STARK-What do you do, Mark? You can't do anything.
MR. SCHACHNER-Well, you can, legally, but since it says at the end
of the Staff Notes that the applicant is indicating he will provide
a new site plan at the Planning Board meeting, it would seem to me
to be a waste of time to proceed without that.
MR. PALING-Okay. We'll entertain a motion to table.
MR. SCHACHNER-Now, before you table, there was a public hearing
scheduled for this. I wonder if you'll want to see if there's
anybody here to comment on this, and open the public hearing.
MR. PALING-Excellent point. Thank you.
MR. BREWER-I've got a problem with that. How can we comment on it
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting
if we don't know what the plan is, Mark?
MR. SCHACHNER-We're not commenting on it. I'm just saying.
MR. PALING-No. We're asking if there's anyone here from the public
that wants to, and if they're here, we should hear them.
MR. SCHACHNER-Well, I'm certainly not suggesting we close the
public hearing. I'm just indicating if somebody's here that wants
to speak, perhaps we should let them that opportunity.
application is open.
The public hearing on the Michael Chrys
Does anyone here care to talk about this?
MR. PALING-Okay. There appears to be no one tonight. So we'll
leave the public hearing open, and now we'll entertain a motion to
table. Thank you, Mark.
Timothy Brewer who moved for its adoption, seconded by George
Stark: ~
Until next month, until we can get the plan and review it, the
first meeting of next month, August 20th.
Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Stark, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. Ruel, Mr. Brewer,
Mr. Paling
ABSENT: Mr. West, Mr. MacEwan
1993/SP 40-93 WARREN CO. PLANNING: 7/10/96 TAX MAP NO. 16-1-30.2
MR. PALING-Okay. The Warren County Planning says there's no County
impact involved.
Notes from Staff, Site Plan No. 37-96, Oscar & Debra Schreiber,
Meeting Date: July 16, 1996 "The applicants are proposing to
construct a 32 foot by 16 foot high peaked roof to an existing
wharf. The cover will be built into an existing dock, no new
cribbing will be constructed as a part of this application. The
dimensions of this boat house will conform to the requirements of
the Zoning Ordinance. Staff recommends approval of Site Plan No.
MR. RUEL-Sue, do you have the letter from McCollister? They call
for a sun deck. Is it a sun deck or a peaked roof, or was that
MR. PALING-This is a peaked roof, yes.
MR. RUEL-But the letter says sun deck.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
MR. PALING-It says peaked roof, too.
MS. CIPPERLY-I don't have that letter. Do you?
MR. RUEL-It's dated July 19th.
MR. PALING-This is from Linda McCollister.
MR. PALING-Okay. We can read this into, when the public hearing is
opened, I think is what you're saying. Yes. Okay. Is there any
comment here? Is anyone here from the applicant? Did you. have
anything to tell us before we open the public hearing?
MRS. SCHREIBER- I can clarify the letter. When we originally bought
the property, we had asked Linda, because that's who we bought it
from is Linda and Mark, and we wanted to put a U-shaped dock with
a boat port over top, and our original plans were to do a sun deck,
but my husband and I don't have time to shovel snow off in the
winter. So it was less maintenance, maintenance free. So we went
to the peaked roof instead, and this letter was, at the time of the
sale of the property, she had no problems with it, and she's here
tonight, or Mark is.
MR. RUEL-Okay. She doesn't have a problem with the peaked roof?
MR. PALING-We'll see. Okay. All right. Then we'll open the
public hearing. Does anyone care to speak on this matter?
MR. MCCOLLISTER-Mark McCollister. My wife and I live on the
property immediately north of the Schreibers, and because of a fair
misunderstanding with the letter, I think it's appropriate to say,
at this point, we have no problem with the application as they've
submitted it tonight.
MR. PALING-Okay. Thank you. Anyone else? Okay.
public hearing is closed on this.
If not, the
MR. PALING-Does the Board have any questions or comments on this?
This is a Type II. We do not need a SEQRA.
MR. PALING-Okay. We'll entertain a motion.
Introduced by Roger Ruel who moved for its adoption, seconded by
Catherine LaBombard:
To add a 16' x 32' peaked roof open sided cover to an existing U-
shaped dock.
Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
AYES: Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. Rue 1 , Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stark, Mr. Paling
ABSENT: Mr. West, Mr. MacEwan
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
ON JULY 18, 19, 20 & 21. CROSS REFERENCE: SV 63-1996 WARREN CO.
PLANNING: 7/10/96 TAX MAP NO. 98-1-5.21 LOT SIZE: 56.25 ACRES
Notes from Staff, Site Plan No. 38-96, Nemer Motor Group, Meeting
Date: July 16, 1996 "The applicant is applying for a Site Plan
Review to conduct an auto sale at the Aviation Mallon Thursday
July 18, 1996 through Sunday July 21, 1996. Site Plan review is
needed in order for the applicant to receive a transient merchant
license from the Town Board to conduct this sale. This commercial
activity will be held in the Aviation Mall parking lot. The mall
property is currently zoned ESC-2SA, Enclosed Shopping Center 25
Acre. The sale will be held in an area of the parking lot to the
west of Friendly's restaurant. Aviation Mall's parking lot will be
used as parking for patrons of this sale. Staff recommends
approval of Site Plan No. 38-96."
GROUP, Introduced by Roger Ruel who moved for its adoption,
seconded by George Stark:
Duly adopted this 16th day of July, 1996, by the following vote:
AYES: Mr. Stark, Mrs. LaBombard, Mr. Ruel, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Paling
ABSENT: Mr. West, Mr. MacEwan
PLANNING: 8/14/96 TAX MAP NO. 98-2-1, 98-3-1, 98-3-5 LOT SIZE:
Notes from Staff, Petition for Zone Change PS-96, Double "H" Hole
in the Woods Ranch, Inc./Charles Wood, Meeting Date: July 16, 1996
"Proiect Analysis The applicant is proposing to rezone
approximately 4.4 acres of land located on the north side of
Aviation Rd. across from the Aviation Mall from SFR-10 to HC-1A.
This property is located in an area with commercial zoning existing
to the east, west and south. Residential zoning, SFR-10 exists to
the north of this property. The subject property was at one time
zoned commercially as indicated by the 1967 Town Zoning Map. The
zoning on this property was changed in 1982 to Urban Residential
and again in 1988 to the present zoning SFR-10. As a part of this
project, the applicant is proposing to dedicate a 50 foot strip
along Old Aviation Rd. to be used by the Town for buffering and/or
future traffic improvements for this area. Conformance with the
Master Plan This property is currently shown on the Future Land
Use Plan as an area of future commercial development. With the
majority of the surrounding area currently developed commercially,
this rezoning would provide for future in-fill development. This
commercially master planned property which is located on a major
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
thoroughfare has close access to Interstate 87 and Route 9. The
potential for this property to be developed residentially severely
restricted given the proximity to major thoroughfares and existing
commercial uses in the area. Environmental Considerations This
site is currently tree filled with a slight slope to the southeast.
The main environmental considerations with this rezoning are noise,
glare and odors that may effect the residential area to the north.
The proposed 50 foot buffer between this property and the
residential area to the north will assist in mitigating these
impacts. Any proposed use of this property will be subject to site
plan review, at that time Staff and the Planning Board will conduct
a further review of specific uses and will comment on mitigation
measures for any proposed uses. Waste disposal at this loc~tion
would be mitigated by the requirement that this property connect to
the Town's sewer system when development occurs. Transportation
Considerations The subject property is located between the
Aviation Rd. and Route 9 commercial corridors. Increasing numbers
of vehicles use these roadways as continued growth and commercial
expansion occurs in this area. A transportation study prepared for
the Glens Falls Urban Area Transportation Council (GFTC) examined
traffic conditions in this area of Queensbury and made
recommendations for traffic improvements. One recommendation was
for two new access roads between Route 9 and Aviation Rd. / The
planned route of these proposed roads would be over the property
presently being considered for rezoning. As part of this rezoning
staff is looking to work with the applicant to realize the
recommendations of the study prepared for GFTC. Existing
Neiqhborhood Conditions Commercial zoning exists around this
property with the exception of the residential area to the north.
This residential area is deed restricted so that any future
development must be residential. The expansion of commercial in
this area may have negative impacts on this residential area. The
proposed 50 foot buffer will help by separating future development
from this residential area. Plantings, berms and other forms of
screening may also be used to provide a barrier between any
business and existing homes. In addition, it should be noted that
a 50 foot buffer will be required between this property and the
SFR-10 property to the east. Staff Recommendation This property
which was once zoned commercial would be difficult to develop under
the existing zoning given the location and surrounding land uses.
This land is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan,
specifically the Land Use Plan element. Staff sees this rezoning
as in-fill development in an area which is largely a commercial
area. Staff would recommend approval of this rezoning with the
idea that buffering and screening will be required between this
property and the residential neighborhood to the north. In
addition, staff and the applicant should work toward mitigating
potential traffic impacts associated with SEQRA review before the
Town Board."
J. Lemery went through chronology of events from a few years before
first Zoning Ordinance to present, regarding the property proposed
for re-zoning (He also brought a map of the different zoning
designations around the area) .
Members of the public were allowed to speak.
DAVID STRAINER-Issues with traffic.
GLENN LUNT-Area where he lives the only residential area around,
issues with traffic.
LAUREL MCNEAL-Just moved to the area with her son who is deaf and
partially blind. Wanted to live closer to Prospect School. This
was the ideal home. Issues with traffic, concerned for her son.
TERRY BUSKY-Issues with traffic.
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(Queensbury Planning Board Meeting 7/16/96)
BOB SAWN-Issues with traffic.
CHRIS FRAZER-Had questions on the PC (Plaza Commercial) Zone,
whether this meant there could be more than one business in that
particular area, therefore even more traffic.
FRED TROELSTRA-(THE SILO) Discussed commercial businesses around
area, Hess Mart, etc.
J. Lemery then proceeded to try to answer public's concerns. When
vote came, wanted to keep the 50 foot buffer, not 100 foot, as
Board was inquiring about.
On motion meeting was adjourned.
Robert Paling, Chairman
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