AUGUST 7, 2001
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury
held Tuesday, August 7, 2001, at Hovey Pond Park. Chairman Simmonds called the
meeting to order at 7:30 a.m.
Commissioners Auer, Irish, Labombard and Simmonds
Asst. Director Lovering and Director Hansen
Commissioners Carusone, Hersh (ex) and Maine (ex)
Commissioner laBombard, seconded by Commissioner Auer moved to approve the
minutes of the July 3, 2001 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was
unanimously approved by voice vote.
The commission briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly
packet and there were questions about the Gurney Lane concession vendor situation (July
correspondence) and the Glen Lake non-motorized launch site. The director explained
that the department had met with Ms. Olsen the "hot dog vendor" at Gurney Lane and
that a satisfactory compromise between both parties had been worked out. With regard
to the boat launch question, the director relayed that he had met with the Docksider's
owner, Ms. Christine Mozal and that additional communication would follow. He pointed
out that the situation was Quite involved and that any remedial action undertaken by the
department, would affect not only the Docksider and the Town but the adjoining land
owner as well. He reiterated that the department was still working to effectuate an
amicable resolution to the problem (misuse of boat launch site) and that in the meantime,
the town's access site would be maintained and operated as in the past.
RidGe/Jenkinsville Park CR/J} UiJarade - Draft Recommendation
The director highlighted the draft R/J Park recommendation letter and there was
discussion on the recommendation paragraph. Commissioner Irish suggested a "total
cost" line (item #d on page 2) and indicated that the final paragraph on page 3 should be
revised. The commission agreed and the letter will be edited and redistributed one more
time (next meeting) before forwarding it to the Town Board.
The commission again questioned some of the cost estimates associated with the project
and Commissioner Auer mentioned the Lake George School field lighting project and
relayed some of the information he had obtained regarding the purchase of
material/equipment and installation expenses.
Faith Bible Church CFBC} - Draft ManaGement Plan
The director briefly reviewed the Miller Associate's progress draft of the Faith Bible Church
Recreation Area and Nature Preserve - Management Plan included in the monthly packet.
He explained how the parcel would tentatively be developed and how it would dovetail
with the town parcels on either side. The commission expressed concern about being
allowed to cross the 11-acre city owned parcel between Hudson Pointe and the FBC site
and how the department would monitor/enforce "no motorized vehicles usage". The
director responded and assured the commission that both concerns would be addressed
and remedied before the parcel officially became town property. The completed
management plan should be available for the commission's review later this year.
Joint School/Commission MeetinG Reøort
Commissioner Labombard reported on the recent July 31st evening meeting involving
members of Queensbury School Board/administration and the commission. He outlined
some of the plans that the school is contemplating including tennis court
relocation/expansion, development of the Indian Ridge to-acre parcel and updating the
schools' master plan in terms of parking - traffic flow and new athletic facilities. Chairman
Simmonds who was also in attendance that evening, supplied additional information and
explained that the School Board was hopeful that the board and commission would be
able to work together on a number of projects for the community good. The consensus
that evening was that before additional discussions were held, that the schools master
plan needed to be completed. However, in the interim, Chairman Simmonds volunteered
to talk with a representative of Aviation Mall to ascertain the feasibility, suggested by
commissioner Labombard, of building an ice rink at the mall. The group (school and
commission) agreed to meet again in the near future, but no date or time was set.
The director gave a short verbal monthly report and there were questions on the Hovey
Pond Park Eagle Scout Project that has not progressed. The director will contact the
young scout to move the project forward. The boat launch dock at Hudson River Park and
the status of the summer swim programs were also discussed and there were no further
There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:15 am. The
next meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 4, 2001, at a site yet to be determined.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director