FEBRUARY 4, 1997
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, February 4, 1997, at the
Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman
Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard,
Maine, Schachner and Simmonds
Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering
The director mentioned that per the recently adopted bylaws the
commission should have elected officers at their annual meeting in
January. This was inadvertently overlooked last month and,
therefore, had been rescheduled for this evening. Therefore, he
temporarily assumed the role of chairman and explained that the
Commission was empowered to elect three individuals from within its
own ranks to serve as Commission officers (chairman, vice-chairman
and secretary), for a one year period. Commissioner Schachner made
a motion to nominate Commissioner Simmonds as chairman and after
being seconded by Commissioner Hersh, the motion was unanimously
approved (voice vote). Commissioner Carusone nominated
Commissioner Auer for the position of vice-chairman and after being
seconded (Commissioner Schachner), the motion was unanimously
approved (voice vote). Commissioner Hersh nominated Commissioner
LaBombard as secretary and after being seconded by Commissioner
Schachner, was unanimously approved (voice vote). There being no
further nominations, the elections were closed and the regular
meeting agenda was resumed by Chairman Simmonds.
Commissioner Hersh made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Maine to
approve the minutes of the December 3, 1996 meeting. Commissioner
Maine moved to approved the minutes of January 7, 1997 meeting and
it was seconded by Commissioner Carusone. After comments and
discussion, both minutes were unanimously approved as amended by
voice vote.
The director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included
in the monthly packet. There were comments on the 1996 department
highlights which had been prepared by the director and previously
requested by the supervisor.
Mr. Porter's letter (proposed skating rink) to the supervisor was
also discussed and the director was instructed to invite him (Mr.
Porter) to outline his proposal at the upcoming commission meeting
in March.
The chairman reviewed the updated commission committee list and
after discussion the list was amended. A new revised list will be
included in the commission packet next month.
The director updated the commission on the status of the HRP
project and relayed information on Harold Hagermann (leave of
absence) and the property incursion by the Northway bridge repair
company. The park project is still on schedule to begin, weather
permitting, in March or April.
The chairman highlighted the previous survey committee meetings and
the director distributed copies of two recent surveys developed by
Steve Borgos at Adirondack Community College. Steve also provided
information at the last committee meeting and the director relayed
the data he obtained about mailing costs and survey distribution
methods. There was considerable discussion on various elements of
the survey including; demographic questions, facility usage and
program participation information, survey format and return
methodology. The chairman suggested a follow-up meeting as soon as
possible to discuss sample survey questions. The survey committee
decided on a mid-afternoon meeting on February 10th and the
director will send out reminder notices to all commissioners.
The director distributed a draft of revised department refund
policies and relayed information on past and present circumstances
which have negatively affected the current situation. It was
explained that the growth of the department along with increased
program fees and charges had necessitated a review of the present
refund policies and resulted in the subsequent proposed changes.
In light of the commission's increased involvement in the
department's operation, it was the director's belief that input
from commissioners on this phase of operation would be extremely
beneficial. The commission briefly discussed the current refund
policy and there were comments on the draft policies proposed by
the department. It was agreed that prior to discussing the matter
further at an upcoming meeting, the director should obtain other
municipal and private sector refund policy data for comparison.
Personnel committee chairman Carusone discussed a new date for a
personnel committee meeting on an employee matter and a 7:45 a.m.
meeting on Wednesday, February 12th was agreed on.
The monthly department report included in the meeting packet was
briefly reviewed and there were comments on the comparison activity
figures shown. It was explained that the annual Spartan hooper
participation figures were, in fact, 1995-96 and not 1994-95 as
incorrectly indicated in the report. A number of commissioners
also commented favorably on the recent Zucchini Bros. children's
performance and the estimated crowd that attended.
The director circulated a copy of the planning board letter (offer
of dedication of parkland notice) which Jim Martin (Community
Development Department) had dropped off earlier. He outlined the
specifics of the parkland dedication and the commission reviewed
and discussed the map included with the letter. Based on the size
of the parcel, its location and in as much as the planning board
requested the commission's response by 2/12/97, which would not
permit the commission an opportunity to tour the site before the
next monthly meeting , it was the consensus that the offer of
parkland dedication be rejected. Commissioner Carusone moved to
reject the offer and it was seconded by Commissioner Auer. The
motion was approved by voice vote (Commissioner Hersh abstained).
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was ad-
journed at 8:31 p.m. The next meeting will be held on March 4,
1997, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room
(#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen