2005-02-15 SP MTG9 11 Special Town Board Meeting 02-15-2005 Mtg. #9 SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING MTG. #9 FEBRUARY 15, 2005 RES. 110 6:45 p.m. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT SUPERVISOR DANIEL STEC COUNCILMAN ROGER BOOR COUNCILMAN THEODORE TURNER COUNCILMAN JOHN STROUGH COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER MARILYN RYBA-EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT STU BAKER-SENIOR PLANNER BOB HAFNER-TOWN COUNSEL JENNIFER SWITZER-BUDGET OFFICER HARRY HANSEN-RECREATION DIRECTOR MEMBERS OF THE QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION 1.0 MATT STEVES/LARRY CLUTE – LIGHT INDUSRIAL REZONING DISCUSSION Mr. Matt Steves-Light Industrial Property-south of Burnt Hills Subdivision owned by Larry Clute…would like to see mixed use in this area…proposing portion of a triangle to allow twelve residential lots the rest to be left light industrial. That would make a five lot industrial subdivision, putting a connector road from Luzerne Road through Burnt Hills out to Sherman. Supervisor Stec-Concern we rezoned Burnt Hills previously now we are talking about a much smaller slice but another twelve homes, two, three years from now come back and say I have not been able to develop this for LI, it would be tempting why don’t I come back and ask for another ten, twenty homes. Mr. Steves-He could but that is not what is on the table at this point. Supervisor Stec-Noted work is underway trying to get grants from the Federal Government for a study to bring sewers west of the Northway. Councilman Strough-Questioned the buffer zone. Mr. Steves-Will have a buffer zone between zones…there will be a buffer between the power lines and along the back of the lots. Supervisor Stec-How confident are you on your ability to market LI? Mr. Steves-Noted they have spoken to a few people that is where we got the idea of keeping it around two acres. We are marketing heavily to recoup the costs to build the roads. Supervisor Stec-I am not sure about a straight shot on that road, questioned if there is room to have a lazy bend in the road, we do need a connector. Mr. Steves-Noted that a mini storage will be going in this spring, hope to sell the other lots and if the community can work on sewers up here that makes it more viable. Councilman Strough-How many acres are we talking about? Mr. Steves-Right now there is five point two six acres in the one acre zone and five point four six for light industrial zone. 12 Special Town Board Meeting 02-15-2005 Mtg. #9 Supervisor Stec-He wants to rezone two chunks, one a one-acre chunk and the other one is the LI chunk. Councilman Strough-How large are the lots? Mr. Steves-Thirty-five, thirty-six thousand square feet. Councilman Brewer-Has the road been showed to Rick? Mr. Steves-Yes. His comment was where he can get a pass thorough road he will take it. Supervisor Stec-This is different from the last plan is it good enough to send it to the Planning Board for a recommendation. Councilman Turner-You certainly have more options. Councilman Strough-I do not have a problem with this project although I am very protective, it is a minimal loss and you are enhancing the marketability of the light industrial at the same time plus you are providing some other assets to the Town, such as a way of getting from Sherman to Luzerne. I for one can support it. Councilman Brewer-I do not have a problem you can send it through. Supervisor Stec-So, we will start the process Executive Director Ryba-Suggested that they meet in her office as soon as possible to go over the application. Supervisor Stec-We will now move the meeting over to the Activity Center in the Craft Room to continue our meeting. 2.0 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION – PROPOSED COMMUNITY CENTER Members of the Queensbury Recreation Commission Recreation Director Harry Hansen-Reviewed the proposal for the Town of Queensbury Town Board we are at a point to get the Town Board’s input on the proposal. Time line: referendum is sometime in July and bid this project out between January and February of 2006. Proposed location for this Community Center adjoining the Town Office property consisting of forty-nine acres, questioned if the Town Board is in agreement for this site? Supervisor Stec-The Town Board voted at a recent Town Board Meeting to purchase that, our stated public purpose was and continues that we envision that this would be a potential campus and expansion area which could or may not necessarily involve the Community Center although you did indicate at the time that, that would be a good location. We could discuss that this evening; although frankly there are other things we could use that property for the Towns interest as we move forward. The Town Board bought this with the idea in mind that perhaps you guys are interested in that for the community center although this was not the main reason we decided to buy it. We are in the process of buying it, there is a mandatory 30 day referendum period before we can close. If you are asking me my opinion we are aware that you have been examining that site with that in mind, but assuming the geography and the geology works I think that the traffic and the location in the center of town and most of the future growth in the Town will be on the east side of the town not the west, so the ball park location is very close to your dream location at ACC. Recreation Director Hansen-Noted soil borings have been done on the proposed site and their report came in yesterday, the report is the land is excellent for the type of construction that we are anticipating. We hope that you will support the Recreation Commission endeavor to place the Community Center there. 13 Special Town Board Meeting 02-15-2005 Mtg. #9 Supervisor Stec-I for one like the location. Councilman Brewer-I do not have any problems with the location. Councilman Strough-I think it is a good location. Noted that the property could have other potential uses other than the recreation center. Supervisor Stec-In placing this proposal on the forty-nine acres care and thought there might be other uses for the rest of the property. The forty-nine acres are not all for the community center. Spoke about the roadway connection from the present campus to the proposal. Councilman Boor-We should keep areas available for other uses, it is a great location if the soil samples as Harry said are as good as they are, I think this would be optimum place to build it. As far as location goes I think it is probably as good as it is going to get. Councilman Turner-I have look at this property for many years, I am glad that we got it. Supervisor Stec-I am hearing an consensus, Harry. Is there unanimity as far as the location by the Recreation Commission? Commission Agreed Recreation Director Harry Hansen: Discussion on Referendum Town Counsel Hafner-Reviewed for the Boards permissive and mandatory referendums can be used…the Town Board on this project wanted to give the public a chance to vote on it because of the cost impact. Two decisions for the Town Board 1. type of project, parks and recreation project can be subject to a vote 2. financing public debt more than five years it is subject automatically to permissive referendum The Town Board must make the decision to approve this project and authorize the financing then go to the public to either agree with your decision or overturning your decision. Supervisor Stec-When is the best time to go out to bid? How long does it take to prepare the bid documents? Recreation Director Harry Hansen-Six Months from the referendum to go out to bid. January, February is the best time to go out to bid. Supervisor Stec-There will be questions regarding the wisdom of paying ten or twelve thousand for a special election, on a fifteen plus or minus million dollar project there is a significant advantage for putting something out to bid in the winter rather than the spring or summer we will save more than the cost of the ten or eleven thousand dollar special election. Recreation Director Harry Hansen-Noted he worked with the Town Clerk on several scenarios regarding the special election, a June or July referendum would be a good time, half day at four locations from noon to 9:00 P.M. with two machines at each location approximate cost eleven thousand dollars. Town Counsel Hafner-Special election time frame – you have to pass the resolutions between sixty and seventy-five days before you hold the election…at least twenty days before the election a resolution will have to be passed with the details of the referendum…you have to post and publish the notice of the Special Election at least ten days before the election, we are recommending publishing twice … Recreation Director Harry Hansen-Recommended that the education and the input from the public on the proposal be started immediately and be carried to the referendum. Councilman Strough-Questioned what would happen if there are items brought forth by the public that was not anticipated? 14 Special Town Board Meeting 02-15-2005 Mtg. #9 Recreation Commission Member-Spoke to the Board about the two previous surveys that stated an indoor pool was needed and a facility with other spaces, gym etc. noted that there has been enough work done on the project that he felt there would not be any surprises… Councilman Brewer-Noted he felt we are doing this backwards, we should go to the public, to determine the size the number of gyms, pool… Recreation Commission Member-We have two town professionals, the Recreation Commission made up people that are professional in this field, we have a team, the Town Board should have confidence in this group… Councilman Brewer-If we put a twenty million dollar project out to the public it will not be approved. Recreation Commission Member-Questioned how long it would be before a conceptual level of plans would be ready to present to the public? Architect- We have a generic plan based on certain concepts, the gym and pool…we have done some of the site work and analysis we could get a preliminary site plan done fairly quickly, renderings of the building would be harder. Councilman Boor-It is important to understand that I am not against the rec. center but sometimes in our zeal we move too quickly, I think we are moving too quickly, I can tell you at the last recreation meeting I have not heard one person in my Ward speak positively toward this project with the exception of people sitting at this table living in my Ward, ten or twelve people are adamantly opposed. My Ward is going thorough an assessment they will get their notices in three weeks, their taxes are going to double, triple I do not know what will happen to their taxes but they will go up appreciably. In conjunction with this we are going to be asking these people for additional taxes. There are going to be people who will say absolutely not….when people’s pocketbooks are being touched they have a different attitude. I am familiar with the survey that was made but the shortcoming of the survey there was no cost associated with the wish list. I think we run a risk doing this thing quickly. I would do a new survey like tomorrow, because I would want to know how these voters are going to vote. Councilman Strough-I would second that, I am hearing by phone calls and e-mail not the support I want to see, I would like to see it turned around, noted he did not see that happening in two months. Recreation Commission Member-Noted she felt that the people have not been educated enough on the project. Councilman Brewer-This makes you feel we are rushing to get this done and I do not think there is a big need to get it done, it is going to last us a life time, if we have to go out and having meetings…lets make sure we are building the right thing if it is twenty million dollars then so be it, but if it ends up being twelve million dollars then so be that. I do not care if we have a special election in July or next July lets do it right. Councilman Turner-Neighborhood meetings should be held at the various firehouses on this project. Recreation Commission Member-I think the Committee is not trying to rush, they are trying to do what is best and what is going to be accepted by the Town… Councilman Brewer-I want my constituents to know what we are going to build and what it will cost, the bottom line, people have to have a comfort level. st Supervisor Stec-I do not want to rush for the sake of rushing, maybe June 21 referendum date is too aggressive… 15 Special Town Board Meeting 02-15-2005 Mtg. #9 Recreation Commission Member-Spoke about the growing recreation programs, programs are overbooked, we do not have the space, the Town is going to grow on this side of town we need the space, this is necessary for the recreational needs for now and the next ten to fifteen years. Supervisor Stec-Spoke to the Commission use the next three months to educate the public on the merits of the proposal…and then bring back the results to the Town Board. Architect-Will put together a schedule on when we can have a design that is reasonably close to what the building is going to be, we have done some preliminary cost estimates we can bring together a schedule of when we can hold these meetings at various locations and see if everybody feels comfortable with it. I think there is enough time and bidding it in January or February is the best time that we always recommend to our clients. Recreation Commission Member-We need to have a mailing with conceptual drawings and questionnaire to the public and then we have to meet with the Editorial Board with the PTA with the Firehouses, with the Kiwanis, with the Rotary and anybody else we need to hold six to eight to ten meetings with different facets of the community. Recreation Commission Member-How are we going to fund the project? Budget Officer Switzer-We need to know the cost of running the facility after it is built, people are going to want to know what the costs will be. Supervisor Stec-Tonight is the night that the Town Board needs to communicate to the Recreation Commission and the Consultants our level of pain threshold as Town Counsel has noted we are approving this thing first the reality is that we are on the hook for the project we need to have the conversation of how big are we willing to go and how expensive are we willing to go. On a thirty-year bond on a reasonable project you could do that without reinstituting a property tax, which I think, is key to selling this to the public. Town Counsel Hafner-Noted he will need to know for bonding whether this will be a Class A or B building. Class A is a thirty-year bond. Budget Officer Jennifer Switzer-A thirty-year bond at 4% at a twelve million dollar project you are looking at six hundred and ninety-four thousand per year in principal and interest payments. A project of fifteen million - eight hundred and sixty seven thousand Seventeen million dollar project – nine hundred and eighty three thousand Nineteen million dollar project – a million ninety eight dollars a year costs of principal and interest. Supervisor Stec-Spoke to the Commission that the O&M costs needs to formulated. Budget Officer Switzer-If you forgo the million to the County the taxpayers know that that money is being spent on something that they voted for and that they want that is the direction you should go in. Recreation Commission Member-Spoke on the two methods of financing the project…1. use the money earmarked for the County rebate 2. reinstitute the Town Property Tax to cover the expense Councilman Boor-Need to know the cost to the residents for the project…if you have a hundred thousand dollar house what will the cost be.. Supervisor Stec-My concern is we educate the public at eighteen million and the feed back is positive I do not want any hold outs with the five of us, if it comes back negative lets punt for a year. Noted with a present assessment to raise one million dollars would be fifty-six cents per thousand… Recreation Commission Member-Questioned if we need a professional public relations firm would that be a benefit? 16 Special Town Board Meeting 02-15-2005 Mtg. #9 Supervisor Stec-I do not know if an independent public relations firm is going to present that to the public well but we are spending money to sell the project. I think it is a tough sell to the public that we are spending money to sell to the public. Budget Officer Switzer-Suggested that a survey could be placed on the Town’s web site… Councilman Boor-Bob or Jennifer with bonding does it always have to be tied to property value? My Ward maybe really not into this because of the high assessments. Town Counsel Hafner-Bonds are usually paid by taxes this is a general fund item so it is going to come from general town taxes town wide the other way would be a user fee for people using the facilities to pay for it but the bonding you guys have to, your bond says you have to you are going to put taxes to pay those bonds if you do not have some other source. Discussion on O&M Recreation Director Harry Hansen-O&M can be met by the facility itself. You base all your fees to cover the cost of your operation and maintenance of that facility and the program that you are offering. Recreation Commission Member-I have heard a lot of people say why do the people in this community need this community center? Well there are a lot of reasons if you look at the Seniors Citizens and their lack of space and activities. I worked in the school district for fifteen years and it got harder every year to schedule recreational activities we tried our best and we gave them, the recreation commission, when I was at the school almost everything they asked for but that point in time is going to cease. The spartan hoopers, the mat rats the adult ..gyms the pool those days are numbered. We have a built in need, we also have a percentage of people in this town that do not belong to the present facilities, indoor offerings there is a need for the higher percentage of the people that are not using the present indoor offerings and being in health and wellness and physical education all my life you cannot read an article in a magazine or newspaper today that doesn’t refer to three things if you are going to fight almost any disease, nutrition and exercise. There is a need there is no doubt about it there is a high percent of people that need this and we are on the right track. No further discussion. RESOLUTION ADJOURNING SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING RESOLUTION NO. 110.2005 INTRODUCED BY: Mr. Tim Brewer WHO MOVED FOR ITS ADOPTION SECONDED BY: Mr. John Strough RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury hereby adjourns its Special Town Board Meeting. th Duly adopted this 15 day of February, 2005 by the following vote: AYES: Mr. Boor, Mr. Turner, Mr. Strough, Mr. Brewer, Mr. Stec NOES: None ABSENT: None Respectfully submitted, Miss Darleen M. Dougher Town Clerk-Queensbury