APRIL 29, 1997
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury held Tuesday April 29, 1997 at the Queensbury Town
Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Acting Chairman LaBombard
called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine and
Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering
Commissioners Carusone and Simmonds (ex)
Janet Blagbrough and Lori Dickinson
Commissioner Schachner made a motion seconded by Commissioner Maine to
approve the minutes of April 1, 1997. There were no corrections and
the minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote.
Janet Blagbrough and Lori Dickinson introduced themselves and relayed
that they were present to speak about skateboarding and the need for
a skateboard park. They provided information about this type of
activity and the individuals who participate. It was mentioned that
there seemed to be no place in the area where young adults could enjoy
this sport. In addition, Mrs. Blagbrough mentioned that the City of
Glens Falls has now passed an ordinance against skateboarding.
There was further discussion on both the activity as well as the
facility needed to accommodate skateboard enthusiasts. Commissioner
Hersh mentioned that the Commission was in the process of completing
a community wide park and recreation survey, the result of which might
help to determine and justify the need for a skateboard area.
Possible methods of funding were considered and facility size/cost of
construction were also discussed.
A number of commissioners commented on the logistics of using a "hard
surfaced" area at a town park as a temporarily skateboarding facility.
Adequate notification as well as supervision were mentioned as
concerns and Commissioner Schachner explained that he believed the
Commission's actions needed to be "somewhat more formal" .
Commissioner Hersh agreed and suggested that the department designate
certain times and days for skateboard usage and publicize this
information in the summer brochure. The Director agreed and will,
through the brochure, alert the community with regard to creating a
temporary skateboarding area (specified times and dates) as soon as
possible this summer. The visitors thanked the Commission for their
time and there were no further comments.
The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included in
the monthly packet and there was discussion on the Planning Board's
memo (Schemerhorn/Crossroads Park land dedication). Most of the
Commissioners relayed that they had toured the site and after
discussion about buildability/passive usage, Commissioner Auer moved
to reject the land dedication offer (request fee instead).
Commissioner Hersh seconded the motion which was approved by majority
vote (Commissioner Hersh abstained).
The Commission reviewed the revised sample of the survey draft and an
additional information sheet (survey cost estimates) was distributed
by the Director. The survey cost data was reviewed and it was
suggested that other area printers (Creative Printing & Brennan's) be
contacted to bid on the survey printing. The question of requesting
funding for the project from the Town Board was discussed and it was
agreed that a final decision would be made at the next meeting.
The Director updated the Commission on the status of the Hudson River
Park project and displayed a pictorial representation of the play
apparatus chosen for the park. He also showed an example of the
reinforced polyethylene molded materials which will be used in the
place of the traditional tubular steel support structure. Handicapped
access to the apparatus was also mentioned and is included as part of
the structure.
The personnel committee's recommendation was briefly-reviewed and the
Director distributed a copy of the chairman's memo regarding the
present situation was well as the Girl Scouts organization's position
on nepotism. There was brief discussion on the recommendation
including a recap of the events/circumstances leading up to the
present by Commissioner Auer. After further discussion on the
question of nepotism it was the consensus that considering the time
and absence of two Commissioners (Simmonds and Carusone) that the
Commission should postpone any vote on the personnel committee's
recommendation until the June meeting. The staff explained that the
hiring of summer employees would not be adversely affected, if a
decision on the recommendation were not made until June. Following additional
discussion on the topic, a motion was made (Commissioner Auer) and
seconded (Commissioner LaBombard) to adopt the alternative proposal
presented by Commissioner Schachner sometime ago. The Commission was
polled and the motion was defeated (2-yes and 3-no's). The Director
was instructed to ensure that the topic was again on the Commission's
agenda for the June meeting.
A number of Department activities were briefly highlighted by the
Director and there were no further comments.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned
at 9:31 p.m. The next meeting will he held on June 3, 1997, beginning
at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the
Queensbury Town Office Building.
Sharron L. S1mmonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen