AUGUST 4, 1998
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury held Tuesday, August 4, 1998 at the Ridge/Jenkinsville Park site,
Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and
Director Hansen
Commissioner Carusone (ex)
Commissioner Hersh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the
minutes of the July 7, 1998 meeting. There were no corrections and the minutes were
unanimously approved by voice vote.
The director reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and
also relayed the specifics of the 7/20/98 board meeting, at which the resolution to hire a
new project Hudson River Park (HRP) contractor was tabled. He explained that a
number of board members and staff had questions relative to the prevailing wage rate,
authorization to expend the retainage funds and the contractor's qualifications. The
7/28/98 letter from ~he department to the three contractors was reviewed and there was
discussion on mLlmcipal contracts and prevailing wage rate. The commission reviewed
the remedial project work scheduled to be completed at the site and they questioned
the director regarding the proposed alternate park access for residents under the bridge
from the west side of Northway. The director reaffirmed that a new resolution to hire a
contractor to complete the work at HRP would be drafted and submitted to the Town
Board as soon as possible. Thereafter, the work would be scheduled sometime
between August 15 - September 15 in order to take advantage of the optimum fall
growing window.
The commission again considered the option of partially funding the Supra Fitness
Complex & Skate Park in Glens Falls and a number of commissioners mentioned that
they had visited the facility. The Zoli property and how its acquisition by the school
district might affect the skateboard park question was also discussed. It was the
consensus that, because the Zoli property acquisition presented the Town with the
option to possibly develop and maintain a Queensbury outdoor skateboard park facility,
that this should be explored further with the school board athletic committee before
making a final decision on the Supra Fitness proposal. The commission directed
committee Chairman LaBombard and the director to set up a joint meeting, including an
ACC representative to investigate a skateboard facility, as soon as possible. In
addition, the director was instructed to draft a letter to the SupervisorlTown Board
explaining the commission's position and the status of the skateboard park funding
The director relayed that, based on the comments received at the special survey review
meeting some time ago, that the latest draft of the review was being reformatted and
would be available for a final review next month. Thereafter, the document will be
distributed to the board for their comments and then, hopefully, sent out to the
community this fall.
The director presented a verbal update on a variety of summer programs and activities
and relayed that, in spite of the school situation (no facilities available), the department
has made extensive use of substitute recreational facilities at ACC, Glens Falls High
School and Our Lady of the Annunciation Church. There was discussion on enrollment
figures for "Q" Club activities and pool usage and the Director explained that, due to
many factors (less facilities, different facilities, weather, etc.), the numbers were lower
this year than in previous years.
The director updated the commission on the status of the "hedge row' planting at Hovey
Pond Park (postponed indefinitely) and distributed a copy of his memo to the
The notice announcing date and time of the Hovey Pond timeline ribbon cutting
ceremony was distributed and all commission members were invited to attend.
The new play apparatus equipment recently purchased and installed at the
Ridge/Jenkinsville Park site was pointed out to the commission and it was explained
that similar equipment had been purchased but not yet installed at Gurney Lane, West
End and South Queensbury Parks.
There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded that the
commission meeting adjourn (7:55 p.m.). The next meeting will be held on September
1, 1998, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at a park site yet to be determined.
Sharron L. Simmonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen