CC-0524-2021 BUILDING "E" li Office Use Qqiy PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE PERM APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ lo'n of 742 Bay Road,QueensbvM NY 128D4 ec Fee:$ P:SI8-761-8256 byry.n&t Invoice#: Project Location: 106-EVEWrS AVE Tax Map ID H: 302.8-2-66.IALOT 2) Subdivision Name: SCOVILLE *TOWN BID,RESOLUTION 86-2013: $850 recreation fee for new dwelling units:single family,duplexes/two-family, multiple family, apartments,'Condominiums,townhouses, and/or manufactured &modular homes,but not mobile homes. This Is In addition to the permit fee(s), CONTACT INFORMATION: Applicant: Name(s): STEVE SCOVILLE Mailing Address,C/S/Z: 6 LAKE VIEW DRIVE,WILTON NY 12831 Cell Phone:, ( 511�, ) Land Line: 518 Email: scoville584@aniail-corn djscov1978@gniail.corn • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): SAME Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: —Z F -n • Contractor(s): r)0 C= C-0 C cc M Business Name: Paul Kruger(Concrete) O'Connor Construct'gn (Site Work) 0 M Na CZ) Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z- Cnrn Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: * Architect(WEngineer(s)- Business Name: TRACHTE BUILDING SYSTEMS INC Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 314 WILBURN ROAD,SUN PRAIRIE WI Cell Phone: —Land Line: ( 800 356-5824 Email: Contact Person for Building&Code Compliance: DON SCOVILLE Cell Phone: ( 5ke ) -Mzr- 2%0�4- Land Line: ( 518 3313 Email:- djscov1978@gmail.com im: of(1-twensouTy Suildmp&Ct;,ip Enforcement Fqwcipte Stiuc.u,e Vpkation Rensid February 201-7 PROJECT INFORMATION: TYPE: Commercial X id WORK CLASS: �Single-Family ^Two-Family —Multi-Family(#of ) Townhouse BuSness Office Retail Motel/Motel —Industrial/Warehouse ,Garage(#ofcars�) X Other(describe SELF-STORAGE } STRUCTURE SQUARE FOOTAGE: GARAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 1ST floor: 2800 SF Bldg"E" VT floor: 2'floor: 2"d floor: 3rd floor: Total square feet: 41'floor: Total square feet: 2800 SF ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: I. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ $75,000 2. Proposed use of the building: SELF STORAGE FACILITY 3. If Commercial or Industrial,indicate the name of the business: verbs �a�S�� IS_ 4. Source of Heat(circle one): Gas Oil Propane Solar Other: N/A (Fireplaces need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances&Chimney Application,one per appliance) S. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO xplain: 6. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO 7. SITE INFORMATION: a.What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel? 3.26 b.Is this a corner lot? YES NO c.Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? YES NO d.What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE WELL N/A e.Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? NIA Town of Queenstrury BuWg&Code Entorwme.Tt Prindple Structure Appxation Revised February 20 V DECLARATION: 1. 1 acknowledge that no construction shall commence prior to issuance of a valid building permit and work will be completed within a 12 month period. 2. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 3. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and complete statement and/or description of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes,local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed 1, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. S. 1 also understand that l/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. 1 have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: STEVESCOVILLE SIGNATURE: DATE: 7/5/21 Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Principle Structure Application Revised February 2017 CHECKLIST—SINGLE FAMILY Project Location: 106 EVERTS AVE REQUIRED—2 SETS YES NO N/A 1. Building Permit application, completed 2. Energy Code inspector's report from REScheck, completed & signed �3. Septic alteration application, if applicable 4. Solid Fuel Burning or Gas Appliance form completed, if aqpIfciable 5. Driveway Permit, if applicable _ 6. Structural Drawings: a. Floor plans b. Foundation plans c. Cross Sections d. Elevations e. Window& Do o chedule f. Natural Li , Ventilation & Eniergency Egress 7. Plot Pla hour proposed structure(s) with setback dimensions fro all surveyed property lines 8.. ectrical inspection agency selected CHECKLIST-- MULTI-DWELUNG/COMWIEROAL Project Location: 106 EVERTS AVE REQUIRED—2 SETS YES NO N/A 1.. Building Permit aoplicatiorr, comp.'. ed x 2. Energy Code inspector's report from CoMcheck, completed & signed x 3. Septic alteration, apolication, if applicable x 4. Solid Fuel Burring-, -34•Gas Applia.n, form completed, if applicable x 5. Driveway Permit, if. applicable _ x 6. Structural Drawings: a. Floor plans b. Foundation plan c. Cross Sections d. Elevations x e. Design loads inciuding floor, snowy & wind load f. Seismic design g. Plans signed C! sealed by reg Stir Y ed architect or engineer h. Window & Door scf eduie _ 7. Plot Plan: Show proposed structure(s) with setback dimensions x from all surveyed property lines 8. Electrical inspection agency sele&ed x 9. FINAL AS-BUILr <R,,LA IISI SURiAITFI � ELECTRICONICALEY x Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforiernent Principal Structure Application Revised February 2017 HIGH SIDE oa nro om ora mo room q oro rn, a' E 1 F F F F F F F F F F UNIT. MIX i� oa E G to LABEL UNIT S Z£ U S °/a S . £ET E 10 X__15 2 14.3 30p 14D—0 r F 10 x 20 10 7114 2000 G 10 x 25 2 14.3 500 E - 20'-0" x 140'-D" x 8�1- 1/4:12 PITCH LEAN-TO BUILDING•SYSTEM TOTAL 14 100 2800 cOP Aa DOOR SCHEDULE OlY CODE TYPE SIZE R000140PENINO REF.1 MANUF. I DESCRIPTION I COLOR 8 DFD ROLL—UP 9'-0•x 7'—S 9'-0"x 7'_ TRAC—RITE a ROLL—UP DOOR COLO ED ,. 2 OG flOLtrUP 8'—B'x G'-8" 8'-8°x 8'-8" fRAC—RITE a . ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED .. 2 DV/ ROLL—UP 8'-8-x 7'-5" 8'-8"x 7-5 TRAC—RITE a , ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED 2 OY ROLL—UP 8'•-8"x S'-11" 8—B"x 0'-11 TRAC—RITE a . I ROLL—UP DOOR COLORED .. ROLL-UP DOORS MEET ASTM E330 DOOR SIZES MAY VARY DUE TO ENC1N££R1NC 1SSUP "NOTICE" NO rABRICATION CAN BE SCHEDULED OR BEGUN �f D IL (C E rg V jE DUNTLLOCUMENTS "APPROVED" C "APPROVED CH NOTED" 302.8-2-66.1„2 LC l� r'aJ DOCUb{ENTS ARE RECEIVED BY TRACHTL�BUILDING CC-0524-202.1 SYSTEMS. COMPLETL THE rOLLD411NG: Everts Ave Self Storage �'`APPROVEO— RMWE rDR FADntunon JUL 0 8 2021 _ APPROVED AS NOTLD— RELEASE FOR VABR1CATIC 106 Everts Ave, Bldg E R NOT RDVSD— EVISE AMA DMIT Y New Comm Building 2800 s.f. TOWN OP QUEENSI3UR NAME NOT p `� � BUILDING& CODES coraPATJY �1f�Y�/-W e•'�ejirr,&6, lp DATE (��•/�"I R:wsiun<�: i•ldq si . r,6 D�scrilstrp:r: TRACHTE BUILDING SYSTEMS, Inc, 4/13�21 changed_ b ze_& unit mir. _ i MJL ;1': .! Page 1 of 1 Proposed Mini—Storage System for: Thrs drosvin and oil parts thereof ___ Everts Ave Self Storage Is the exclusive properly of BS _ 106 Everts Ave lracl{{!o Sulldiny Systams, rno' "� "'"�"""" - '- Quaensbury, NY 17.804 314'WS'Ibwn RaaU,.Sun PrDlrte, saonsrn ����� - —•�- .--._�--�—�— (840/96-5824) (Loco! S08j837-7899) and 2n not bo reproduaed rn whole O f� J=v eor g'rua ��.ra,n N or part without writton permission. Flume: (vMJL 1 `rsarc: 1 = 30` (fate:2 Q6 Qi FLOOR PT,AN I 4-4124 C TRACHTE BUILDING.SYSTEMS, INC. �4��OHO rot, PROJECT CALCULATIONS * A, CUSTOMER='Steve Soovilte" PREPARED BY=°Shaughn P.Dean° !` I� wardLOCATION="Queensbury,NY . REVIEWED BY Yl J0 _- 6.11 PLAN_NUMBER "P44124 Phase C" 09 12 :08-05'00' BUILDING="E° t, 1 AR�FES S1FILE0'�P� CODEBODY='2020 Building Code of New York State" BUILDING DESCRIPTION BAY WIDTH bay:_10ft PURLIN BRIDGING PBridging="no" �n BUILDING HEIGHT hei ht:=8ft+4in 'ROOF MATERIAL Roof="SSR° ROOF PITCH RPM,=025 Itg, BUILDING WIDTH width:=20ft PURLIN SPACING PspM=5ft ROOF ANGLE- 8=1.19•deg BUILDING LENGTH length 140ft INT.PARTITION PANEL Plea„e="yes" ROOF TYPE Type--'Lean-to" FLOOR TO FLOOR lower:Oft INT.LATERAL BRIDGING Bridge=°no" RISK CATEGORY UseGroup="I" Use"P'or"ll" FOUNDATION SLOPE Fndsbpe=0% SNOW LOAD SEISMIC LOAD GROUND SNOW LOAD P9'=60psf ANALYSIS PROCEDURE EQUIVALENT LATERAL FORCE SNOW EXPOSURE CATEGORY Esnow-"C' BUILDING FRAME SYSTEM BFS="Light Frame Wall w/Shear Panels" SNOW IMPORTANCE FACTOR IS=0.8 SEISMIC SITE CLASS Situ=V THERMAL FACTOR Ct=1.2 SHORT PERIOD SPECTIAL ACC. SS=0.236 SNOW EXPOSURE EXP="ParliaP 1 SECOND PERIOD SPECTRAL ACC. S1=0.06E ROOF LIVE LOAD Lr 20psf FLAT ROOF SNOW LOAD Pf=40•psf SPECTRAL RESPONSE ACC. SDS=025 UNBALANCE SNOW LOAD PunbaU,,d=40•psf SPECTRAL RESPONCEACC. SDI =0.11 SNOW LOAD USED IN DESIGN PS=40.psf RESPONSE FACTOR Response=6.5 V SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY Seismic °B° "+ 'r�`1 RAIN SURCHARGE RainSutcharge=0 psf DC= A. !G, ?.t Z WIND LOAD SEISMIC RESPONSE COFFICIENT Cs=0.04 WIND VELOCITY Vutt=115mph00 PL Vasil=89-mph WIND EXPOSURE CATEGORY Ewind="C°EDGE STRIP WIDTH a=3ft DEADLOAD COMPONENTS AND CLADDING (Method 21 ROOF DEAD LOAD DR=3•psf ENDWALL GIRT - F 30 f PARTITION DEAD LOAD DP=3•psf EG= Ps SIDEWALL GIRT FSG= P 29 sf ADDITIONAL LONG.DEAD LOAD DL- 0 psf PURLIN F — 27• sf ADDITIONAL TRANS,DEAD LOAD DT=0•psf MAIN WIND FORCE(Method 21 BASE SHEAR LONGITUDINAL TRANSVERSE WALL (Suction and Pressured Fw=21.04-psf SEISMIC VLs=954lb VT,=68lb ROOF FR=8.psf WIND VL,,,=1066lb VT,,,=676lb ANCHOR INFORMATION EDGE DISTANCE EdgeDistance 3 P44124C E_1 Oft Bay.)cncd 1 5/6/2021 CONCRETE STRENGTH l Concrete=2500 c¢N=0.65 Table 3-ESR3889 , 0.60 Table 4-ESR3889 +Vc:=0.70 Table4-ESR38B9 do1375=0.3756 do.5:=0.5in nominal anchor diameter(fable 1 ESR 3889) her.375 1.33in het.375 3 1.75in het.5 2 5-1.751n t�f 5 3 5=MT effective embedment(table 1 ESR 3889) cac.375=5.Oin core.375 3 6.3in %, 2.s 3.3in cm,-3 5:=5.9in critical edge distance(table 1 ESR 3889) =1.0 -modilimation factor forcracked and unrraked concrete(label 4 ESR 388! ke—17 effectiveness factor foreracked concrete(table 4 ESR 3889) Np._6kip characteristic putout strength,cracked concrete(table 4 ESR 3889) le_.375=1.33in �_375 3=1.75in �_5_25=1.75in I_5 3.5 2.17in load bearing length of andwr(table 4 ESR 3889) Nsa.375'=8.730ldp N,•5 =20.475kip steel strength in tension(table 3 ESR 3889) Vsa_375 =3A65ldp V,,_s=8.860kip steel strength in shear(table 4 ESR 3889) Corner Anchor 1 number of bolts at column cal c=2.75in distance between bolts from edge 2 sit c Oin. distance between bolts along edge 1 c,z-c 2.75in distance of bolts from edge 1. y2-c=Oin distance between bolts along edge 2 eN c=pin distance from resultant tension load b centroid of anchors in tension c•=Din distance from sultant shear load to centroid of anchors in shear Exterior Anchor re=2 number of boils at column - Cate=2.75in distance between bolts from edge 2 s1 a;_Oin distance between bolts along edge 1 cat a=100in distance of bolts from edge 1 s2 a 5in distance between bolts along edge 2 eN e.=pin distance from resultant tension load to centroid of anchors in tension e=Din distance from sultant shear load to centmid of anchors in shear Interior Anchor numberof boltsatcolumn cal-;=100in distance between bolts from edge 2 sl i=Oin distance between bolts along edge 1 _ cos;=Min distance of bolts from edge 1 sZ;=Oin distance between bolts along edge 2 eN =pin distance from resultant tendon load to centroid of anchors in tension ev i Oin •distance from sultantshearload to centroid of anchors in shear P44124C E 10ft Bay xmcd 2 5/6/2021 9? d o_ ANCHOR FORCE SUMMARY SHEAR UPLIFT WIND/LONGITUDINAL/INTERIOR V�,1=301b Nwi1=3481b WIND/LONGITUDINAL EXTERIOR 1/,nra,=71 Ib N,H,,=2831b WIND/TRANSVERSE/INTERIOR V ;t=225Ib Nvii1=3181b WIND I TRANSVERSE I EXTERIOR Vw,t=5631b N,m=2531b SEISMIC/LONGITUDINAL/INTERIOR Vs0=151Ib Nsa=71 lb SEISMIC/LONGITUDINAL/EXTERIOR Vsel=151Ib Nse,=221lb SEISMIC I TRANSVERSE I INTERIOR Vsit=43Ib Nsit=—2631b SEISMIC I TRANSVERSE I EXTERIOR Vset=43Ib Nset=—113Ib ULTIMATE LOADS FOR ANCHORS Tension(Irdedor) Tension(E)derior) Shear(Interior) Shear FExterior) Tension,=847.441b ' Tensionx=1316.031b Shear,=91Z63 th Shearx=1247A[b Bolt Intreratction Check Applied Upfift/Tension+ApO'recl Shear 1 Shear<12 Longitudinal Transverse InteriorAnchors Wind Anchor,i1=0.44 Wind AnchorLt=0.62 Siesmc Anchor;sI=0.25 Siesmic Anchor,st=0.05 E)dedorAnchors Wind Anchor,,K,=0.272 Wind Anchor,wt=0.64 Siesmic Anchor,s,=0.29 Siesmic Anchor 0.03 esi= CorrnerAnchors Wind Anchors =0.21 Wind Anchorc, =0.21 Siesmic Anchorc sl=0 Siesmic Anchor 0 c st= ANCHOR Interior Anchor;_'318"x 2.5- E)dedor Anchor,_'N8'x 2.5- P44124C E 1 Oft Bay.xmcd 3 5/6/2021 5 , PANEL CHECK PANEL CAPACITY Vats=53•plf LONGITUDINAL SHEAR PANEL REQUIRED PanelLengthL=20.11 ft LONGITUDINALSHEAR PANEL Panels=40ft TRANSVERSE SHEAR PANEL REQUIRED Panell-engthr=12.75ft TRANSVERSE SHEAR PANEL PanelT=20ft LONGITUDINAL SHEAR WALL PanelCheckL_"or OF PANEL CHECK IS'Or NO STRAP BRACES REQUIRED TRANSVERSE SHEAR WALL FOR LATERAL FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM BUTSTRAPS PanelCheckT=",or MAYBE REQUIRED FOR ANCHORING) STRAP BRACES(IF REQUIRED) LONGITUDINAL StrapsL=0 TRANSVERSE- StrapsT=3 Allowable Tension in Strap Ta=2470.06Ib GAUGE OF STRAP Gage=16 STRAP WIDTH ws=2-in Longitudinal StrapAngle BraceangleL=39.81•deg TranswrseStrapAngle BraceangleT=39.81•deg maX(vl..VlW) l Longitudnal Tension on Strap TL i PanelCheckL_"or,0, COs(Braceangler.) TL=Olb Trans�erseTension on Strap TT:=' PanelChedcT="ok',0, max(VTs•Vrw) cos(Bracea„glaT)J TT=Olb COMPRESSION MEMBER V1 VT, OR OR —— V,. VT. height Uplift T Brace-�--�L VEIrce„�zT V Brace„ ,, bay P,�� (Note:Compression memberto be designed seperately,see additional calculations. Compression memeber needed only when Strapsr>0) P44124C E_10ft Bay.xmicd 4 5/6/2021 , l INPUT VALUES PURLIN BRIDGING SPACING PudinBridgeSpace=60 DEPTH OF PURLIN webp 7 7,9,11 or 12 HEIGHT OF HORIZONTAL BRACING JAMB SUPPORT StubPostJ="no" BridgeHeight=4.37ft WIDTH OF INTERIOR COLUMN web,:=3.5 CORNER COLUMN UNBRACED LENGTH(ya g Cbrace=2'92ft i SIDE WALL COLUMN web.=3.5 ColumnNumbersyy•=2 SIDEWALL GIRT webG:=wmbS GirtNumber:=1 END WALL COLUMN webE=3.5 ColumnWmberEw=2 ENDWALL GIRT webGE=webE EGbtNumber-1 END CLOSET COLUMN(JAMB) webEWC:=3.5 ColumnNumberEWC=1 (Use either 3.5 or 55 for the width of Side Wag, END CLOSETCOLUMN(HDR) webEG-3.5 ColumnNumberEc=1 End Wag or End Closet Columns) STUB POST HEADER(L) webH:=9 5.5",9",10"or 12" MembersHL=1 STUB POST HEADER(S) webHS:=5.5 5.5",9",10"or 12" MembersHS:=1 LOAD COMBINATIONS LC1=D+MAX(S,Lr) EQUATION-16.10 LC2=D+MAX(.75S,.751-r) EQUATION 16.11 LC3=D+MAX(.6W,.7E) EQUATION 16-12 LC4=D+..45W+MAX(.75S,.751-r) EQUATION 16-13 LC5=D+.,525E+.75S EQUATION 16.14 LC6=.6D+MAX(.6W,.7E) EQUATION 16-15 EQUATION 16.16 PURLIN INFORMATION PURLIN LOADS UNIFORMLOAD - ENDREACTION MOMENT LCl wpft1=217•plf Rpurbq=10831b Mp r l =2707ft•lb LC4 wp„Eri4=188.0 RPipiin4=9421b Mp,dtn4=2354 ft•lb LC6 wp,f,ns=73•plf Rp„,t;,,s=-3641b MPud,6=—910ft•lb LC6 wp'f'6e=—100•pif P4Wa,,=—4341b Rp,,,U s,b=—3761b Mp„,s„se=—1254 ft Ib PURLIN MemberpR="7 x 16ga,50ksi Cee Purfin" IntPR=0.900 LxPR=118.5 in lypR=118.5•in 4PR=118.5•in LypR11eg=118.5•in LtpR m=118.5•in STUB POST HEADERS STUB POST HEADER LOADS REACTION MOMENT LC1 RHt =10831b MHI =5415ft•lb LC4 RH4=9421b MH4=4708ft•lb LC5 RHs=—3641b MHs=—1820 ftdb MEMBER SIZES INTERACTION LENGTH STUB POST HEADERS MemberH="9 x 32 x 14ga 50 ksi Stub Header' IntH=0.937 Headerlength=10 ft STUB POST HEADER BRACING LxH=120•in LyH=120•in LtH=120-m SMALL STUB POST HEADERS MemberHS="5.5 x 32 x 18ga 33 ksi Stub Header" IntHS=0.923 SHLength=511 SMALL STUB POST HEADER BRACING LxHS=60•in LyHS=60•in LtHs=60•in P44124C E 10ft Bay xrncd 5 5/6/2021 INTERIOR COLUMNS INTERIOR COLUMN LOADS AXIAL LOAD MOMENT LC1 PI1 =21661b M11=0 LC3 P13=521 lb M13=0 LC4 P14=1940lb Mt4=179.44 ft•lb (Moment due to 5 psf horizontal load) LC5 PIS=18321b MIS=179.44 ft•lb MEMBER SIZES INTERACTION INTERIOR COLUMN Member,="3.63 x 2 x 16ga,50 ksi Interior Column' Intl 0.789 INTERIOR COLUMN BRACING Lxl=98•in Lyl=12•in Lt1=98•in JAMBS JAMB LOADS AXIAL LOAD MOMENT LC1 P,hambl=10831b NA LC3 P,la,t,b3a=326Ib MJamb3a=164ft•lb LC3 PJamb3b=2861b NA LC4 Pjam=1019Ib MJamb4=123ft•lb LC5 P,1a bS=9891b JAMB UNIFORM LOAD Swig b=160•plf Wfifflamb=91•plf JAMB APPLIED MOMENT JambMoment=164ft•lb EWJambMoment=93 ft•lb JAMB AXIAL LOAD Pj,,Ml=1083lb . JAMB MOMENT CAPACITY *p bp=971 ft•tb JAMB AXIAL CAPACITY Po b ap=5691 lb JAMB CHECK JambCheck="ok" EWJambCheck="or MEMBER SIZES END WALL HEADER MOMENT CAPACTIY EWheader,,,a,,,,.p1=2922tt lb ENDWALLHEADERAPPLIEDMOMENT EWhedermomentapp.=2707.5ft•lb LARGE ENDWALL HEADERCHECK EWheader checkl6="16in EW Header O.K." EWheader check22="22in_EW Header O.K." SIDE WALL COLUMNS SIDE WALL LOADS AXIAL SIDE WALL MOMENT LC7 PSWI =1083113 Msw=Oft-lb LC3 PSW3=3261b LC4 PSW4=10191b MEMBER SIZES INTERACTION SIDE WALL COLUMN MemberaW="3.63 x 1.5 x 18ga 33 ksi Column' Intsw=0.370 SIDE WALL COLUMN BRACING Lxs=105•in Lys=35•in Lts=35-m P44124C E 10ft Bay.wncd. 6 5IW2021 ., END WALL COLUMNS ENDWALLLOADS AXIAL LOAD UNIFORMLOAD MOMENT LC1 PEWj=10831b NA NA LC3 PEWS=3261b WEW3=63•plf MEWS=604ft-lb LC4 PEW4= 10191b wEW4=47•plf MEW4=453ft•lb MEMBER SIZES INTERACTION END WALL COLUMN MemberEw="3.63 x 1.5 x 18ga 33 ksi Column' IntEW=0.906 END WALL COLUMN BRACING LxE=98-in LYE=38•in LIE=38-in GIRTS GIRT LOADS UNIFORM LOAD END REACTION MOMENT SIDE WALL GIRT IN MID ZONE WGS=51-0 RGS=256lb MGS=641 ft-1b SIDE WALL GIRT IN END ZONE wGSe=61-plf RG$e=.305lb MGse=763ft•lb GIRT IN MID ZONE WGE=58•Pif RGE=2921b MGE=183f1lb GIRT IN END ZONE WGEe=71-plf RGEe=3561b. MGEe=222ft-lb MEMBER SIZES INTERACTION SIDE WALL GIRT(MID) MemberGS="3.5 x 1.75 x 16ga 50 ksi GirP IntGS=0.599 END WALL GIRT(END) MemberGE="3.5 x 1.75 x 18ga 33 Id Girt° IntGE=0.329 SIDE WALL GIRT BRACING LxG=119-in LyG=12-in LtG=119-in END WALL GIRT BRACING LkE=59-in LyGE=12-in LICE=59-in STUDS STUDSPACING StudSpacing=16-in STUD LOADS UNIFORM LOAD MOMENT SIDE WALL STUD IN MID ZONE wsmd=25•plf MSw=238ft-lb . SIDE WALL STUDIN ENDZONE WSWde=31-plf Msm,=293ft4b MEMBER SIZES INTERACTION SIDE WALL STUD Memberstd=°3.625 x 2 x 20ga 33 ksi Stud' IntStld=0.509 SIDE WALL STUB BRACING LxSt d=105-in LyStd=35-m LtSW=35-in FOUNDATION INFORMATION INTERIOR COLUMN REACTIONS GRAVITY Pd,,,Cntedor=,21661b UPLIFT PP—it=191 lb EXTERIOR COLUMN REACTIONS GRAVITY Pd,.0 =1083 lb UPLIFT Pup-,=161 lb ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE BeadngPressure=1500-psf SLAB THICKNESS Slab=5.5•in PAD WIDTH Padw='na°-in PAD DEPTH Pad[)=`&-in P44124C E 10ft Bayjancd 7 516/2021 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION & TESTING DIVISION, P.D.&T.S., INC. 4 William Street, Ballston Lake,New York 12019 Phone: (518) 399-1848 Email: constructiontech@live.com �9 L D _ Jul June 28, 2021 FILE COPY — -- TO�.N?`l OF 0LlEC4oiSr-UP gL6lLDlT`!C�c OC D!--:S EVERTS AVENUE SELF STORAGE 106 Everts Avenue Queensbury, New York 12804 Att'n: Building Code Enforcement Officials Re: EVERTS AVENUE SELF STORAGE PHASE 3,QUEENSBURY,NY Construction Materials Inspection and Testing Services Greetings, Per the request, Mr. Don Scoville, EVERTS AVENUE SELF STORAGE, we are pleased to inform you CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY has been retained to provide the construction materials inspection and testing services required of the referenced project including but not limited to: Soil compaction, structural steel, and portland cement concrete inspection and testing. As such, we would like a moment to introduce our organization. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY is the construction materials inspection division of Product Development & Technical Services, Inc. Since our 1984 incorporation in New York State, we have been devoted to providing the highest standards of on time field inspection, testing and laboratory support to the construction industry. Our desire is a QC/QA involvement with projects committed to timely completion while satisfying the quality controls and assurances necessary to support today's strict design criteria. All too often materials inspections are viewed as a necessary evil or a requirement to be overlooked. Many times the laboratory brings this attitude on itself because of less than fully qualified personnel, tardy response time or uncompromising attitudes of technicians. Given the opportunity, we are confident we can provide the services that reflect our strong desire to be an asset to the construction process. Our facility and field technical force is supported by state of the art test equipment, including nuclear soil/asphalt density test equipment, automatic soil moisture/density (Proctor) apparatus, temperature/humidity controlled curing environments for concrete specimens, and all.other necessary equipment to satisfy the requirements of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards C-1077 and E-329 as they relate to a commercial inspection agency. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY has submitted to outside auditing by having our personnel, equipment, facility and quality assurance plan evaluated by the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL) of the National Standards Institute. A copy of the CCRL/NSI audit and finding is available upon request. June 28, 2021 EVERTS AVENUE SELF STORAGE Re: EVERTS AVENUE SELF STORAGE PHASE 3,QUEENSBURY,NY Construction Materials Inspection and Testing Services Our staff ranges from consultant Professional Engineers, hydrologists and geologists to field technicians and materials inspectors with technical backgrounds of educational degrees and/or substantiated experience in a construction oriented discipline. Field inspectors also possess a combination of the following certifications: * Certification at various levels (AET-I through SET-IV) by the National Institute for Certification in the Engineering Technologies (NICET). * American Concrete Institute (ACI) Grade I Concrete Inspector. * American Concrete Institute (ACI) Certified Concrete Construction Special Inspector. * North East Transportation Training & Certification Program (NETTCP). Certified Soil and Aggregate Inspector * Troxler Nuclear Gauge Training Program for Radiation Safety Officers and Field Operators. * NYSDoT Certified Asphalt Density Inspector. * J&L Testing, Inc. Certification Program for Sanitary Landfill Inspectors. * J&L Testing, Inc. Certification Program for Quality Control and Inspection of Geosynthetic Systems for Use in Solid and Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities. In addition to particular qualifications, field inspectors are familiar with all phases of construction materials testing and inspection including soils, concrete, reinforcement, masonry, structural steel, fireproofing and roof installation. This generally alleviates the need and expense of employing more than one inspector on a particular project. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY currently has the capabilities to provide inspection and testing services relating to many construction concerns including but not limited to: subsurface drilling and investigation, soils placement and compaction, foundation design recommendations, portland cement concrete, unit masonry, mortars, grouts, bituminous concrete, structural steel and fireproofing, as well as all associated laboratory services. In general, all forms of materials testing and inspection services, as they relate to the construction industry, may be obtained through CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY. We appreciate your interest in our firm and our line of work. We look forward to completing the construction materials inspection, testing and laboratory requirements for: EVERTS AVENUE SELF STORAGE. If there are any questions, or when we may be of assistance, please contact this office immediately. Respectfully, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY /�s.�.ertf,�.eliasr Robert Behan, (NICET) Manager Technical Services