1997-06-03 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 3, 1997 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, June 3, 1997 Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Commission of the at the Queensbury Chairman Simmonds PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Ass't. Director Lovering Commissioner Hersh (ex) ABSENT: VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES None COMMURICATIORS ARD REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Ass't. Director reviewed each item of correspondence beginning with the Queensbury Business Association's letter to the Supervisor suggesting possible use of subdivision funds to help develop recreation facilities at Queensbury School. A brief discussion followed on whether the subdivision funds could or should be spent for facilities located on school property. Also, briefly mentioned was the Commission's memo to the Planning Board rejecting the Schermerhorn property"(Hunter Brook Lane) as dedicated parkland. Commissioner LaBombard's letter to Mrs. Blagbrough (parent of a skateboarder) thanking her for attending a recent Commission meeting and for providing input on skateboard facilities. Thank you letters to Jennifer Bodkin (Great Escape Fun Park) for their generous donation of funds to the Town and Dorothy Merrill (Hannaford) for the employee clean up efforts at Gurney Lane were also reviewed. The final items of correspondence discussed concerned Hudson River Park (HRP) and included the Army Corps of Engineers letter that outlined the final permit authorization in order to begin work at HRP. Jim Miller's project meeting report (presented periodically during the project) was reviewed. A memo from the Director to the Town Board concerning the change order procedure for the HRP project and the request for the Supervisor to be authorized to approve such changes under $5000., were also discussed. RBCREATIOR COMMISSIOR SURVEY UPDATE The Ass't. Director distributed a memo to Commission members from -2- the Director outlining the complete cost of the Commission's survey (programs and services), including price quotes for printing and typesetting. There was considerable discussion about where the funds to complete the survey would come from and what needed to be done to get the project started. It was decided that the Commission should write a letter to the Supervisor and the Town Board in support of the project. The letter should also address a request to fund the project either through the Department operating budget or from the Town's contingency fund. There was concern that this project may not qualify to be funded through the subdivision account. The next step in the survey's design was to finalize the content (specific questions to be included) and get a rough draft of the layout from the printer. SKATEBOARDING FACILITY DISCUSSION The Ass't. Director began the discussion by presenting information the Department compiled through researching the Saratoga facility, information received from the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and speaking with the Town's insurance carrier. The specifics (hours, cost and location) of the Saratoga facility were discussed as well as the need to visit this site in order to evaluate its operation. There was considerable discussion concerning what type of a facility or area could be used by youth this summer. It was concluded that the West End Park facility was the most conducive location, to offer as a temporary skateboarding area for the upcoming summer. A meeting to visit the Saratoga skateboard facility (East Side Recreation Park) was scheduled for June 24th at 3:30 p.m. SUMMER PROGRAM REPORT Commissioner Auer briefly went over the Department's summer report and the new program proposals presented to the program review committee. There were comments about the hiring process, whereby, summer staff were selected as well as specific questions about the new summer programs the Department hoped to offer. PERSORNEL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION DISCUSSION The Ass't. Director distributed the Director's memo to the Commission explaining the Department's position regarding relatives being employed by the Department. After a varied range of discussion concerning the personnel committee's recommendation, Commissioner Carusone made a motion to accept the personnel committee's recommendation. The motion was not seconded and therefore not voted on. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The Ass't. Director briefly outlined the problems with the -3- primary pool circulation pump at Gurney Lane, preseason summer program work and handed out an updated list of Department summer employees. There were comments on specific employees listed and how plans for summer programs were progressing. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m. The next meeting will be held July 1, 1997 at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office building. ~~~ ./Sharron L. Simmonds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Steven M. Lovering