1994-06-07 \ ,. 1 i , I '-- QUEENSBURY RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF MEETING JUNE 7, 1994 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury, held Tuesday, June 7, 1994 at the Hovey Pond Park site, Glenwood Avenue, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. PRESENT: Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Maine, Schachner and Simmonds ALSO PRESENT: Councilwoman Pulver, Director Hansen and Ass' t. Director Lovering ABSENT: Commissioners Hersh (ex), and Labombard (ex) VISITORS: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Maine made the motion to approve the minutes of the April 13, 1994 meeting. Commissioner Carusone seconded the motion and after polling all commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved. The Director pointed out that the minutes had been corrected since they (the commissioners) received them in the packet. Initially, Councilwoman Pulver had been inadvertently omitted as being present at the meeting and this has been corrected in the revised official version. COMMUNICATIONS AND REMARKS The Director reviewed the ENCON letter to the Supervisor and outlined what the Department's responsibilities would be with regard to the grant (tree planting program). The Town will receive approximately $4000. and add $5000. in matching funds to plant trees/shrubs this fall at Hovey Pond Park. Wally Hirsh from Binley's Florist assisted in the grant application and his firm will be the small business contractor who will provide the trees and shrubs and then plant and maintain them. This is mandated by the terms of the grant and is the SBA's method of insuring local small business participation. The Commission reviewed their planning board land dedication memos (Potvin & Passarelli) to the Town planning board and the Director advised them that Town Board members would also be touring the two sites. He reminded them that theirs (the Commission's) was only a recommendation and that the final decision was the Town Board's. -2- The thank you letter to the Shop 'N Save volunteers (Hovey Pond Park work) was also discussed and it was agreed that this type of response by the Department was both good PR and necessary. The Director relayed his recent meeting with T. Brewer and J. Martin relative to the possible acquisition or lease of the city owned "Firemen's Field" in the WGF area. Both Tim and Jim feel that this would be a worthwhile endeavor in view of West End Park and its shortcoming (no ballfield area). The Director explained that the field was used informally by local teams and that the city's use of this area was strictly as a site to dump snow. Furthermore, neither the Town nor the City had been contacted either formally or informally regarding this possibility. Likewise the Commission (through the Director), was being requested (informally) with regard to their input on such a purchase/lease. Their was considerable discussion on the proposal and the Director reviewed the history of the Department's use of "Fireman's Field," the softball field behind the firehouse and the development of West End Park. After further discussion it was consensus that the July Commission meeting be held at West End Park. Thereafter, the areas behind and across from the West Glens Falls firehouse could be inspected for their suitability as possible future park ballfield sites. DISCUSSION - GROUP RATE FOR GURNEY LANE POOL The Director mentioned that he had been contacted earlier today concerning a pool admission group rate for a day-care center. Mrs. Debbie Davidson explained that she maintained a licensed day-care facility in her home and that she was desirous of bringing 8-12 children 2 or 3 times a week throughout the summer. She inquired about a group rate policy for this type of service (day-care). The Director explained that at this time the Department has no day-care group policy, but would discuss the situation with the Commission and get back to her. After considerable discussion among commissioners it was the consensus that a day-care center was a profit oriented business. To date, the Department had only recognized pavilion rental groups (informally), and "those in need" in terms of a special pool admission rate. Therefore, it was decided that in as much as this day-care service could, in fact, "pass on" the charge for pool usage, that an individual season pass for each child would be a viable option. Offering a special rate to these types of groups would be setting a precedent that might cause problems in the future. There was discussion as to whether such a group would be considered a family and the Director explained that the present pool pass usage rules/guidelines did not permit this interpretation. The Commission requested the Director relay this information (season pass) to Mrs. Davidson (day-care provider). However, if any of the individual families using her service were unable to afford the pass that the Department make available the scholarship program as warranted. -3- JOINT BOARD COMMISSION MEETING Chairman Simmonds mentioned the need to have a joint workshop to discuss the future of the Recreation Commission and after discussing the matter with Councilwoman Pulver it was tentatively set for 5: 00 p. m., on Wednesday, July 15th at the Town Office Building. The Director will confirm this with the Supervisor's Office the following day and send out a reminder memo to all concerned. SUMMER YOUTH PROGRAM ANALYSIS Ass't. Director Lovering distributed the 1993 Summer Youth Program analysis and requested that all Commissioners read and review the report at home prior to the next meeting. The Commission commended Steve on the contents as well as the reports format and the Director explained that the Department now had the capability "in- house" of producing documents like this. MONTHLY DEPARTMENT REPORT Ass't. Director Lovering reviewed the monthly department report and the Director mentioned the need for some part time help with program registration and sign up. He explained that the recreation committee (Town Board members) was not in favor of the Department hiring any part time employees to assist the administrative staff during the busy 2-3 week program registration period. This is a busy time, especially at the front counter and an additional part time individual would help to ease the workload and speed up program processing. Councilwoman Pulver mentioned that she had forgotten that and agreed to discuss it with the committee. The Commission commented on the summer program brochure and there were questions on quantity produced and how it was distributed. The Ass' t. Director was also questioned on staffing and how individuals were hired and it was explained that not everyone who applied was interviewed. The Director reiterated that whenever possible, residents received priority over non-residents for employment. TOUR OF THE FACILITY (HOVEY POND) The Director explained some of the facilities which had been installed at the park and outlined the plans for the time line which would be completed sometime this summer. The structure will be constructed by M. Baird and the historian is working on the specific sign verbiage. Councilwoman Pulver mentioned the projects which the Friends of Hovey Pond were presently working on and pointed out that the fire company had agreed to water the flower areas. -4- Those present accompanied the Director on a walking tour of the park and there were questions on the spillway and the handicapped fishing access stairway. There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. The next meeting will be held on July 13, 1994, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the West End Park shelter, Luzerne Avenue, Queensbury, New York. ~~i~rman Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen