JULY 1, 1997
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, July 1, 1997 at the Hudson River
Park site, Big Boom Road, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds
called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Hersh, Maine, Schachner and
Director Hansen
Commissioners Carusone and LaBombard (ex)
C. Goedert (Town Board)
The Director reviewed the items of correspondence included in the
monthly packet and there was discussion on J. Miller's project
meeting report #3 (5/28/97). In addition, the Commission requested
additional information on the Town Board resolution (Girard
dedication), and the Director explained that it concerned the small
2.42 acre parcel on Cronin Road which the Commission had walked and
subsequently recommended acceptance of, in October 1993. The
Commission also reviewed the letter from the North Queensbury
Volunteer Fire Co., outlining their (the fire co.'s) denial of the
Department's request to use a portion of their facility (hard
surface area). The Director further explained that follow-up phone
calls to fire co. officers were to no avail, until last Wednesday
when they consented to allow the bus to "drive in and pick up "Q-
Club" participants" for transport to another site for play
activities. Futhermore, it was pointed out the fire co. had
requested to attend a Town Board workshop to outline their position
and future plans relative to a park site. Chairman Simmonds
volunteered to accompany the Director and attend the workshop
meeting. The other items of correspondence were reviewed and there
was no further discussion.
The Chairman reported that due to the cancellation of the scheduled
field trip to the Saratoga skateboarding facility, another date
would be attempted in the future. Concern over Town liability
insurance was discussed and the Director reported that this would
would not be a problem (included w/present umbrella coverage-no
extra charge).
Chairman Simmonds remarked on her involvement with the Rotary Club
and the club's tentative plans to develop a project linking the
Warren County bike trail to the Gurney Lane Recreation Area. She
mentioned that further discussion about the project with the
Department would follow shortly.
The Director gave a brief verbal report and highlighted a number of
summer programs which had just begun. He also explained that
changes to the Department's summer brochure had resulted in better
publicity about programs and higher revenues for pool usage
(increased token sales). The Director reported on the newest
addition to the Lovering family (Emily Matisse, 6 lbs. 12 oz.,
arrived on Friday, June 27th) and relayed that mom and daughter
were both home and doing well.
The group toured the park facilities which were in various stages
of completion at the site and there were comments on the basketball
court (collapsible rim and padding for the pole). The need for a
public phone was suggested and the Director will check on the
feasibility with the appropriate telephone company. The Commission
discussed park supervision hours of operation and the Director
explained that the bridge construction/project, until completed
would hinder the park's operation to some degree. The softball
field and youth play apparatus areas were observed and there were
questions about the infield clay surface and planter area adjacent
to the pathway. It was noted that due to budget constraints the
landscaping portion of the project was taken out of the contract
and will be done by the Town at a later date. The Commission also
questioned the Director on a number of other park related topics
including his estimate for completion and park dedication, the
project duration for the Northway bridge repairs and the
responsibility for park roadway maintenance. Commissioner Auer
also expressed concern regarding the parking/roadway surface
material and agreed to share his comments with the project
The Commission inspected the lower park facilities including the
boat launch and pavilion areas which were also only partially
Their being no further business, the Commission meeting was
adjourned at 8:15 p.m. The next meeting will be held on August 5,
1997, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at a park site yet to be determined.
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rron L. Simmónds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen