JANUARY 7, 1997
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, January 7, 1997, at the Queensbury
Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds
called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone,
Schachner and Simmonds
Director Hansen
Commissioner LaBombard (ex)
Albert Faller, Mr. & Mrs. Faller and daughter,
Gary Edie and Gordon Smith
Chairman Simmonds welcomed the guests in attendance at the meeting
and briefly recounted the incident which occurred at the Gurney
Lane pool facility this past summer. She thanked Albert Faller for
his heroics and lifesaving efforts with respect to the pool
incident. In recognition of his courageous actions, Albert was
presented a certificate of achievement on behalf of the Town and
the Cool Insurance Company and an Aviation Mall gift certificate.
Gary Edie (Cool Insurance), Gordon Smith and the Director also
briefly recognized Albert's deed and thanked him for his
performance and actions that day.
The Director updated the Commission on the Hudson River Park (HRP)
project and there was discussion on the State/Town contract and the
Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) permit. The Director also
distributed a copy of the Supervisor's memo/map of HRP-Finch Pruyn
(FP) property and explained the fencing proposal. There was
considerable discussion and the Commission questioned the need for
fencing the entire 4100+ joint property line, the size/cost of the
proposed fencing and where Town funding for the fencing project, if
the cost is to be shared (Town and Finch Pruyn), might be obtained.
The Director also explained the ACOE involvement and pointed out
that he had met with Mark Behan (FP representative) to discuss the
possible options. M. Behan will research specific fencing cost
estimates and present FP's proposal to the Director/ Town at a
later date. The Commission agreed to postpone any further
discussion on the fencing proposal, until the Director receives
more specific details.
The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence included
in the monthly packet and there were no comments.
The Commission reviewed the most recent correspondence/map from the
FBC representative (Alan Oppenheim - 12/16/96) and there was
discussion on the 50' buffer zones and the redrawn property
boundaries. The Director displayed J. Miller's latest FBC
Conceptual Land Use Plan map and relayed that the total acreage in
question was probably closer to 85a than the 100a initially
mentioned (15a± is Glens Falls watershed property). The church is
proposing to retain 13a for their own use and the remaining 72a
would be offered for sale to the Open Space Institute (OSI). Based
on J. Miller's rough draft calculations (OSI survey prior to sale
will determine actual acreage), the Town would be able to use
approximately 25a for active recreation facility development and
the remaining 47a would be maintained for passive activities.
After further discussion, the Commission agreed that the latest
church proposal (diagram) had considerable merit as a possible
future Town park facility. Commissioner Auer moved to accept J.
Miller's draft rendering of the FBC Conceptual Land Use Plan, it
was seconded by Commissioner Schachner and unanimously approved by
voice vote. The Director was instructed to relay the Commission's
acceptance to both the OSI and FBC representatives.
The Chairman briefly summarized the Commissions previous
discussions regarding a possible community-wide recreation survey
and the Director distributed a copy of the 1974 survey as well as
other Town survey data. There were questions on the 1974 survey
and the Director provided information on the results and how the
survey was developed/distributed. It was the consensus that there
was indeed a need for an updated recreation commission survey and
that a committee should be set up to design and develop a survey
document. Commissioners Carusone and Schachner volunteered to
assist the Chairman in this endeavor and a meeting at 2:30 p.m., on
Wednesday, January 15th at the Town Office Building was tentatively
set. The Director will remind all committee members and the
Chairman pointed out that all Commissioners were welcome to attend.
There was continued discussion and the Commission agreed that the
survey should not only solicit the input of Town residents for
future program/park development, but that the document would also
serve as an informational tool to promote both the Commission and
the Department. The logistics of the survey were also discussed
and the Director will assemble a variety of survey data/materials
and have it available at the upcoming committee meeting.
The Chairman requested committee chairman Carusone to convene a
personnel committee meeting as soon as possible, to discuss a
personnel issue.
The Director will also update the Commission's committee list and
distribute it to commissioners in the next monthly packet.
The Director presented a verbal monthly report and briefly reviewed
the list of 1996-97 Department winter employees (included in the
monthly packet).
The Commission reviewed the items outlined in the 12/3/96 Year-end
Brainstorming and Goal Setting Discussion sheet and commented that
progress towards achieving a number of the objectives had already
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was
adjourned at 8:02 p.m. The next meeting will be held on February
4, 1997, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference
room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen