2001-11-06 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION REGULAR MEmNG NOVEMBER 6, 2001 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, November 6, 2001 at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. Present: Commissioners Auer, Hersh, laBombard, Irish, Maine and Simmonds Also Present: Asst. Director Lovering and Director Hansen Absent: Commissioner Carusone APPROVAL OF MINUTI;5 Commissioner Irish seconded by Commissioner Maine moved to approve the minutes of the October 2, 2001 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. ÇQMMUNICATlONS AND IJE!4ARKS FROM YI~ITQ6S The commission reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and they (the commission) were concerned with the stipulations included in the Michaels Group letter relating to the 12-acre parcel off Meadowbrook Road. The acreage is being donated to the town and the consensus was that stipulation #1 and #3 were inappropriate. The director was instructed to relay the commission's comments to J. David Michaels as soon as possible. The commission also commented on an e-mail request to allow program registration through the internet. Staff will investigate if the department can send and/or process future program registration through the internet. UNFIriJSHER BUSINESS Queensburv School Project Update The director relayed his phone conversation with Queensbury School Superintendent Lomanto earlier and discussion followed on the proposed school project. He mentioned that the school board is hopeful of moving quickly on the tennis court expansion/relocation project and therefore is interested in the commission's level of commitment in this regard. The tentative plan has the old courts/lights being relocated just north of their present location. Four (4) additional courts are proposed in the basketball court area and the board is hopeful the town will underwrite the cost for their construction. The commission discussed the tentative tennis court project and Commissioner Labombard who is also a School Board member, relayed additional information based on recent School Board meetings. He expressed his concerns (current court condition and project cost factors) and reiterated his support for relocating the present courts/lights. There was further discussion and the consensus was that more information about the total school project was needed before the commission can render an informed decision. Commissioner Labombard agreed to relay the commissions' comments to the School Board and will endeavor to acquire a copy of the school project plans/diagrams for review at the next meeting. Riverside Park. Nature Preserve CRP/NP) The director briefly highlighted the revised draft of the RP/NP Management Plan and there was discussion about the care of/responsibility for the private cemeteries on the property, use of the 11-acres G.F. watershed property and who will pay for the necessary site improvements (trail development, signage, etc.). The tentative park name was also discussed and the director explained that a final name would be selected at some later date, prior to the town formerly accepting the parcel. The director requested that all commissioners review the draft copy and be prepared to discuss the document one final time at the next meeting, before returning it to Miller Associates for a final draft. NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Simmonds updated the commission on the Moreau Community Center project and relayed that the project is moving forward. In an unrelated matter, the Chairman announced the resignation of Commissioner Carusone after 12 years of service. The director will draft a thank you letter on behalf of the department and will advise the Supervisor so that the process to fill the vacancy, can begin. Commissioner Auer commented on his recent discussions with the Bay Meadows Golf Course owner Garth Allen. He relayed that the course might be available for sale and that the town should investigate the situation further. Commissioner Auer will contact Mr. Allen and in conjunction with the director, set up a meeting to discuss the situation. MOt{THLY DEPARTME~ REpg~Y$ The director reported on a number of department projects induding the Hudson River Park. boat dock, the status of the department's budget and the status of the Aquatic Supervisors' disability. The personnel committee will convene a special meeting later this week to discuss the latter. There being no further business, the commission was adjourned at 8:44 am. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 4, 2001, beginning at 7:30 am in the Supervisor's Conference Room (#37) at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~/~~ Sharron Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director