NOVEMBER 3, 1998
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury held Tuesday, November 3, 1998 at the Queensbury Town Office Building,
Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine and
Director Hansen
Commissioner Schachner (ex)
AI Blumberg, Peter Pepe and Mark Prendeville
Chairman Simmonds welcomed the visitors and, after introductions, A. Blumberg and
P. Pepe outlined the Freedom Park "boundless playground" project. They highlighted
the history of the project, including the committed involvement by the Glens Falls
Kiwanis Club and the Wiswall Center for Independent Living. Their presentations
detailed a review of the park facilities planned at the site, as well as providing additional
information, including: project budget, funding/fundraising, future expansion,
construction time table, parking, liability insurance and maintenance. In addition, Mr.
Blumberg assured the commission that the project group intended to continue, after
completion, an "ongoing relationship with the park to, not only maintain the park, but on
an ongoing basis to improve the park".
There were numerous questions by commission members, including concerns regarding
restroom facilities, park design specifics and special needs access/usage.
Chairman Simmonds thanked the project representatives for their input and, after the
visitors left, discussion continued on the commission's responsibility and subsequent
course of action. Commissioner Auer expressed concern with the design of the facility
and its location and questioned why Prospect School personnel were not involved.
Furthermore, he stated that, in his opinion, the commission did not have enough
information to recommend to the Town Board to accept the park at completion.
Commissioner LaBombard moved to recommend to the Town Board that "upon
completion of the project, at ribbon cutting, that the Town take this (the park) over as
another recreation site". Commissioner Hersh seconded that motion and, after
additional discussion, the motion was approved by majority vote (Commissioner Auer
voted no).
Commissioner Hersh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the
minutes of the October 6, 1998 meeting. There were no corrections and the minutes
were unanimously approved by voice vote.
The director reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and
there were comments on the Hudson River Park (HRP) project meeting report #15. He
responded that the new contractor (New Dimensions) had completed the remedial park
work satisfactorily. Therefore, he and J. Miller were recommending, based on the
results that a portion of the 10% retainage ($600. of $1,100.) be paid to New
Dimensions. The town would still retain $500. until spring, when the site would be
reevaluated and any contract discrepancies remedied. The commission agreed and the
director will complete the necessary paperwork.
The director reported on a number of items under unfinished business. He relayed that
the HRP site was now complete in terms of fencing (replaced by the bridge contractor),
signage and a new front gate. After some discussion, the commission recommended to
postpone the grand opening/park dedication ceremony until spring (Commissioner
Hersh to organize/coordinate the dedication). With regard to the park sign, after some
discussion, it was decided to install it and the planter just inside the park on the
northeast corner of the DeSantis property which is being offered to the town.
The director briefly updated the commission on the status of the DeSantis property
acquisition and also relayed the details of the recent board meeting where the Moreau
Lake State Park expansion plan was presented.
The 1999 department budget situation was reviewed and there were no comments.
The director relayed that the supervisor, in a memo, had indicated the board was
satisfied with the Recreation Commission survey and that the draft had been sent to the
printer for final printing. The town has been divided into five geographical areas
(different brochure color per area) and it is anticipated that the brochure will be in the
mails before the holidays.
The chairman mentioned the upcoming joint board/commission meeting scheduled for
12/1/98 and there was discussion on the topics to be considered. It was decided, since
one of the meeting topics mentioned by the supervisor was the
commission/department's future direction, that the meeting should be held in January
and/or February after the survey results were returned and tabulated. It was also
and/or February after the survey results were returned and tabulated. It was also
mentioned that the commission/department had re~prioritized its park planning project
list a few years ago and submitted it to the Town Board. Chairman Simmonds
summarized the discussion and agreed to call the supervisor to re-schedule the joint
The siltation proposal submitted by Nace Engineering, P.C. was reviewed and the
director relayed Tom Nace's comments and assessment of the situation based on their
recent site visit. Commissioner Maine suggested that Richard Dykster, because of his
previous expertise, be contacted and agreed to call him to evaluate the siltation
situation and then report back.
The director presented a verbal report and updated the commission on the status of
upcoming winter programs and the search for a new department secretary.
A new safer pool chlorination system which uses chlorine pellets instead of liquid
chlorine was discussed and proposed by the director. The system, which costs
approximately $1,400., is in use at the Glen Falls YMCA, as well as other regional
municipal pool facilities and would eliminate the potential hazardous risks associated
with handling liquid chlorine by staff. Frye Technology, an institutional/commercial pool
supplier who developed and markets the Pulsar Chlorination System, believes the
department can also reduce the seasonal cost for chemical products with this new
system. The commission agreed with the director and suggested that the system be
purchased as soon as possible and installed at the Gurney Lane pool facility by next
There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on December 1, 1998, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the
Supervisor's Conference Room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director