Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, September 2, 1997, at the Hudson
River Park site, Big Boom Road, Queensbury, New York. Chairman
Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Hersh,
Schachner and Simmonds
Director Hansen
Commissioner Carusone
C. Goedert (Town Board)
Commissioner Schachner made a motion, seconded by Commissioner
Hersh to approve the minutes of the July 1, 1997 meeting. There
were no corrections and the minutes were unanimously approved by
voice vote. A motion to approve the minutes of the August 5, 1997
meeting was also made by Commissioner Schachner7 seconded by
Commissioner Auer and subsequently approved unanimously by voice
vote with no corrections.
The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included
in the monthly packet. Two informational news articles were also
enclosed in the packet and there were comments on the Mettawee
Theatre Co.,/Gurney Lane performance synopsis.
The Director handed out copies of the most recent HRP project
meeting report (#8) and detailed the punch list items indicated in
the 8/25/97 document. The Commission expressed concern regarding
Nutech's payment of subcontractors (rumored to be deficient) and
the amount of retainage being withheld as part of the contract.
The Director assured the Commission that the Town's interest would
be protected and that the amount remaining in the contract as well
as the retainage (10% of total contract) was still substantial.
The Director briefly reviewed the status of all the Rark facilities
(boat launch, softball field, etc.) and the Commission requested a
project completion estimate. He explained that approximately one
week's worth of work remained, however Nutech would undoubtedly,
because of other commitments take until the end of September to
finish the job. Furthermore, he mentioned that this was to their
detriment because Nutech had not received a payment since mid-
August and would from now on only receive reimbursement for park
facilities completed to the satisfaction of the project team.
The Director reported on the pay phone information he had
previously been requested to investigate and it was pointed out
that there was no longer such a thing as a "free public pay phone".
Furthermore, he explained that the cost of installation of a NYNEX
pay phone was $1300. -$2000., with a monthly usage cost of $55.
Councilwoman Goedert mentioned the "emergency" field phone on the
school grounds and the Director will contact C. Norton for
additional information.
The Director updated the Commission on the OSI-Faith Bible Church
negotiations and commented that per Joe Martens, an agreement
between the parties to sell/purchase the 80+ acre parcel in the
West Glens Falls area had been reached. Consequently, he (J.
Martens) would be requesting the Town's support through a
management agreement/board resolution accepting the parcel for
future recreational purposes. Councilwoman Goedert agreed to talk
to the Supervisor with regard to placing this subject on the next
board workshop agenda.
Chairman Simmonds outlined her earlier encounter/conversation with
a group of young city skateboarders and there was discussion on the
recent news articles on this subject (Glens Falls Council meeting
and other area community plans). The Director also relayed his
recent conversation with a "skateboarder mom" and relayed that he
and recreation commission members had been invited to attend a
Glens Falls Recreation Commission meeting on 10/22/97 to discuss
the skateboard park issue.
The Director presented a brief verbal monthly Department report and
highlighted some of the fall children's activities which would be
starting shortly.
A short walking tour of the park was conducted with the Director
pointing out the park facilities both completed and not quite
Their being no further business, the Commissio~ meeting was
adjourned at 7:59 p.m. The next meeting will be held on October 7,
1997, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room
(#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen