1996-03-12 QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING MARCH 12, 1996 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury held Tuesday, March 12, 1996, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Carusone, Hersh, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Councilwoman Pulver and Director Hansen ABSENT: Commissioners Auer (ex) and LaBombard (ex) VISITORS: Cheri Hoffmann APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Hersh made the motion to approve the minutes of the February 5, 1996 meeting. It was seconded by Commissioner Maine and after noting grammatical changes, the minutes were approved as sent. Commissioner Schachner then made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 13, 1996 meeting, and it was seconded by Commissioner Hersh. After additional grammatical corrections, the motion was unanimously approved by voice vote and the Director will insure that the official copy of the minutes reflects the changes. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS FROM VISITORS The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence which were included in the monthly packet and Director Hansen was congratulated on his nomination as Treasurer of the New York State professional Recreation and Park Society organization. The Commission also briefly discussed the Commission Bylaws which were adopted at the 2/13/96 meeting. Councilwoman Pulver suggested that for clarification that the Town Board also be given a copy of the Queensbury Recreation Commission Rules and Guidelines document submitted to the Board in 1994. The Director will insure that all Town Board members receive the copy as quickly as possible. Councilwoman Pulver relayed other Board members comments related to the bylaws document and the Commission agreed to amend the document, accordingly. Chairman Simmonds welcomed Cheri Hoffmann (visitor) introductions she explained she was present as an citizen. and after interested -2- The Director explained the circumstances surrounding the ice shed vandalism (Hackenburg letter) and there was no further comment. Mrs. Szmul's letter was reviewed and there was considerable discussion on replacing park equipment. The Commission again reviewed the park planning-priority list which had been submitted to the Town Board in December, 1995. The Director explained that he would respond to Mrs. Szmul and that he was also in the process of evaluating in terms of safety compliance, all current park apparatus with the St. Paul Insurance representative. This evaluation/report will be the basis for maintaining as well as upgrading the play equipment at all Town parks. The Director reviewed the with respect to the Faith Boards comments in terms Institute representatives. Commission/Department response letter Bible Church property and relayed the of coordinating with the Open Space The draft copy of the Commission's letter to Mrs. Brewer was discussed and revised and the Director was instructed to have it retyped and mailed as soon as possible. HUDSON RIVER PARK UPDATE The Director relayed the status of the Hudson River Park project and explained that the weather had slowed the project down somewhat. However, now that the area has dried out, the stage 1B archeological testing at the site could be undertaken. DEPARTMENT EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION The new Department employment application was presented by the Director and after discussion it was the consensus that someone from the new law firm representing the Town should review the application one more time. The Commission agreed to approve the application contingent upon a favorable review from the new Town council. SUBDIVISION FEE-DISCUSSION The Director briefly explained the subdivision fee-Builder's Association letter situation and there were comments regarding: when to collect the fee, the method for tracking, etc. Councilwoman Pulver suggested that "this was an issue that the Town Board would like a recommendation from the Commission ". After further discussion, it was agreed that the Director would provide all commissioners (next month's packet) with copies of the Town's Subdivision Laws and at that time (4/9/96 meeting) a recommendation would be considered. -3- MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The Director presented a verbal report and highlighted some of the items which will affect summer programs. He reported that the school has again scheduled major maintenance work at the elementary school pool which would necessitate the Department curtailing summer indoor swimming lessons by two weeks (last session - August 5-16, 1996). The annual "Earth Day-Work Offer II by the Shop 'n Save crew was also relayed and the Director mentioned that although a work site had not been chosen their offer would, of course, be accepted. There was discussion on the Gurney Lane pergola and some of the other projects which the Department would be completing this spring (Gurney Lane pavilion roof, new tennis light box doors, and replacing the shock absorbing surface material under all park play apparatus) . Councilwoman Pulver requested information on the Hovey Pond handicapped parking situation and also relayed that the Town Board was interested in paving the entire parking area. She suggested that Paul Naylor and the Highway Department might have enough material left over from other proj ects to do the work and the Director will contact him with regard to a cost estimate to complete this project. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m. The next meeting will be held on April 9, 1996, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. 4Iæ ~~ ,rSharr~i onds, Chairman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen