2000-07-11 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JULY 11, 2000 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission Of the town of Queensbury held Tuesday, July 11, 2000, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice Chairman Carusone called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, LaBombard, Maine and Simmonds (7:25 pm) ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Hersh (ex) and Schachner (ex) VISITORS: Betty Monahan, MaryLee Gosline and George Stec APPROVAL OF MINUT~ I Commissioner LaBombard made a motion, secon(jed by Commissioner Auer, to approve the minutes of the April 4, 2000 meeting. There were no corrections and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. In terms of the May 2, 2000 meeting, Commissioner laBombard expressed concern that the wording used in the tennis court repair paragraph on page 2, was inaccurate. He mentioned that he and Commissioner Schachner were supportive of working cooperatively with the School District. However, they were not in favor of expending funds to repair the tennis courts. Following discussion it was agreed to amend the minutes to read "although the entire commission was in favor of supporting a spirit of cooperation, there was not a unanimous support for the expenditure of $1000. Commissioner Auer made a motion seconded by Commissioner LaBombard to approve the minutes of the May 2, 2000 meeting. The director will amend the minutes as requested and the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS I Vice Chairman Carusone welcomed the guests and'M.L. Gosline' and B. Monahan requested to speak about Hovey Pond Park. They explained ,that they were representing the Friends of Hovey Pond (FHP) group and presented a short summary of some of their group's achievements during the summer. M.l. presented a list of park items that needed attention including; re-treating the handicapped fishing dock structure, adding more stone dust to the park pathway and improving the mowing in and around the garden area/picnic tables. In addition, she offered some suggestions for additions to the facility including; locating cigarette "butt cans" throughout the park and installing a cement pad underneath and a covered structure over the picnic area. They also mentioned their group's desire to see a gazebo installed at the park and suggested that a qualified "tree man" be hired to evaluate the park's foliage in terms of removing and replacing dying trees. They also questioned the handicapped fountain and pointed out that it was not wheelchair accessible. The director responded on behalf of the department and agreed to correct those items that could be remedied. He also mentioned the Eagle Scout project (small play apparatus area) which had been tentatively approved for the park site. M.l. Gosline questioned if this type of structure would "fit in" and that the town should "keep the park the way it was intended." The director explained that the commission had been previously briefed about the play structure. He also assured her that the apparatus was small enough and would certainly be a worthwhile addition for children who visit the park. There was further discussion and it was pointed Ol,Jt that the department was shorthanded when it came to maintenance of facilities. It was suggested that this fact be pointed out to the Town Board especially at budget time. The commission thanked both Betty and MaryLee for their comments and also their efforts at Hovey Pond Park. The items of correspondence included in the June 6, 2000 meeting packet were briefly reviewed and there was no further comment. The Director also reviewed the items included in this month's packet and there were questions about the toilet facilities (porta- johns) and the enclosures that would be purchased to screen these facilities. The director also advised the commission concerning the donation of property (tax map #128-6-6) by the Austin family. He pointed out that this small parcel was adjacent to West End Park and would be a fine addition to the park area. He recommended that they accept the donation and the commission agreed. A letter of acceptance on behalf of the commission would be drafted, reviewed by the chairman and sent to all parties concerned. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Hudson Pointe Nature Preserve (HPNP) The director advised the commission that he was in the process of drafting the commissions letter to the Town Board with respect to recommending acceptance of the HPNP. -2- Michaels GrouD/Land Trust The director relayed his phone conversation with Dave Michaels concerning the possible donation of the 12-acre parcel on Meadowbrook Road. He explained that the Michaels Group were requesting "something in writing" with regard the commission's intentions if this parcel is donated to the Town. The commission was in favor of responding and instructed the director to draft a memo of reply. NEW BUSINESS Park Development Commissioner LaBombard suggested that the department consider construction a multi- purpose field for a variety of sports including lacrosse, at the Hudson River Park site. The director responded that he had submitted a "wish list" to the Town Comptroller and this was one of the park development items included in that list. The town had discovered a large surplus of funds (approximately 2m) and was asking all departments for a capital projects wish list. The director submitted a list of 4 park site projects totaling $364,000. In addition, he added approximately $35,000. worth of capital equipment expenditure requests (mowers, tractors, etc.). MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT As part of the monthly department report, the director reported on the status of the Gurney Lane Pool facility as well as a number of other summer programs and facilities. The commission commented on a number of other programs including the horseback riding/dinner trips, the Q-Club program and indoor pool/flyers situation. Chairman Simmonds reminded the commission that in the past, monthly meetings "on the road" were usually scheduled. Therefore, it was suggested that the August meeting be held at Hovey Pond Park. This was agreed and the director will notify all concerned. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:31 pm. The next meeting will be held on August 1, 2000, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the small picnic area in Hovey Pond Park, off Lafayette Street. harron Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director -3-