2005-02-14 SP MTG8 1 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG.# 8 FEBRUARY 14, 2005 RES. 109 7:00 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER 1.0 JOHN MICHAELS & GARTH ALLEN – BAY MEADOWS PROPERTY – CRONIN ROAD Mr. John Michaels-Under contract with Mr. Allen to buy ninety-seven units Senior PUD that was previously approved. Using same road design and footprint reconfigure for Townhouses vs. rental units and provide garages and some parking, presented map of the proposal. Cutting density in half with ten additional building units some day that Mr. Allen could build on the remaining property subject to site plan approval. Forty-nine units and ninety-six acres is not a huge request and we are providing homeowners vs. rentals. Asking to amend the PUD to reduce the density from ninety-six to forty-nine town houses and ten units subject to site plan approval down the road. Councilman Brewer-The plan was that the golf course was going to be the open space for the PUD. Mr. Michaels-That would still be the case. Councilman Brewer-Noted he wanted to read the existing PUD and compare it to the proposal. Executive Director Marilyn Ryba-Noted that once this is revised then we have to look at the SEQRA also because of the impacts. Supervisor Stec-Noted that this is a long process… Councilman Boor-The Town Board could not guarantee ten additional units…it is a Planning Board decision Mr. Allen-Noted for the ten would be leaning toward a town home concept. Executive Director Marilyn Ryba-Questioned if there was any idea where these would be placed? Mr. Allen-It will not be on the golf course, we have access to Bay Road and Cronin Road and Meadowbrook, and I have not looked that hard at it. Executive Director Marilyn Ryba-The concern with not knowing where the units are to be located is the SEQRA, because of the associated impacts with traffic, ingress, egress that kind of thing you do not know, the other thing by putting this in where there is already a swap that is being asked for down here with a subdivision and this would be considered segmentation because it is part of the PUD as well, they would all have to come under a single seqra review. Mr. Michaels-Noted he disagree this has nothing to do with whatever … is going to be in this front parcel that is an independent action. What John and Garth is talking about with the ten units you are right that you might want to look at access issue but in terms of SEQRA we already have the SEQRA approval from ’97. Councilman Strough-Questioned if this would be similar to Surrey Fields? 2 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 Mr. Michaels-Yes. Supervisor Stec-I am hearing conceptually that the Board is willing to allow up to forty- nine, from here it would go to the Planning Board for a recommendation back to us and then from us the last ten would potentially go back to the Planning Board for site plan review. Councilman Brewer-I would like to see the whole plan before I make a decision on anything, want to see what you are going to put where… Mr. Michaels-You would like to see where the ten units are? Councilman Brewer-Not so much that John, but I want to look at the PUD document and then this plan, I cannot look at it for three minutes and make a decision like that. Councilman Boor-Noted his concern that at a later date that the golf course is abandoned and they say, well we are going to turn it into something else but it will be recreational and personally I do not want to see that happen but I do not know if we have any ability to prevent that. Mr. Michaels-The PUD would have to be modified again because the uses are specific. Supervisor Stec-Generally we are comfortable with the concept of allowing up to the forty-nine, the thing is a couple of us here, Tim and Roger have both said they would like to review the PUD document and ask Marilyn and her staff and Bob to look at it, maybe we will revisit it briefly at a later date… 2.0 Paul Derby – Glen Lake Protective Association-Utilizing Management Techniques to Reduce Nuisance Vegetation In The Lake Mr. Paul Derby-Of Glen Lake Protective Association- President of the Association also present Mike O’Keefe Vice President, Lori Graves Treasurer and Dr. Glen Sullivan who is on the phone President of Allied Biological Inc. Noted that the Glen Lake Protective Assoc. did support the dredging project and contributed eight thousand for the soil sampling. The GLPA represents the entire lake community we have two hundred and ninety-six members all volunteer, two out of every three are members of the association. We believe our organization represents the majority voice of Glen Lake Residents. We are here to ask for a one time matching fund request to help finance a herbicide treatment to control excessive aquatic vegetation of Glen Lake. We believe if we do not do something now we will lose our ability to maintain a healthy lake. Too much vegetation is unhealthy for the eco system, in interferes with esthetic quality, and it interferes with recreation uses, swimming and boating. A big fear is that if we do not get control of this our property values will diminish. The Docksider and the Glenmar have both expressed concerns to the Association that this could hurt their business. The membership voted in 2004 to do an aquatic plant survey, water quality survey. We sent out to five firms Allied Biological Inc. was hired. Asked Dr. Sullivan to speak to this issue. Dr. Sullivan-Firm visited the Lake in early June and met with the Association…followed up with a survey of the lake a casual plant survey to see what plants were there what I felt the distribution was like and familiarize myself with the lake. Also water quality measurement were done at the time and that was the first of the three water quality samplings. July we did an extensive plant survey, also added water quality data and plankton analysis. In August another sample was done to see if there was any feasible change in the plant community. Noted that twenty species were found in the lake, Illinois Pond Leaf was abundant and a problem in many areas. Milfoil is an invasive species was problematic in several areas and fairly wide spread we found it through out the lake. We have compared this study with previous studies, in 1991, 1998 and 1999 study. We found that the dominant plant the Illinois Pond Leaf was really the dominant plant over time also. The milfoil was problematic now was less so in 1999 but was greater in 1991. There seems to be a cycle that occurs. Reviewed the options to correct the problem, there are aquatic plant harvesters, dredging is extremely expensive some has been done on the lake but we felt it was not a viable alternative for large scale plant control. We did look 3 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 at harvesting and hydro raking both have some value in plant removal. We have looked at biological controls, the most common would be a grass … biggest benefit cost, down side is you cannot control what they eat, they do not tend to favor edge water milfoil so you run the risk that they are going to be feeding on plants you want to keep and ignoring the plants you are looking to get rid of. We have looked at herbivorous insects, which are known to feed on edge water milfoil, we believe there is already a population of these in the lake. This did not seem to be a reliable alternative…Looked at other controls, barriers and draw down the lake, chemical controls there are a half or dozen or so herbicides that are effective on these plants. Suggested using sight selective herbicide we can pick out the sights and tailor this program to the budget and what areas are the most problematic and it is effective on the edge water milfoil and effective on the Illinois Pond Weed. Going forward with an application and go with granular form, map shows fifty acres of possible treatment areas, focused on the shorelines… Supervisor Stec-Set up for one treatment what is the prognosis for success for one treatment. Dr. Sullivan-We know that the treatment will be successful, it has been used for a long time, the long term goal of reducing milfoil we are assuming that the herbivores are impacting the milfoil and that this may just correct the cycle. Mr. Derby-We feel that since nothing has been done for twenty years or more that once we do this treatment it will get us back to the place where we can control it on a yearly basis, we can do with hand harvesting and small methods. Councilman Boor-You are contemplating forming a district? Mr. Derby-That is right. Councilman Boor-The insects that eat these things is it also true that they do not do well where there are sunfish? Dr. Sullivan-To some degree but that is not a major factor. Councilman Strough-Questioned the use of the lake water after the use of aquafall? Dr. Sullivan-There is one day bathing that is restricted by New York State, there is a three-day fish consumption restriction and a seven-day restriction on drinking water using the granular. Councilman Brewer-If there is a group of people that don’t want you do to this because they do not want to not drink the water or not go swimming, don’t want you to do this. Dr. Sullivan-The permitting process protects that. Part of the process, everyone has to be notified and everyone has to agree and those that do not agree have the option to get in contact with the department voice their objections and the department may ultimately decide no. Councilman Strough-Has there been any studies that the fish are attracted to the graduals. Dr. Sullivan-No, I do not know if there has been studies… Mr. Derby-Noted that a survey was sent to every lake resident, explaining the process, we asked them their level of agreement with the recommendation, we asked them their level of willingness to contribute to the project and their willingness to form a lake management district. There was a forty percent return on the survey, 74% agreed with the recommendation, 13% somewhat, the second question willingness to contribute, 63% strongly agreed to contribute, another 20% somewhat, … creation of taxing district- 60% strongly agreed, 13% somewhat…we were encouraged by the survey, in December the Board of Directors passed two motions to go forward with the permit process for aquafall treatment and a motion to approach the Town to try to get matching funds. 4 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 Requesting funds from residents approached the Lake Champlain Basin Program for a small grant to off set lake studies and also exploring other sources. Treasurer-Lori Graves-Currently the Assoc. has $8,500. in the checking account which is used for day-to-day operations. In a savings account $16,000. money donated for lake maintenance from the members, we also have some CD’s that will mature at different times, $24,650. Mr. Mike O’Keefe-Reviewed the budget…raising dues this year…dues amount to $3,500. under expenses the whole budget is this project $76,750. that is for the treatment for fifty acres of the lake. Listed other expense for the board. Councilman Brewer-Questioned if the whole lake will be restricted when the process is being done? Dr. Sullivan-The restrictions will impact the entire lake, that will be a DEC decision. Mr. O’Keefe-Gave budget to the Board …$100,925.00 in matching funds Supervisor Stec-Questioned if the local legislature has been contacted for funding? Mr. Michaels-We are going to approach our Senators.. Supervisor Stec-Questioned if the Great Escape has been contacted? Councilman Brewer-Asked if Warren County Soil and Water has been contacted? Mr. Michaels-They are not a funding source, this is not their area of expertise, noted they have been contacted … Councilman Brewer-Noted that we have not budgeted for this, asked that the Attorney look this over, questioned if this project was bid? Alli Mr. Michaels-We sent out RFP’s for the study, was chosen to do the study and also to move with the application of the chemical. Did comparison costs… Councilman Brewer-Is it something you would consider putting off for a year so that we could budget for it? Supervisor Stec-Or set up a district? Town Budget Officer Jennifer Switzer-In setting up a district there might be a way for the Town to loan the money until the district is formed, that needs to be reviewed by Town Counsel. Mr. Michaels-Working on creating a Comprehensive Management Plans, we are planning to do the work to set up the Lake Management District. Some of our big projects are storm water run off from roads from properties, dealing with exotic non-native reducing nutrients in the lake, and septic systems. Supervisor Stec-Questioned the amount being requested from the Town? Mr. Michaels-We have estimated a hundred thousand and we are looking for half. Supervisor Stec-Questioned the Budget Officer on where the funding could come from? Budget Officer Switzer-From the Contingency which only has a hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which leaves on a hundred thousand dollars for anything else that comes along the line operationally throughout the Town for the rest of the year. Mr. Michaels-Is there any way to structure payment out into 2006 for the seventy-six thousand? 5 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 Dr. Sullivan-In the first half of 2006 we could work something out. Supervisor Stec-There are two questions, does the project have merit, and does the Town want to contribute to it? I am saying we do. The second question how do we make that happen? Councilman Brewer-That is a question for our Attorney, how do we do it. Supervisor Stec-I like the Budget Officers idea. Mr. Michaels-As far as forming the district is that something the Town? Councilman Boor-We can help with but you would have to make clear the purpose. Town Counsel can show you how to set it, you have to come up with the purpose for the district. Councilman Strough-Is everything going to be wiped out? Dr. Sullivan-Noted it will not destroy all vegetation. Discussion held by Board-Seeking advice from Town Counsel on establishing a district, need information on how said project will be funded..Board felt project has merits, the Town is comfortable assisting in this up to but not all in one year the $50,000. looking for a charge back to a district not general charge… 3.0 Len Fosbrook – WCEDC/QEDC CONSOLIDATION Supervisor Stec-There as been questions about scaling down the role at which QEDC may play but keeping it. The main function for this year, they would be custodian of certain assets that the Town has particularly in real estate. We would hope that QEDC would be at a smaller entity more quickly to act in certain real estate transaction matters. I was noted that possibly three members of the current board would be interested in staying on the Board. We had spoken that a few members of the Town Board would be interested as individuals not as Board Members being involved. A three to five member QEDC Board I think is what we are talking about doing. In the mean time the Town Board would fund at a minimum to continue to play the caretaker role. The economic development efforts would be with Warren County EDC subject to review of a contract. Unknown-There are five people interested in staying on with QEDC. Len Fosbrook-Presented the Town Board with a list of goals and objectives of the QEDC. Supervisor Stec-The idea would be at the end of the year a review of the accomplishments in a report to the Town Board along with a presentation to the Board. Mr. Fosbrook-Noted he would like to do that report more frequently, noted quarterly and as needed. Councilman Strough-requested that Main Street Redevelopment be added to the list. Discussion held regarding the connector road, owned by QEDC, parcels marketed by WCEDC and road portion turned over to the Town of Queensbury. QEDC and the Town will set prices for lots… Mr. Fosbrook-Noted there is a staff of four people including myself, office located on Glen Street – In the past all administrative work for QEDC was done by this staff for $25,000., this year we would like to see an increase in funding, to $128,000. taking over full responsibilities. This would allow for more marketing, the hiring of consultants, and investment in workforce…. 6 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 Councilman Strough-When we do the marketing it is going to be Queensbury, not the greater Glens Falls area not the Lake George Region, it is going to be Queensbury. Councilman Brewer-Asked that the $128,000 be justified. Mr. Fosbrook-We will be hiring consultants to help us in the major projects such as the Queensbury Industrial Park. Workforce is a key, you can recruit companies if they don’t find an active program to help in workforce development and they know they won’t be able to hire the workforce they will not make a decision to come here and we have not been able to invest in a workforce at all up until now. We have had little involvement in marketing other than working with an organization like Empire State Development this allows us to actually look at going to national shows…$40,000 in marketing, 35,000 in engineering…We support the Adirondack Business to School Partnership which is to provide a link between high school kids and what jobs are going to be available in businesses that are here currently. There is a new project that we will be promoting the Business Center for Excellence. Discussed adding another staff person. Councilman Strough-What do we pay the QEDC? Budget Officer Switzer-Thirty-seven thousand five hundred in administration, an a hundred and fifty thousand for Capital, for a total of one hundred and eighty-seven thousand five hundred dollars per year. Councilman Strough-Actually what Len is saying is about fifty-nine thousand dollars cheaper than what we have been paying. Councilman Brewer-Is one person going to be dedicated to Queensbury? Mr. Fosbrook-We are all going to be working on all of these projects. Councilman Brewer-Questioned what the total budget is for WCEDC .. Mr. Fosbrook-A little over half a million. Councilman Brewer-We would be paying twenty percent of it. Supervisor Stec-And have seventy percent of the projects. The added benefits to this are that the QEDC is still around, and we are not introducing a new set of variables and a new set of players for who controls the real estate and all that stuff. Our concerns were what happens to the real estate and what happens if this doesn’t work and how much it is going to cost. All three of those we are ahead in this plan. The real estate is under QEDC and it will be a smaller organization, we are spending less money and I think we are getting full time staff that is working the project on a full time basis. Councilman Strough-How much have we budgeted? Budget Officer Switzer-On hundred and thirty-five thousand. Councilman Strough-So we are seven thousand to the good. Supervisor Stec-Do not have the figures for QEDC …operational expenses. They would need Officers Insurance, Liability for the Board, and real estate taxes etc. I will suggest to Bob Hafner to get an agreement together and make the goals and thth objectives a part of it, and get that to us for the 28. Or March 7. Mr. Fosbrook-For the record you guys came up with the idea and we think it is great idea and we are glad to be able to be players in this. Discussion held on QEDC Membership – Five Members – Invite Town Board Member to attend meetings…Minutes and agendas will be provided to the Town Councilmen. 7 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 4.0 QCVFC EMS VEHICLE DISCUSSION 2030 Mr. John Kassebaum-A EMS vehicle that is pretty much for the use of EMS calls, obviously other fire related things as needed. Councilman Boor-Is there a vehicle that can carry jaws of life, fire fighting, but is primarily EMS vehicle? Mr. Kassebaum-Noted that engine 316 sort of accomplished that but it can’t be done on a smaller vehicle. Vehicle request is for EMS first response… Supervisor Stec-Questioned how other companies deal with this problem? Representative of Qsby. Central-No. Qsby. has a vehicle, Bay Ridge’s brush truck is now their response vehicle, So. Qsby. you purchased EMS First Response Vehicle, and West uses old brush truck chassis. Noted they are looking for a Tahoe…at $50,000 approximate we currently have $94,400. in the truck fund are looking for the ok from the Town Board the approval to spend the $50,000. that we currently have. The reason why it was not put in as a budget item was knowing the truck fund situation that the Town Board was looking at knowing that we were going to end up financing the tower using the money we had in the truck fund plus the money that we would be getting which is the fifty thousand dollars is going to cover us for the loan on the tower. What we are looking for is something aside of what was in the budget because this is something that all of a sudden we are deciding this is what we need to elevate some of the stress on the trucks as well. Councilman Boor-This is not against what you are proposing, if we advocate this type of purchase does this hurt the argument for either Bay Ridge EMS or No. Qsby. EMS getting paid staff and if they have paid staff does that off set the need for this vehicle? Supervisor Stec-One of the issues that we had, when we set up the pilot program for EMS was that we recognize West does 85% of the calls. However there is an inequity there with Bay Ridge Rescue and No. Rescue coverage area that yea, in theory you could say, that paid crew Monday through Friday covers that whole town but in effect there is an unfairness there. We are looking to address that later this year once we have a history will Bill For Service as to what kind of revenue stream do we think this is generating and we may add another pair of people for the other two. You are part of West’s response area, they have paid people. Representative from Qsby. Central- There are still calls with paid people that we arrive first, there are times we are the only responder on a second call and there are times even if it is not a priority one call it is priority two call that the paid crew is on that we are then dispatched for additional manpower or to help with the current call. Councilman Turner-Why do we have to go out and buy a forty thousand dollar vehicle when we can buy a good used one and use it for the same purpose? Representative from Qsby. Central-We don’t know exactly what we are getting with a used vehicle. Councilman Strough-If you are on site first and West shows up what happens? Representative from Qsby. Central- We work side by side… Councilman Strough-It will take some of the burden off the other vehicle. Representative from Qsby. Central-We have no choice right now but to run…we roll the brush truck in the winter…noted last year we did 700 EMS calls, last week did CPR twice…there are at least twenty people that are EMT’s or higher it is a better benefit for first responders to get there immediately. Supervisor Stec-Your fleet schedule what is coming? 8 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 Representative from Qsby. Central-The tower…2010 the rescue pumper… Supervisor Stec-When is the building paid off? Representative of Qsby. Central-2009… Supervisor Stec-Is the intent to have this vehicle sitting at the station? Representative of Qsby.Central-At night time it could be with an EMT. Councilman Strough-Can you buy the Tahoe under State Contract? Representative of Qsby. Central-We got a better price than State Contract, Whiteman’s hooked us up with a better price. Budget Officer Switzer-How will this change your insurance? Representative of Qsby. Central-He did not see a huge increase for us. We are looking at a three hundred thousand dollar sale on our current tower figuring on a million dollar price tag, seven hundred thousand dollar loan, that was not figuring in the money we currently had obviously whatever we have will be used to bring the debt down. We also knew and I am sorry if everybody did not hear it the fifty thousand dollars at that time we knew we were putting aside for the EMS vehicle. Councilman Boor-The thing that concerns me you look at your tax bill and it shows your fire and ems going down, the bottom line it is going way up we are just depleting funds savings, next year is going to be brutal. I am not opposed to it but I do not want to make a decision tonight. Representative from Qsby. Central-I think we are thinking about two different things here. The ninety-four thousand we currently had that was never figured into when the budget came in here those moneys were never figured into, we were looking at the fifty thousand dollars to cover us for 2005, on the loan for the tower the sixty thousand dollars which would be negotiated for 2006 would cover the seven hundred thousand dollar loan for the debt service for the tower. I think the thing that needs to be understood is that the ninety-four thousand dollars was not figured into for paying for the tower it would benefit by lowering the amount. Whether we put ninety-four thousand dollars in or forty-four thousand dollars we are still going to have that debt. The fifty thousand dollar EMS vehicle is not going to affect the tower as far as us needing more money. Councilman Boor-It goes beyond that for me and we are not talking about the same thing. I am not being critical, I am looking at where we sit now and if you had the problem you had with your current ladder truck that you had last year or so and you needed twenty- five thousand we do not have it. We have no cushion left if something breaks. Supervisor Stec-The grand total that we are spending for all the companies if one hundred and forty thousand dollars less than it was in 2004…The only company that is getting more money in 2005 than 2004 is West and they are getting about 5% more. Noted he understood that the fifty thousand is in there but also understand Roger’s concern that if you consume some of that and something goes wrong… Councilman Boor-We have no money, we cannot take it out of General Fund. Supervisor Stec-The thirty-two thousand dollar number Budget Officer Switzer-It is based upon 2003 year end Supervisor Stec-We have a reconsolidation coming at the end that actual number will be larger than thirty-two. 9 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 Budget Officer Switzer-Yes, this is coming from collection of fire but some of this surplus that four hundred and fifty thousand dollar surplus some of that did come from EMS as well. Over a hundred thousand dollars from last year. Representative from Qsby. Central-How much did EMS use out of that? Budget Officer Switzer-None of it. Supervisor Stec-Give us a few weeks … Councilman Boor-Want to see what the revenue stream is like on the EMS on the Third Party Billing… Supervisor Stec-Then if we are in a pinch for fire we got a place in a crisis that we could go. The reconciliation is significant… Councilman Boor-When does the reconciliation occur? Budget Office Switzer-The official one from the auditor, first week of May. I would say at least a hundred thousand… Councilman Boor-I want to know before I spend fifty… Councilman Brewer-No one should come in and ask us to make a fifty thousand dollar decision or hundred and twenty eight thousand dollar decision, or the other decision on a PUD in one night when we did not know about it. Supervisor Stec-This is the first time as a Board that we have talked about it. Representative of Qsby. Central-I sat in this room with everybody here and I made, and I am not the quietest guy in the world when I said we also need to talk about the EMS Fly Vehicle, the Company has authorized to purchase and we needed a workshop for such. Councilman Strough-I remember it but I did not know what you were talking about. Councilman Boor-Neither did I. Supervisor Stec-I do not think there is anything new to add, we are going to get toward a point where we are going to be setting a public hearing in the not too distant future on this we know what you want if there are any details that we need to get from you for our thth resolution we will, it will either be the 28 or the 7. The earliest that we could have a st public hearing would be March 21. We have three weeks to make up our mind if we want to set a public hearing. Discussion on Route 9 Lighting - Board agreed to have a resolution for CT Male work on the project. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 109.2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. John Strough WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. Roger Boor RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Town Board Meeting Special Meeting. th Duly adopted this 14 day of February by the following vote: 10 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING 02-14-2005 MTG.#8 AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury