1994-04-13 QUEENS BURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING APRIL 13, 1994 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Wednesday, April 13, 1994, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Councilwoman Pulver, Director Hansen and Ass' t. Director Lovering ABSENT: None VISITORS: Carrine Paige (Adirondack Chamber of Commerce) APPROVAL OF MINUTES None COMMUNICATIONS/REMARKS FROM VISITORS Chairman Simmonds welcomed Carrine Paige from the Adirondack Regional Chamber of Commerce who was present to observe and report back (leadership class proj ect), on the Queensbury Recreation Commission and how it functioned. ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Director reminded everyone that the April meeting was traditionally the annual meeting at which the election of officers was held. He temporary assumed the role of chairman and explained that the Commission was empowered to elect 3 individuals from within its own ranks to serve as commission officers (chairman, vice-chairman and secretary), for a one year period. In the past, the Commission had only chosen to elect a chairman and vice- chairman with the Department acting as secretary and being responsible for recording and publishing the minutes of each meeting. Commissioner Auer made a motion to nominate Commissioner Simmonds as chairman and after being seconded (unknown-more than one commissioner), the motion was unanimously approved (voice vote). Commissioner Carusone nominated Commissioner Auer for the position of vice-chairman and after being seconded (D. Hersh), the motion was unanimously approved (voice vote). Commissioner Carusone suggested that the Commission follow the correct rules of procedure and elect an official secretary. Commissioner Maine -2- nominated Commissioner Schachner Commissioner Hersh was unanimously being no further nominations, the regular meeting agenda was resumed and after being seconded by approved (voice vote). There elections were closed and the by Chairman Simmonds. SWIM POOL/LESSON FEE DISCUSSION The Director highlighted the swim pool/lesson information (report dated 4/94), which was included in the monthly packet and briefly reviewed the past reports/information which had been discussed previously. He summarized the 1993 fee schedule and explained the three options (possible 1994 fees) which the Department was considering. There was considerable discussion by the Commission with regard to 1993 registration and attendance figures and the Director again detailed the income vs. expenditure comparison figures which had been presented previously. There was also concern expressed about the "unofficial scholarship program" and questions about other town lesson and pool fees, the cost for seniors, 1993 non-resident revenue~ eliminating the operating deficit and school pool usage in 1994. The question of resident vs. non-resident status was also discussed and the consensus was that a differentiation, similar to the 1993 fee schedule, should still be maintained. with regard to who should be considered a non-resident, here again, the Commission was in favor of maintaining the status quo (i.e. all non-Queensbury residents were to classified as non-residents). Following additional discussion it was moved (J. Carusone), and seconded (unknown - D. Auer, D. Hersh or J. LaBombard) that the fees (swim lesson fees), for 1994 be continued at the same rate as 1993, for residents and that non-resident fees be increased as indicated in option #1. The motion was unanimously approved. The Commission next reviewed and discussed the pool admission/season token information and it was agreed that one year's data did not reflect a true enough picture to substantiate major changes in the fee schedule. Overall, it was the consensus that at least one more season would be necessary before the impact of admission fees on pool usage could be realistically evaluated and changed, if warranted. The Director also pointed out that the projection figures used in 1993 were"a shot in the dark" and that in actuality they were guesstimates based on comparable numbers/info provided by the Elmhurst Park District. The Commission suggested additional publicity to help advertise the sale of pool tokens and after further discussion it was agreed that an increase in the daily admission rate might move families/individuals to purchase season tokens instead. Commissioner Carusone made the motion that pool tokens in 1994, again be offered for sale to residents only ('93 prices), and that -3- the cost of daily pool admission be increased as indicated under 1994 suggested (4/94 swim pool/lesson info). Commissioner Schachner seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The Director thanked the Commission for their input and explained that the next step would be to present the Department/Commission's recommendations in written form to the Town Board. Furthermore, he reminded everyone that representation, in order to help "sell" the recommendation, by as many commissioners as possible at the upcoming board meeting would be helpful. RECREATION COMMISSION BYLAW DISCUSSION The Commission decided, in light of the earlier 6:00 p.m. meeting/discussion with the Town Board and the proposed new local law (abolish Recreation Commission and create an advisory board) that further discussion on the Commission's draft bylaws/rules of procedure was somewhat premature and should be postponed until next month. PARKLAND SITE VISIT The Commission was reminded that they had agreed to a spring visit of the two subdivision sites being developed by Haanen Engineering and after some discussion it was decided that an 11:00 a.m. meeting on the 28th would be suitable for the majority. The Director will contact T. Nace to confirm the date and send a reminder notice to all parties involved. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT The monthly Department report was briefly reviewed and there were comments regarding the previous program attendance/registration percentages which had been corrected. Ass't. Director Lovering summarized the winter program schedule and explained that preparations were underway in terms of the upcoming summer schedule of activities. Commissioner Maine updated everyone on the status of the Environmental Committee and their bike trail project and reiterated that available funding was still the major stumbling block. The Director distributed a picture of one of the Department' s picnic tables which had been thrown in Hovey Pond and he explained that this had been done by someone after hours. The Commission expressed concern and the Director reminded them that vandalism at this site, in spite of its proximity in the so-called center of Town, would be no different than at a less remote park. It was random vandalism such as this was the primary reason the Director was opposed to portable benches at this or any unsupervised site. -4- There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m. The next meeting will be held on May 11, 1994, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building. ~';{~/ Sharron L. Slmmonds, Chalrman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen