Queensbury Recreation Commission
Minutes of the January 6, 2004 regular meeting held at the Town of Queensbury
Office Complex Conference Room.
Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Goedert, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, and Mott.
Staff Present: Assistant Director Lovering
Also attending: D. Stec, Town Supervisor, R. Boor, Town Board Liaison, G.
Weinschenk, guest, and Kristen Bieniek, guest.
Approval of the Minutes:
Moved by Commissioner Goedert, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the
minutes of the December 2, 2004 regular meeting and place on file. All members present
Communications and Remarks from Visitors:
Included in the packet were the following communications (see file):
· Memo to Town Board with evaluation and recommendations for the Community
Center Consultant.
· Resolution authorizing engagement ofGDF Management for consulting services.
· Queensbury School Board Minutes.
· Letter rrom Saturn of the Adirondacks
· Post Star article on Glen Lake fire.
· Budget Control Report as of Dec. 15,2003
· Memo ITom Director Hansen to Finch, Pruyn regarding reimbursement of school and
county taxes on Big Boom Road Tract.
· Meeting Schedules for Commission and Planning Committee.
Saturn of the Adirondacks-would like to donate a commerical grade, handicapped
accessible playground to Hovey Pond Park. Check to see if they are agreeable to another
location, since Hovey Pond has a tranquil, garden type atmosphere that would not be
conducive to playground equipment.
Glen Lake fire-Chairman Irish asked if all debris was removed and if we could be sure
nothing flowed into the lake. Commissioner Mott asked if the Contractor made any
statement as to way the fire was started. Concern was expressed as to who will repair the
berm. Should we hold back some payment until berm is repaired? Motion was made by
Commissioner LaBombard, seconded by Commissioner Goedert to hold back 10%.
During the discussion it was agreed there may be other issues that need to be addressed.
The Department will check with legal to see what our options are. Commissioners
LaBombard and Goedert withdrew the motion and second.
Budget Control-Chairman Irish asked about true and actual costs of programs
information that will be needed in the new facility. Assistant Director Lovering indicated
that information is available.
Unfinished Business:
Queensbury Community Center (Project Consultant)-Town Board approved the
recommendation of the Commission to hire GDF Management as the consultant. The
permissive referendum date will expire as of January 14th 2004. At this time the contract
will be signed.
The was a great deal of discussion on Chairman Irish's suggestion for establishing a
Building Committee to work with the consultant on the building concept. Chairman Irish
would like to see the committee consist of three members of the commission, Town
Supervisor Stec, Chris Round of the Planning Department, John Dwyer of the Senior
Citizens and several students ITom the high school. This committee will report directly to
the Commission with recommendations. There was concern as to why it was taken out of
the realm of the Planning Committee. It was felt the Planning Committee already had a
full agenda with the other parks. This project was of such a nature as to require separate
meeting ITom the Planning Committee. There was strong feeling the entire Commission
should be involved with a great deal of public input. Suggested that GDF Management
attend the next Planning Committee meeting on January 20th.
Park Project Status Report-(see report dated 1/1/04)
New Business:
Chairman Irish Letter to Jason Rowe-a great deal of discussion on the reasons, purposes
and the pros and cons of the Post Star article that prompted the letter. Some felt the letter
was justified since the Post Star gives little if any positive publicity to Queensbury
activities. Others felt the letter was too conrrontational at a time when we should be
building alliances and support for the Community Center. Not clearly understood if
letters of this nature should speak for the entire Commission? Should there be a
spokesperson for the Commission on this project? These two questions need to be
addressed. The discussion then centered on how we can use the media to get information
to the public. Many suggestions given.
Further discussion on the ACC property as a location for the Community Center-we need
to have an answer soon one way or the other about this option. We need to have closure
on this so we know which way to proceed with the project.
Committee Reports:
· Budget-no report
· Bylaws-no report
· School Liaison-no report
· Personnel-no report
· Planning-no report
· Program Review-Commissioner Maine asked to be relieved of his duty as chair.
Chairman Irish appointed Commissioner Mott.
Monthly Department Report
Flyers distributed
Gurney Lane open for winter activities with good public participation.
New Program-after school Nordic Ski Club and it is rree.
Motion to adjourn by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Etu at 9:00 p.m.