1997-08-05 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING AUGUST 5, 1997 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, August 5, 1997 at the North Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co. station, Route 9L, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen ABSENT: None VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Maine made a motion seconded by Commissioner Carusone to approve the minutes of the April 29, 1997 meeting. There were no corrections and the minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS The items of correspondence which were included in the monthly packet were reviewed. The Director reported on the Supervisor's response (verbal) to the Commission's survey funding request (7/21/97). He relayed that the Supervisor had stated that funds were not available in the general fund this year (1997), but that the Commission should plan on doing the survey in 1998. The remaining items of correspondence were discussed and there were no further comments. HUDSON RIVER PARK UPDATE - The Director handed out 2 supplemental park project correspondence items (project meeting report #6 and 8/1/97 boat launch info fax) and he reported that, there were a number of facilities at the park which Nutech has completed, but do not meet specification in terms of the contract. The softball field elevation is low, as much as a foot and a half (not enough soil/fill) and the basketball court is not pitched correctly (water pools) . According to specifications these facilities should have been checked and verified by the contractor prior to "finish work" (seeding the softball field and color coating/striping the basketball court). However, the finish work on both facilities has been completed and both areas do not meet spec and, therefore, are not acceptable. -2- The pavilion has also been completed and the roof shingles were affixed incorrectly (building not square). The boat launch is partially complete, but there are concerns with regard to launch depth, distance, and most importantly angle of descent (slope). Overall, a large majority of park work completed to date does not meet contract specification and as such is not totally reimbursable. The Director explained the Town's options and relayed that a meeting with the owner/project foreman was scheduled for Thursday, 8/7/97 where these concerns would be outlined in detail. The Director has alerted the Town Counsel that if these conditions are not corrected, that possible litigation may be required. The Commission questioned the Director on a number of construction contract items including payment schedule, percent of contract retainage and facility specification parameters. He also provided information relating to the play apparatus portion of the contract (change order/subcontractor) and explained that the upcoming meeting should rectify all the contract shortcoming noted to date. In any case, the Director would keep the Commission/Board apprised of the situation and take whatever steps necessary to protect the Town's interests. NEW BUSINESS The Director advised the Commission that the Department had co- authored with the Community Development Department, a $5000.00 grant request for parking and park signage at the Feeder Canal Dam/Park site in Queensbury. Chairman Simmonds again mentioned that the Rotary Club was still investigating the possibility of a bike trail extension connecting the park at Gurney Lane to the present Warren County bike trail. This joint community project is still in the discussion stage and she will keep the Department advised as plans are formulated. The Director reported that the Department had inaugurated as promised, a temporary skateboarding area at West End Park for 4 hours per day, 3 days a week (M, W & F), beginning July 21-August 29th (park sign & news article). He mentioned that he called to advise the two concerned par~nts who attended the 4/29/97 Commission meeting (support for skateboarding park) as well as other individuals who had phoned in response to the summer brochure notice (attention skateboarders). He also reminded the Commission that a trip to the Saratoga facility would be scheduled again in the near future. -3- The Director also informed the Commission that the Department's 1998 tentative budget estimate was due to the controller in less than two weeks. Considering the time frame, he suggested, therefore, that the budget committee meet to review and make changes, to the tentative budget after it was submitted on 8/15/97. He indicated that the budget review process would continue until approved by the Board in November and, therefore, a meeting in September was not inappropriate. The budget committee agreed and will schedule a meeting shortly. Chairman Simmonds questioned the Director regarding the North Queensbury Fire Co. representative who was supposed to be present this evening to explain the fire co.' s proposal/plan for the future. The Director pointed out that he had corresponded by phone with fire co. president W. Cowles on two occasions and had been assured that a fire co. representative would be present tonight to guide/lead the group tour and explain their proposition (develop back area for possible recreational use). The Director was instructed to contact Mr. Cowles and request that a fire company representative be invited to discuss the proposal at another Commission meeting later this fall. The Director briefly highlighted some of the Department's ongoing summer activities and mentioned that to date registration and attendance figures were up in many areas primarily due to the mild weather. The group briefly toured the fire co. area and visually evaluated the vacant area under consideration as a possible park site. The Chairman thanked commission members for their diligence and compliance with the bylaws as it relates to meeting attendance. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:26 p.m. The next meeting will be held on September 2, 1997, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at a park site yet to be determined. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen