OCTOBER 3, 2000
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury
held Tuesday, October 3, 2000, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New
York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner
(7:32 pm) and Simmonds
Assistant Director Lovering and Director Hansen
Commissioner Carusone made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine, to approve the
minutes of the September 5, 2000 meeting. The director relayed Commissioner
Schachner's comment about a spelling error in the minutes and he assured the commission
the correction would be changed in the official copy. There were no further corrections and
the motion was unanimously approved by voice vo~e.
The items of correspondence included in the monthly packet were reviewed and the
director briefly explained each letter/memo. The revised budget summary comparison
sheets were questioned and the director pointed out that the department's budget would
be reviewed by the Town Board in mid-October.
The Meadow's Planned Unit Development (PUD)
The status of The Meadows PUD proposed land donation was outlined and the director
distributed a more comprehensive map of the Halfway Brook corridor area (requested
previously by the commission). The assistant director briefly recapped the recent site visit
by commission members and there was discussion on the area as a possible small passive
recreational park. The Halfway Brook area map outlining adjacent town owned and
"possibly-soon to be town owned" property was examined and discussed. The commission
requested that the director verify information on both the 10 acre Randerson property and
the 2 acre Girard property. Specifically, the commission was concerned that the
Meadowbrook Road access to the Randerson property might be in jeopardy in terms of
possible adverse possession by adjoining property owners. With the Town Counsel's
assistance, the director was instructed to draft a letter alerting those neighbors whose
property abuts the town parcel, that the parcel might be developed in the future. In terms
of the Girard site the director was instructed to determine if there was navigable access
between the two parcels (Randerson and Girard property).
After further discussion the commission agreed and directed the chairman to draft a memo
to the Town Board expressing the commission's interest in accepting the four (4) acre
parcel being offered as part of The Meadows PUD. Furthermore, the commission
stipulated that the acceptance be contingent on the developer meeting a number of
conditions (construction of suitable parking, an entry from Cronin Road and a trail system).
The memo will also be distributed to all interested parties. '
The director highlighted a number of major items in his verbal monthly department report
including an update on the time frame for the construction of the Hudson River Park
gazebo, the status of Freedom Park and the situation (possible change of schedule) with
the G. F. Flyers. He remarked that the completion and grand opening ceremony for
Freedom Park had been delayed due to the action and/or lack of action of others. After
some discussion the director was instructed to invite the appropriate Freedom Park project
representatives to the November meeting to help sort out the situation. Previous
correspondence and minutes of meetings relating to this park project were requested and
will be sent to all commissioners, before the next meeting.
The director conveyed the information he had uncovered with regard to the Hovey Pond
Preservation Project and the funds received by the town for this unknown project.
Approximately $110. has been collected and will be deposited in a special park project fund
to be expended for improvements to the park, at a later date. Chairman Simmonds will
contact the Friends of Hovey Pond group to advise them of the donation.
The assistant director highlighted a number of ongoing programs and advised the
commission that the department's winter brochure would be mailed to all residents by the
week of October 9th.
There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:01 pm. The
next meeting will be held on November 7, 2000, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the
Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
/~~)( ~
~n Simmonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director