1999-10-05 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 5, 1999 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, October 5, 1999 at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Vice-Chairman Carusone called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, laBombard and Maine ALSO PRESENT: Assistant Director Lovering ABSENT: Commissioner Schachner (ex) & Simmonds (ex) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTE~ None COMMUNICATIPNS AND REMARKS FRØM VISITºRS The assistant director briefly reviewed the Town Board's recent resolution (#313.99 - September 20, 1999) accepting the Hudson POinte Nature Preserve and there was no further comment. Faith IJible Church - Discussion The assistant director distributed a copy of the memo from Dan Luciano, Open Space Institute (051), along with a reference map of the revised Faith Bible Church property line proposal. He pointed out the additional land the church wanted to keep and what comprised the area the town would receive. There was considerable discussion concerning its recreational valve, future use and the pros and cons of accepting the property as is. The consensus was that the property's value for passive recreational usage was definitely enhanced due to its location between the Hudson POinte Nature Preserve (recently accepted by the town) and the 30 acre, town owned parcel southwest of Carey Road below the Native Textiles facility site. After further discussion with respect to how the parcel fit into future recreational plans, Commissioner Maine made a motion, seconded by Commissioner laBombard to advise 051 that the Recreation Commission/Department of Parks and Recreation were still in favor of accepting the Faith Bible Church property if purchased by OSI (original boundary lines as shown on the facsimile sent by OSI on 6/17/99). The motion was unanimously approved and Commissioner Auer reiterated his concern with the buried 55 gallon drums (unknown contents) and that this situation be rectified (barrels removed) before the property is purchased. School TransDortation/Voter Re~lÏstration Info Commissioner Auer distributed copies of a school transportation memo and graphs with voter registration info. There was a brief discussion regarding the importance/validity of the information in determining town population areas as well as future recreational opportunities. c;OMMITTEE REPpRTS Commissioner LaBombard reported on the joint meeting of representatives from Queensbury School, Adirondack Community College and the commission/department. Commissioner Hersh commented on the importance of the gathering and how each group could help the other. Commissioner Carusone requested that a copy of the meeting minutes or notes be available for the November commission meeting. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT Assistant Director Lovering gave a brief verbal report highlighting the following items; the department's 1999-2000 winter brochure, new programs scheduled this winter and a short re-cap mentioning the success of the 1999 summer programs. There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm. The next meeting will be held on November 2, 1999, beginning at 7:00 pm, in the Supervisor's Conference Room #37 at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Sh ro Simmonds, Chairman Mi u s prepared by Steven M. Lovering, Assistant Director -2 -