Application TG F QUEENSBURY APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE h1AR10 1978 A.M. TO : Board of Appeals of the Town of Queensbury Bay and Haviland Roads-R.D. 1 Glens Falls, New York 12801 The undersigned hereby applies for a variance from the requirements of the ordinance of the Town of Queensbury entitled "Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance" in the following respects : Top l are addi +inn to a hnd3±Ppai r qa snga in an R-4 Zone. The specific provision of said ordinance involved is S hedule of 7nniny regnla+innc State the grounds within the framework of the Town Of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance for granting the apnlication. Dwelling was removed Space needed to store materials indnnre Additional Information Required 1. The name and address of the undersigned is David L Barnes _ R D #4 Lu7.erne Road Wert Glens Falls New York 12R01 2 . The name and address of the owner of the zone lot affected Same 3 . A brief description and location of said lot is 100' x 150' west side of Indiana Ave. near Luzerne Road 4. The present zoning classification of said lot , the improvements thereon and the present use thereof is R-4 residential - used only for business. auto body repair shop 5 . An accurate description of the improvement or additions or changes intended to be made, indicating the size of such proposed improvements , material and general construction thereof Addition 25' x 30' cement block construction and wood_ A plot plan in triplicate of said lot drawn toscale must be attached, indicating the location and size of the lot , the location and size of improvements thereon and the location and size of im- provements proposed to be erected thereon. The applicant shall enclose in triplicate any substantiating evidence . Dated this /0 —day of 19 T( (Signature of Applicant) Telephone Number: ome Phone Name and address of attorney or Business 792-0049 agent if Applicant is to be so represented. F R Eft-RA W L //''S I Ida 4 LIX f I i �l i i j T a x i Y 0 I