11-15-2011Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
First Regular Meeting: Tuesday November 15, 2011 /Time 7 - 11 PM
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.0 Approval of Minutes
l .l September 20, September 27, 201 1
2.0 Planning Board Recommendations to the Zoning Board of Aogeals
Applicant(s) LAFONTAINE'S ICE Application Type
Site Plan 71-2011
,Owner (s) Great Escape Theme SEAR Type II
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~
Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stewart 8~ Lot size 8.3 acres
~,.~ Rhodes
Location ' 1 133 State Route 9 Zoning Classification CI-Commercial Intensive
_.._ _...
Tax ID No. 295.12-1-3 Ordinance Section 1_79-9
Cross Reference AV 68-1 1; SP 62-07, SP 23- Warren Co. Planning '~! 11/9/201 1
07, SP 21-96, SP 74-89; AV
122-89 j
Public Hearing ' Not required for ' APA, CEA, Other NWI Wetlands
recommendation ' '
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes a 440 sq. ft. expansion of existing structure for additional
service window and prep area. Expansion of use and proposed site improvements requires Planning Board
review and approval. Variances: Relief requested from front setback, travel corridor overlay requirements of
the CI zone and expansion of a non-conforming structure. Planning Board shall provide a written
recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Applicant(s) DENNIS~& NANCY ' Application Type Site Plan 72-2011
._ _._.__~__.._...._.W ~ ~_~~ ~_._~-..
Owner ~s~ _._-__..,__._- ._,.__~j Same as ap~licant__ _~ ~ _SEQR Type _____~_ II
__ Agent(s.) . ~.___........._...,......_..._..... _.__.,._........._._..._-Hutchins, Engineering __ _ ____ _ Lot size 0.56 acres
Location ~^ 29 Reardon Road Ext. Zoning Classification WR-waterfront Residential -
Tax ID No. 289.7-1-40
~ Ordinance Section ~
......5. ~......... 179-9
Cross Reference AV 70-11; BP 11-375, BP ~ Warren Co. Planning 11/9/2011
Public Hearing Not required for APA, CEA, Other DEC Wetlands, CEA
recommendation _
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes construction of a 140 square foot addition to existing single
family home. Expansion of anon-conforming structure in a CEA zone requires Planning Board review and
approval. Variances: Relief requested from side setback requirements and for expansion of anon-conforming
structure. Planning Board shall provide a written recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals.
3.0 Tabled Items
Applicant(s)_.__~_. STEVEDOW _ _ .Apphcatlon Type ___ Slte Plan 25-2011
Owner_(s~_ _ _ __ _ _ Glens Falls Ready Mlx_ ___~_' SEAR Type_ ~ __ II
Agent(s~~ ~ Steve Dow; Mark Ku_gler~ Lot size _ ~ 3.64 acres __ _i
Location 112 Bi Boom Road } Zonin Classification ~ CLI-Commer ci, __aI ~i~ht Industrial F
Tax ID Nom ~ 309.17-1 21 ~ Ordinance Section 179-9
Cross Reference BP 8322, 8839, 88-007, 88- Warren Co. Planning 4/13/2011
_~~~~~j 714, 2000-857
Public Hearing 4/19, 6/21, 8/23, 10/18/11 ~.~._.~~..__..,.~. _...,...~~~___._..._.._. __„.
Tabled to 11 / 15/2011 ~ ~
_.,_._ _ _ .__.__~ ~ ____ _~ ~ _ __._._ ____._ ~ ___..__ ~ ~ _____e ~ . _w.,_..._ _______W .______ ~ ___ _~ ___ ~ ._ ._ _ ~ _~
Project Description: Applicant proposes an 80' x 75' (6,000 sq. ft.) closed loop wash-out retention basin for truck
wash water. Modification to an existing use for property that has not had site plan review in the last seven years
requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) VMJR COMPANIES Application Type ~ Subdivision 1-2011
F W W 1-2011
Preliminar~! Stage
Owner (s)_______ ~~ Forest Enterprise Mgmt__y__ SEAR Type~_~ Type I
A ent s~.___~~ __..~..__..~.~ MJ En ineerinc,~_ ~ Lot size 6.39 8~ 84 +/- acres
Location Quaker Rd./Queensbury Zoning Classification CLI-Commercial Light
Ave. Ind. I
_ Tax ID No, _303.1 l~l-4, 303.15-1-25.2 Ordinance Section Chapter A-183
Cross Reference SP 65-10, SP 49-10
....Sketch Planµ_ 1./25/11_,.,,___.__'.
~_.._. _._...~ _...__._ __ ..__ ~ _._.____ ~ _~...___ ._w.__._ _.._ ~ _ _____ ...____.. _____ .___ __ .___
Public Hearing 4/26, 5/31, 7/26, 9/20/1 1, ( APA, CEA, Other DEC, ACOE
i Tabled to 11/15/2011
Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 84 +/- acre parcel into five (5)
commercial lots ranging in size from 6.49 acres to 29.78 acres with 10.69 +/- acres proposed as open space.
Further, extension of Quaker Ridge Boulevard to access main parcel proposed. Subdivision of land requires
Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Proposed construction within 100 feet of wetlands
[Great Cedar Swamp] requires Planning Board review and approval.
4.0 New Business
~A_„pplicant~s) T & T BODY KING,, INC Ap lication T e Site Plan 69-2011
'_Owner s) _ 60 Biq Boom Road, LLC SEAR ape ~ II
', Agents Same as applicant Lot size s 2.0 acres
Location___ _ _ _________ _____y _ 60 Big Boom Road__„ ____ ~ Zoning Classification _ _ CLI-commercial ~i~nt_inaustr~ai
i Tax ID No. 309.17-1-24 _ Ordinance_Sectlon ~ 179-9
_.~..__ .
`___Cross Reference __ BP l l_-493, 11018 07,_153„_ Warren„Co._Planning 11/9/2011
Public Hearing _ _ 11 /15/2011 I l ~ ~~~,
Project Description: ~
Applicant proposes Heavy equipment sales and service operation. Change in use on a
property that has no t had site plan review in the last seven years requires Planning Board review and approval.
_____ _ __ ~ ~__v___ ..
QUEENSBURY PLAZA LLC Application Type Site Plan 70-201 1
Modification to SP 35-1992
Owner (s) Queensbury Plaza, LLC SEAR Type
c/o The Howard Group
Agent(s) Bartlett Pontiff Stewart &
Location ' 756 Glen Street
Tax ID No. 302.6-1-51
Lot size
12.22 acres
ZOI'ling CIaSSIflCatlOn CI-Commercial Intensive
Ordinance Section 179-9
Cross Reference ~ BP 1161 ~ ~' Warren Co. Plannin_g~ 11/9/2011 _~_,____w._.~._.__..~..-.'
Public Hearing 11 /15/2011 APA, CEA, Other NWI Wetlands
ProLct Description: Applicant proposes a new tenant - Petco -with associated facade modification. Facade
alterations in a CI zone require Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) 697 UPPER GLEN STREET. Application Type Site Plan 75-2011 -~~ '
Owner (s) Same as applicant c/o ~ SEQR Type ~ II
Steven Jackoski
Agent~s)___ _._._._....__._._ _ __ .__..Same as applicant___ __ _ :..,.Lot size_ _ ~ 0.19 acres
Location _ ~ 697 Glen Street I Zoning Classification CI-Commercial Intensive
Tax ID No. i 302.6-1-2 Ordinance Section ! 179-9 '
Cross Reference BP 05-281 Warren Co. Planning 11 /9/2011
Public Hearing ~___. __~__~~. ~ 11/15/2011 ~ __ _
Project Description: Applicant proposes a change i n tenancy from showroom to salon. Personal Service use
and no site plan revi ew in the last seven years require Planning Board review and approval.
- Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board -