1997-10-07 ,,-,-' QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING OCTOBER 7, 1997 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, October 7, 1997 at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Maine (ex) and Schachner (ex) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hersh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Auer to approve the minutes of the June 3, 1997 meeting. There were no corrections and the minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote. A motion to approve the minutes of the September 2, 1997 meeting was also made by Commissioner Hersh, seconded by Commissioner LaBombard and subsequently approved unanimously by voice vote with no corrections. COMMUNICATIONS .AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The commission reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and there was discussion on the upcoming joint skateboard meeting in October (Glens Falls City Hall). The director relayed that commission members were invited and Commissioners Auer, LaBombard and Simmonds agreed to attend. Hudson River Park Project Report #9 was briefly reviewed and it was pointed out that there are a few items at the facility which still do not meet specifications. The director also reported that a number of project vendors/subcontractors had contacted the department regarding not being reimbursed by Nutech for work completed. Based on this information as well as the park project work which is yet to be completed (punch list items), the Town Counsel has recommended that the contractor not receive further reimbursement until the situation is remedied (memo, 10/2/97). The amount of contract retainage being withheld was reviewed and there was considerable discussion on the Town's obligation as it relates to payment of subcontractors/vendors by the project contractor. The commission was split on this question and how much, if any, the -2- contractor should be paid for work completed to this point. The director explained that he and the landscape architect were in agreement that the contractor should be reimbursed for all work satisfactorily completed. Furthermore, he reiterated that Jim Miller was confident that the 10% retainage figure being withheld ($14,332.) was more than adequate to remedy the softball field problems in the spring (only remaining questionable work) . SKATEBOARD FACILITY DISCUSSION The director displayed pictures of the Saratoga skateboard facility and explained the different ramps, half pipes, jumps, etc. The commission requested additional information on construction materials, supervision/security, admission income and cost of operation. There was also discussion on liability insurance and facility usage in the winter months and the director briefly summarized the present/future park options available in terms of possibly constructing such a facility wi thin the Town. He also reminded them (the commission) that the 10/22/97· joìnt meeting would undoubtedly be beneficial in terms of providing information on other area communities and their skateboard park plans, if any. PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT PRESENTATION The director briefly outlined the department's 1997 park equipment budget line item which included approximately $9500. for the purchase of replacement/new play apparatus at five Town parks. He explained that the 1996 st. Paul Insurance Company evaluation of all park facilities had recommended that much of the current park- play apparatus was in need of being upgraded. A pictorial display of the equipment suggested was presented and there were questions on a number of items. The director also reviewed the park sites scheduled to receive the different play apparatus. He also pointed out that the $1000. donation given as a result of the Great Escape Fun Park's Memorial Weekend fund-raiser was included in the total amount (purchase of two new ~spring things" at Hudson River Park). The director reported that he would be requesting quotes (RFQ) from play equipment vendors/firms in order to get the most equipment and the best price available. OSI-FAITH BIBLE CHURCH PROPERTY The director distributed copies of the recent news article detailing the OSI-Faith Bible Church property contact and reported that the Board had adopted through resolution last evening, a management agreement with OSI to develop the site as a recreational facility. He mentioned that this is the site on the Hudson ~iver between the Hudson Pointe Preserve and the 35 acre Town parcel just -3- south of the new Native Textiles facility. A number of commissioners had questions regarding the management agreement and when park development might begin. DEPARTMENT BUDGET COMPARISON The director handed out a 3 year budget comparison sheet and advised the commission that the Supervisor's proposed budget had reduced the department's request by almost $39,000. He outlined the specifics of the proposed cuts and explained the consequences if the budget is adopted as proposed. A budget workshop meeting to "discuss the proposed Park and Recreation Department budget" was scheduled for October 15th and the director requested commission support at that meeting. Chairman Simmonds volunteered to be in attendance. COMMITTEE REPORTS Commissioner Carusone mentioned that the personnel committee issue of hiring individuals who are related to members of the commission or related to someone who works full time for the department had never been resolved. After some discussion it was agreed that the topic would again be discussed and resolved one way or another at a future meeting when all seven commissioners were in attendance. Chairman Simmonds suggested to Commissioner LaBombard (Joint School-Commission Committee Chairman) that he contact School Superintendent Dr. Gee to arrange a meeting to discuss issues which may impact both organizations in the future. Commissioner LaBombard agreed and will set a date/time and then contact the members of his committee. The commission briefly discussed the upcoming November meeting and it was the consensus that the meeting should not be postponed because it was election day. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The director gave a short verbal report and responded to the parent of the soccer participant who had previously expressed concern about non-resident registration. He explained that -no one (either resident or non-resident) desiring to participate in the soccer program had been turned away. Furthermore, he pointed out that of the 500+ participants registered for the soccer program, only 17 were non-residents. After further discussion, it was the consensus that the department will in the future, allow residents to register first before non-residents sign up. There being no further business, the commission meeting was ---....~_.- -4- adjourned at 8:34 p.m. The next meeting will be held on November 4, 1997, beginning at 7: 00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~~/~ / Sharron L. Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen