Queensbury Recreation Commission
Minutes of the June 3, 2003 regular meeting held in the Conference Room, Town of
Queensbury Office Building
Chairman Doug Irish called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
Present: Commissioners Etu, Fusco, Irish, Maine. Absent: Goedert, LaBombard
Staff Present: Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering
Also attending: R. Boor Town Board Liaison
Approval of Minutes:
Moved by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Etu to approve the minutes
of the May 6, 2003 regular meeting. All members present approved.
Financial Report:
Copies ofthe Recreation Department's Budget Control Report were distributed with the
mailing and briefly reviewed. Commissioner Fusco thanked Director Hansen for
including this report with the monthly mailing each month.
Communications and Remarks from Visitors:
Uní'mished Business:
· Park Project Status Report (see report dated 6/1/03) reviewed:
· Gurney Lane-Pool covers being shipped and currently is on the road. Discussion
on how used, weight, and staff training to use.
· Hiland Park-Discussion on survey needed for Meadowbrook property, there is a
disparity in the number of acres. Survey will be conducted.
· Ridge/Jenkinsville-paving of parking lot should be completed by second week of
· Glen Lake-closing is completed, property is now ours. Brief discussion on rest
room facilities available at this site also on demolition of existing structure.
Chainnan Irish suggested we get on Town Board Agenda to present the management plan
on the Faith Bible property. Director Hansen will arrange for the 16th meeting.
New Business:
Chainnan Irish reported on the recent presentation to the Citizens for Queensbury
at their meeting. It was a positive meeting with support shown for the Building Project.
Roberts Environmental Consulting Proposal presented. This proposal for a
wetland delineation will be needed if construction takes place on this property.
Discussion on costs, funding available, possible scaling back of scope of work, brook
work needed, catch and release limitations for fishing.
Motion made by Commissioner Etu, seconded by Commissioner Fusco to approve the
Roberts proposal once we officially own the property. All members present approved.
After further discussion on funding, Commissioners Etu and Fusco rescinded the
previous motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine. All members present approved.
Committee Reports:
Commissioner Etu reported on the recreation center recently completed by the Town of
Skaneateles. Web site available for viewing. Paul will contact them to arrange a day trip
to view the building and pose many questions, which may be of some help to us in our
planning stages.
Director Hansen reported on the mural painted by Amy Dittinger at Gurney Lane Pool.
Assistant Director Lovering reported on the Arbor Day program with the school. Will
take place on June 4th 9:30 - 1 :00.
Chainnan Irish suggested the Town's Web site should include a list of all Commissioners
names and e-mail address. This would provide better communications from the public.
Commission members, and staff adjourned to the Bolen property on Route 9L (Ridge
Road with access to Lake George) to review this property for possible purchase by the
Town for recreational purposes. Commissioners meet with Mr. Bolen and walked the
property. Chainnan Irish will discuss pros and cons of the property with the
Commission. A response will then be made to Mr. Bolen.
Adjourned at approximately 9:45
Respectfully submitted
Joseph Fusco
Commission Secretary