1986-09-10 HEALTH «qO QUEEYMBURY BOARD OF HEALTH SEPTEMBER 10, 1986 BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor Per. George Kurosaka-Councilman Mr. Stephen Borgos-Councilman Mr. Ronald Montesi-Councilman Airs. Betty Monahan-Councilman PRESS-Glens Falls Post Star, W WSC MEETING OPENED: 7:40 P.M. � SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that we have a matter pending relative to a request from a resident in Queensbury for the Town Boards consideration of Section 5.040 of the Sanitary Sewage Disposal Oridinance. Tivo weeks ago the Town Board asked further input, asked the Board members if they had a chance to get out to look at the site. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-1 was out there, it doesn't appear to be a stream, I didn't measure the setback a.nd distances but one of the critical issues is whether this is a stream. COUNCILMAN NON TESI-I went there with the Planner, Stuart P.lesinger, who is new to the area, we followed it all the way to what appears to be a stream then back down to the Halfway Brook on Neadow Brook Road, it is our opinion that about five catch basins on Meadow Lane and Meadow Brook Road, and Ridge Road that feeds that stream or feeds water to it. Par. P,lesinger looked at the maps that the County had put forth when they first built Quaker Road, and it is his considered opinion that this is a ditch not a stream. I only submit this as a member of the Board of Health as staff recommendation, I have felt it is a ditch myself. j COUNCILMAPd AIONAHAN-Noted that she had been out of Town but had asked the Town Planner to look at it and has now heard his opinion. COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Ply definition is that it is a drainage ditch. COUNCILMAN BORGOS- The area will have sewers very soon, within the next two years, any potential problem if it should exist certainly will be resolved at that time. SUPERVISOR. WALTER-As I indicated this matter was tabled and the question whether it is a stream or a drainage ditch in relating to Section 3.020 where it indicated that within a 100 feet of a stream that there would be certain criteria needed to be met. It is the consensus of the Board that they are considering it a drainage ditch. Referred to the Town Counsel relative to a Resolution regarding this issue. TOWN COUNSEL-Stated that either way you should specify the basis for your decision your reasoning should be spelled out and I think a vote should be taken. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that a Resolution .N�ould be made defining this ..% as a draingage ditch, indicating that the 100 foot distance does not apply and base into the Resolution the fact there will be a sewer coming within a year and a half. The Town Board does not feel that there will be any real problem that can develop before that amount of time. Asking for further input, hearing none the Board of Health adjouned. l� RESOLUTION TO DETERMINING THE P"[ARSH ALONG QUAKER ROAD TO BE A DITCH. RESOLUTION NO.2, Introduced by PIr. Ronald Plor.tesi who moved for its adoption seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos. RESOLUTION, forth coming from Town Counsel to he found on page i x Zj e Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None I ! RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED DARLEEN DOUGHER, TOWN CLERK I �r t t\\\ t f \