Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury held Tuesday, September 1, 1998 at the Queensbury Town Office
Building, Queensbury, New York. Vice Chairman Carusone called the meeting to order
at 7:05 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, LaBombard, Maine and
Councilman Irish and Director Hansen
Commissioner Hersh (ex) and Simmonds (ex)
Commissioner LaBombard made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine to
approve the minutes of the August 4, 1998 meeting. After noting a grammatical
change, the minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote.
The items of correspondence included in the monthly packet (skate park funding letter,
Flyers letter, Moreau State Park planning meeting notice and department home page
information) were briefly reviewed. The status of the purchase of the Zoli property by
the school was questioned and Commissioner LaBombard (Joint Committee Chairman)
provided an update to the commission.
The Flyers Swim Club letter was discussed and the director explained that the changes
suggested by the Flyers were acceptable to the department on a trial basis for this year
only. The director also pointed out that this would be outlined to P. Crandall (swim club
president) in a letter and that the effect of the interim change would be evaluated by
both organizations at the end of the season.
The director briefly reviewed the status of the park project and explained that the new
contractor, New Dimensions Landscaping, Inc., would begin remedial park work later
this week. There was discussion about hiring VanDusen & Steves (survey work) and
Jim Miller (project architect) to assist in completing the project. After the director
pointed out that hiring both firms was verbally authorized by the Town Board (Board
meeting - B/17/9B), Commissioner Auer requested "to go on record officially" in terms of
disagreeing that Jim Miller be paid anything to oversee this (the remedial project work).
Commissioner LaBombard also requested "to go on record in favor of retaining Jim
Miller" because "he's been in this project from the beginning, he's knowledgeable."
After further discussion, Vice Chairman Carusone suggested that, in the future, the
commission be apprised of project budget changes beforehand.
The most recent draft of the Recreation Commission Survey which was included in the
monthly packet was briefly reviewed and the consensus was to move forward as quickly
as possible. The commission also was in favor of the additional "fast facts" sheet (page
4) and directed the chairman to draft and send a letter with the revised draft survey to
the Town Board for their input.
The director briefly outlined the Freedom Park Project information and displayed
pictures of some of the equipment which is initially planned for at the site. There was
considerable discussion in terms of the Town accepting and maintaining the park facility
in light of the projected equipment cost estimates shown. The question of liability,
maintenance responsibility and the equipment replacement cost factor were all
considered and were of concern to the members of the commission. Therefore, the
director was instructed to relay the concerns expressed by the commission at the next
FPPP committee meeting.
The director relayed that the department's 1999 tentative budget had been reviewed
and revised by the budget committee previously and had now been turned in to the
Town Controller. The new aquatic supervisor's job description/responsibilities was
handed out/discussed and it was explained that, by hiring this individual, the department
would be able to reduce expenses as well as increase revenues in 1999. The
department budget summary/comparison information, including the budget highlights
sheet, were reviewed and Commissioner Schachner mentioned that the 1999 requested
column total was incorrect. The director will recheck the figures and send out a revised
copy shortly.
The director distributed HROP information and exhibited a conceptual master plan map
of the site. It was explained that the department was approached by Feeder Canal
Alliance and Warren County Planning and Community Development Department
representatives jointly with regard to assisting in the development of a small park area
at the Feeder Canal dam site. Commissioner Auer, who is a member of the Feeder
Canal Board, outlined some of the details of the plan and the director presented a brief
history of the department's involvement at the park. It was pointed out that the project
was still only in the preliminary stages and that negotiations with Niagara Mohawk
concerning property acquisition and/or easements were still ongoing. The director
reiterated that, at this time, no commission action was warranted, that the project was
proceeding and that he would keep the commission advised of the situation as it
Councilman Irish asked to address the commission and requested that the director
investigate the possibility of installing a clean-out catch basin at the intake pipe (upper
end) to Hovey PORd. He explained that the Town Board had mentioned it at their
meeting on the 1 i and was relaying the request. The director mentioned that he too
had noticed the build-up of silt/sand deposit in the pond and would contact an
engineering firm to obtain a cost estimate for installation of said trap.
The director relayed the circumstances surrounding the accidental demolition of
approximately 10 sections of Hovey Pond Park post/rail on Glenwood Avenue. The
motorist, Jim Fawcett, lost control of his vehicle and inadvertently wiped out a large
section of fence. He reported the mishap to the police and has agreed to reimburse the
Town for the material cost to replace the fencing.
The assistant director gave a brief verbal monthly report and there were questions on
the golf lessons and the boat safety course. It was pointed out that, in spite of the lack
of school facility usage (due to construction), the summer program was quite extensive.
The status of the fall programs were also mentioned and there were no further
Councilman Irish mentioned that the Town Board wished to meet with the entire
commission concerning possibly abolishing the commission and reinstating it as an
advisory board. He explained that there had been discussions on this in the past and
that, before doing anything now, that the board wished to meet with the commission
first. He explained that two board members were out of Town until the end of the month
but requested that all commission members be contacted for a possible meeting in
October. The director will contact commission members to coordinate a date for the
meeting and then contact Councilman Irish.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on October 6, 1998, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the
Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
John . arusone, Vice Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen, Director