1997-03-04 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 4, 1997 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, March 4, 1997, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Schachner and Simmonds Hersh, Maine, ALSO PRESENT: Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering ABSENT: Commissioner LaBombard (ex) VISITORS: Joseph Porter and Charles Hillebrandt APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hersh made a motion seconded by Commissioner Maine to approve the minutes of the February 4, 1997 meeting. There were no corrections and the minutes were unanimously approved by voice vote. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS Chairman Simmonds welcomed the two guests and invited them to make their presentation regarding a proposed indoor ice facility. Joe Porter reviewed his community involvement with the Adirondack Youth Hockey Organization and explained a little of the history surrounding the Civic Center, the Fire Road indoor ice facility and other area ice skating/hockey facilities. He detailed the status of area youth hockey participation and also relayed specifics with respect to the expenses associated for individuals involved in youth hockey. In summary, Mr. Porter reported that the youth hockey association needed more ice time during the season as well as a longer ice hockey/skating season. He and Mr. Hillebrandt pointed out that because of the short season (November-March) that during the other 7 months, those who desire to skate and play hockey (Queensbury/Glens Falls area youth), had to do so at the facilities in the Saratoga area. They also explained that the Glens Falls Fire Road facility had numerous shortcomings (insulation, ancillary facilities, refrigeration unit, etc.) which precluded longer use, both daily and seasonally. Mr. Porter presented a short promotional video (C.W. Davis Corp.) which outlined "a turn key" indoor ice facility scenario that included planning, design, financing, construction and programming. He also distributed support literature and mentioned that the cost from start to finish was around $2 million ±. -2- A number of commissioners expressed concern with regard to the need for another area facility and how it might affect the Fire Road rink. Commissioner Hersh commented that, if youth hockey teams were presently losing money, obviously additional ice time would only cost more and, therefore, put teams further in debt. The Commission also questioned Mr. Porter in regard to use of the Fire Road facility during the day and in the off-season and the Director mentioned that the facility closed at 11:00 p.m. Therefore, he suggested that since the facility was not being used from 11:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. (newspaper article), that this was certainly a possibility (increased hours of use) before the Town considers building a new structure. The Commission also discussed other possible options including an open-air refrigerated surface under a pole barn structure and upgrading the Fire Road facility as a joint project. The Commission thanked the guests for their presentation and relayed that they would be investigating and evaluating the situation further. The Director also offered to research additional ice facility information and report back to the Commission at a later date. The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included in the monthly packet and Chairman Simmonds explained the Post Star's 2/23/97 editorial and the Tom Lake, Hudson River presentation notice. There was discussion on public comment at Commission meetings and the consensus was that the informal guidelines being adhered to by the Commission presently (sign-in sheet, "remarks from visitors" agenda item, etc.) were extremely flexible and undoubtedly adequate to date. PROPOSED REFUND POLICY REVIEW AND DISCUSSION The Commission reviewed the revised draft of the Department refund policies and there were comments on the comparison refund policy information which was also included. After additional discussion the Commission agreed to adopt the staff's recommendation (Proposed Refund Policies A-C) as well as additional condition #B ($2.00 processing fee). The Department will institute the new refund policy immediately. RECREATION COMMISSION SURVEY The revised recreation survey document was distributed and Chairman Simmonds suggested that all commissioners review the material and relay their comments to the staff as soon as possible. There was discussion on rescheduling another committee meeting and an 8:00 a.m. meeting on March 17th was scheduled. Reminder notices will be sent out. -3- PERSONNEL COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION-DISCUSSION Personnel Committee Chairman Carusone briefly outlined the accounts which preceded the committee's recommendation. There was considerable discussion on the recommendations and Chairman Simmonds relayed Commissioner LaBombard's comments which had been received by phone and forwarded by the Director. Commissioners Hersh and Schachner spoke regarding the valuable contributions by previous employees who were also relatives of commissioners. It was also mentioned that it was unfortunate and somewhat unfair to those appointed, unpaid, volunteer officials serving on various boards and commissions who make sacrifices/compromises already donating their time to the community. Commissioner Schachner distributed a possible alternative provision to the committee's recommendation and after review and further discussion with respect to a grandfather provision, the perception of "nepotism" and a possible revision to the Commission's bylaws, it was agreed to table the recommendation until the next meeting with all commissioners hopefully in attendance. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT Ass't. Director Lovering briefly highlighted the monthly Department report and there were questions on program/employee evaluations. The Director also alerted the Commission regarding the May meeting conflict (N.Y.S. Recreation and Park Society Conference) for the Director/Ass't. Director and it was agreed to postpone any further discussion until the April meeting. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 1, 1997, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen