February 3, 1998
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury
held Tuesday, February 3, 1998" at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury,
New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Schachner and
Ass't. Director Lovering
Commissioner Maine (ex)
Commissioner Carusone made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Hersh to approve the
minutes of the February 3, 1998 meeting. There were no corrections and the minutes were
unanimously approved by voice vote.
Chairman Simmonds briefed the commission on the comments from the town board relative
to the recreation survey. She explained that the survey was perceived as too long and
seemed to be geared more towards people who have used the services rather than those
who were not aware the services existed. After further discussion it was decided that a joint
meeting between the town board and the commission should be scheduled.to evaluate the
survey in greater detail. A meeting was set for February 11th at 4:00 p.m.
Chairman Simmonds highlighted a memo received from Supervisor Champagne
concerning the town board's suggestion of a contest to name the town's new park (Big
Boom Road). There was considerable discussion about the contest idea and it was
decided that the department would design a contest flyer and distribute it through the
Queensbury School District (grades K-12). A deadline of Friday, February 2ih was set
for all entries. The commission will select three entries at the March 3rd meeting and
submit them to the town board for a final decision.
Commissioner Carusone mentioned that the personnel committee wouLd meet to discuss a
request made by Commissioner Auer during executive session in January. A committee
report will be made at the March 3rd commission meeting.
The assistant director briefed the commission on the status of the director and his recovery
process following surgery in early January. It was decided the commission should send the
director a "get well token".
The assistant director presented a verbal monthly report which highlighted the success of
the Zucchini Bros. concert in early January along with the upcoming magic show in
February. It was also reported that the department was starting a new indoor soccer
program for children in grades 1-4, also beginning in February.
Chairman Simmonds mentioned that the assistant director had recently attended several
Rotary Club (Glens Falls) meetings to present information on the joint project between town
and county parks and recreation and the Rotary Club.
Information (per highway superintendent, Paul Naylor) regarding the paving at the end of
Big Boom Road and perhaps the new park, was relayed to the commission by the assistant
director. After discussing the potential project and its cost, i~ was .the ,ÇOns.ensus that any
paving should be done upon completion of the Northway bridge work which was still
ongoing. Furthermore, any cost for the paving of Big Boom Road should be paid for from
the Town's budget rather than using department funds (operating budget or subdivision
revenues) .
Commissioner Hersh questioned whether a discussion should take place on the personnel
committee's recommendation, since six of seven commissioners were present. Upon
further discussion it was decided that all appropriate information (rommittee
recommendation, staff input., etc.) be distributed in the monthly meeting packet and also be
put on the March 3rd agenda.
There being no further business, the commission meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m. The
next meeting will be held on March 3, 1998, beginning at 7:00 p.rn., in the Supervisor's
conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
//Í/~ ~
//Sharron L. Simmo ds, C airman
Minutes prepared by Steven M. Lovering