MARCH 2, 1999
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury held Tuesday, March 2, 1999 at the Queensbury Town Office Building,
Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine,
Schachner and Simmonds
Director Hansen, Assistant Director Lovering and Typist S. Ramsey,
Councilmen Irish and Tucker
Commissioner Carusone made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve
the minutes of the January 5 and February 2, 1999 meetings. Commissioner Auer
questioned whether his comments regarding a sign and/or flashing lights for the gate at
Hudson River Park had been reflected in a previous set of minutes. The director
assured him that the December 1, 1998 meeting minutes had in fact been changed to
include his comments. Anyone interested in receiving a copy of those amended minutes
was invited to stop by the office to pick them up. The motion (to approve the meeting
minutes of January 5 and February 2, 1999) was then unanimously approved by voice
The director reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet
beginning with a memo from Supervisor Champagne regarding the possible lease of the
Niagara Mohawk property near the Feeder Canal. A letter to Paul Impola from NY State
Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP) was reviewed. The
letter outlined the construction process for Hudson River Park as well as the various
short comings demonstrated by the contractor (NuTech). The director informed the
commission that the first voucher request for Hudson River Park had been submitted
($139,000) and that the town was entitled to 50% reimbursement. At this time
Commissioner Schachner requested that when the commission is copied on
correspondence, that they (the commission) be mailed the correspondence at the time it
is generated rather than at a later date. The director apologized and agreed that, in the
future, this could be done. Commissioner Auer questioned if Harold Hagemann
(NYSOPRHP) had been apprised of the difficulties experienced with NuTech and
whether a good track record existed in informing others of these problems. Some
commissioners pointed out that within the department's letter to Mr. Impola (which was
copied to Harold Hagemann) there were several instances that mentioned contractor
deficiencies. There was a brief discussion and it was agreed that a good track record of
notifying the proper officials of contractor difficulties has been demonstrated.
A memo to the town board regarding the department's new full time aquatics position
was discussed. The director outlined a possible time table for the interviewing and
hiring process. There was some discussion concerning a hiring date, possible hours and
Warren County Personnel's approval of the position. The commission directed the
department to proceed with the advertising and interviewing process.
The final bit of correspondence reviewed was a memo from Queensbury's Community
Development Department (Chuck Voss and Laura Moore) concerning a $5,000 NY State
Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Urban Forestry Grant. Director Hansen outlined
a plan to secure grant funding for a planting project (trees and shrubbery) at Hudson
River Park. He further stated that a copy of the planting guide, developed by Miller
Associates (Landscape Architect for original park project), had been forwarded to the
community development department to be included with the grant application.
Commissioner Schachner wondered if the previous month's correspondence (February
meeting cancelled) should be reviewed this month due to the cancellation. Director
Hansen agreed and apologized for the error, but due to a full agenda for this month's
meeting (March) February's correspondence was overlooked.
The commission was presented with a 16 page draft summary and analysis report of the
1999 Program-Facility Survey. Director Hansen thanked all those responsible for their
hard work putting the report together. He proceeded to give a general outline
concerning the set up of the document and the information contained within. The
commission thanked the department staff for a wonderful report, commented on the
need for careful review of the information and a plan to meet the following week to
discuss it. A 4:30 PM meeting on Tuesday, March 9th was confirmed (Note: a second
draft, 51 pages, including all survey comments will be available at this time).
Director Hansen commented on the possibility of developing a park site, in conjunction
with the Feeder Canal Alliance (FCA), on a six acre Niagara Mohawk parcel that abuts
the town owned property at the Feeder Dam location. He reviewed his letter to Niagara
Mohawk (Steven Murphy) regarding the town's support of a cooperative park
development project, as well as a letter from Pat Crayford (FCA Director) to the town.
There was brief discussion by the commission in support of working with the FCA to
develop a park at the Feeder Dam location. No further action by the commission was
necessary at this time, but they will be kept apprised by the department of any progress
Director Hansen outlined a request from Councilman Tucker to consider adding some
fencing (split rail and chain link) at Hudson River Park. The fencing would add an
aesthetic value while also discouraging unwanted access from four wheel drive,
snowmobile and all-terrain vehicles which has caused some recent damage during the
winter and spring months. The director informed the commission that the money would
come from the subdivision funds and therefore be subject to a 30 day referendum. He
suggested that the commission also consider other ancillary facilities (at other park
locations) and to include those costs when transferring funds out of the sub-division
account to pay for the fencing project. The director offered to put together some cost
estimates (if possible) for different facilities for the commission to consider at the April
The possible transfer of ownership of the Hudson River Park property (formally the
44.34 acre DeSantis property - Big Boom Road) from Warren County to the Town of
Queensbury was discussed. The director outlined his recent letter (February 25, 1999)
to Pat Beland (Warren County Parks and Recreation) affirming the town's desire to own
the 44+ acre parcel. He also mentioned that the transfer would compliment the 8 acre
property (north of the 44 acre parcel) recently gifted to the town by Mr. and Mrs. Carl
DeSantis. No further action by the commission was necessary at this time, but they will
be kept apprised by the department of any progress made.
The director updated the commission concerning the Faith Bible Church property and
the status with regard to its possible purchase by the Open Space institute (OSI). An
updated map from Joe Martens (OSI) was shown and Director Hansen explained that
the church group was now interested in retaining an additional 6-8 acres
(approximately) from the original map thereby reducing the property available for active
recreational facilities. After some discussion the commission decided to re-walk the
property later this spring and to reassess it's value with regard to active recreation.
Commissioner Hersh acting as Chairman of the ad hoc grand opening committee
mentioned his desire for assistance in formulating ideas for the Hudson River Park grand
opening later this spring.
Director Hansen presented a verbal report and updated the commission concerning a
conflict (received by Commissioner Schachner) between x-country skiers and motorized
vehicles at the Ridge/Jenkinsville park trails. He stated that the conflict (use of
motorized vehicles) had ceased on weekends thereby correcting any potential conflict.
Also the director had been in contact with Carl DeSantis (Hudson River Park) and he
was agreeable to he and his wife's names appearing on the park sign, but nothing more
elaborate. Lastly, the commission was informed of Bob Eddy's (Friends of Hovey Pond)
desire to place small signs (identifying the species) near each tree as an educational
benefit. The commission was in favor of the signs and gave approval to proceed with
the purchase (approximately $365.).
There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM
The next meeting will be held on April 6, 1999, beginning at 7:00 PM, in the
Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
o Chairman
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Minutes prepared by Steven M. Lovering, Assistant Director