2003-11-04 Queensbury Recreation Commission Minutes of the November 4,2003 regular meeting held at Town of Queensbury Office Complex Conference Room. Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Irish, LaBombard, Maine, and Mott. Staff Present: Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering, Aquatic Supervisor Carr. Also attending: R. Boor, Town Board Liaison. Approval of Minutes: Moved by Commissioner Fusco, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes ofthe October 7, 2003 regular meeting. All members present approved, Communications and Remarks from Visitors: The following were distributed and briefly reviewed: (see file) · Queensbury School Board minutes · Letter trom attorney regarding opinion on Planning Board review of Community Center project. · Final Department Budget figures as reviewed and amended by Town · Monthly Budget Control Report Unfinished Business: · The Hovey PondlRidge Jenkinsville proposals trom Miller Associates were reviewed once again. Discussion on costs of survey from Van Dusen and Steves. All felt the cost was excessive at $7500.00 for a topographic survey of Hovey Pond. Director Hansen will get other estimates. Motion was made by Commissioner Etu and seconded by Commissioner Mott to accept and proceed with Miller Associates proposal on Hovey Pond and Ridge Jenkinsville as cost not to exceed $2900.00 and $4700.00 respectively. All members present approved, · Letter to Glen Lake area residents was reviewed and edited for mailing. Motion by Commissioner Etu and seconded by Commissioner LaBombard to have Director Hansen and Chairman Irish finalize draft and send to residents. All members present approved. · RFP's for demolition of structures on Luzerne Road and Glen Lake Road were reviewed and discussed. Motion by Commissioner LaBombard and seconded by Commissioner Etu to accept the proposal trom TKC General Engineering in the amount of$11,666.67 for demolition of Glen Lake structure. All members approved. · RFP's for wetland delineation at Meadowbrook property were reviewed and discussed. Commissioner LaBombard expressed concern over Roberts Environmental Consultation not submitting a proposal since they have been so helpful in the past. He feels a degree of loyalty to this firm and hoped there were not any underlying concerns. Director Hansen said he didn't think she had any serious concerns, General consensus of the Commission initially was that her price was high but this was corroborated by at least one of the two other proposals received. Motion by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner Etu to accept the proposal by Diversified Soil Services, LTD in the amount of$1800.00. · Park Project Status Report (see file document dated 11/01/03) Items briefly reviewed by Director Hansen New Business · RFP's for Community Center Project Consultant -there was lengthy discussion on the two finalists for this position. Since there was a concern about selected firms level of experience with this type of project, Director Hansen will request qualifications and references of each. It was also the general consensus of the commission that this position was a prerequisite for the project. Also discussed was the process of defining or scoring the proposals and how they met with the Commission's scope of services as defined in the RFP. Chairman Irish reminded the commission that is it not a competitive bid and the RFP criteria clearly states that "cost will be considered but will not guarantee nor disqualify the individual/firm". Chairman Irish also passed out a Consultant Proposal Score Sheet and asked each commission to score the proposals to set a baseline for discussion on hiring a firm. Also discussed was the needed documentation, if in fact a proposal was to be disqualified. No decision made until some of these concerns were clarified and full commission present. · Proposals rrom Brownell Lumber Co. on Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve Floating Bridge system and Glen Lake Floating Dock system were briefly discussed. Motion by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard to approve the Hudson Pointe system at a cost of$6,502.81. All members present approved. Motion by Commissioner Mott, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard to approve the Glen Lake system at a cost of $2626.24. All members present approved. Committee Report Commissioner Etu distributed the Planning Committee minutes of 10/21/03 and 10/27/03 (see file) Next Planning Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday November 18th at 7:00 p,ffi. Monthly Department Report See packet for programs offered. Adjournment Motion made by Commissioner LaBombard, seconded by Commissioner Mott to adjourn at 9:25 a.m. Joseph Fusco Commission Secretary /)ryv~ ¿,¿ ~~ Commission Chair Respectfully Submitted: