AUGUST 10, 1994
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury, held wednesday, August 10, 1994 in the North
Queensbury firehouse parking area, Route 9L, Queensbury, New York.
Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, LaBombard, Maine, Schachner and
Director Hansen
Commissioners Hersh (ex), and Carusone
Waite Cowles & Peter Carr (North Queensbury Fire
Company representatives)
Commissioner LaBombard made the motion to approve the minutes of
the May 11, 1994 meeting. Commissioner Maine seconded the motion
and after polling all commissioners, the motion was unanimously
The Director briefly reviewed the North Queensbury firehouse
correspondence included in the monthly packet and Chairman Simmonds
welcomed the two fire company representatives who were present. w.
Cowles (vice-president) summarized the fire companies position with
regard to possible utilization of a portion of the new firehouse
area as a future recreation site. He mentioned that there had been
some discussion with previous administrations (Town Board) and that
they were here tonight to discuss if the Commission/Town had any
interest in developing their site as a recreation area.
Considerable discussion followed and there were questions regarding
the legality of a lease vs. sale to the Town, type of facilities
which might be included in the park, available access to the rear
area and the fire company's future plans for the old firehouse
site. Mr. Cowles explained some of the history of the fire
company, the rescue squad and the new facility. The Director
mentioned that the present North Queensbury park site was actually
on rescue squad land and there was discussion on rest room usage
and, if program participants were able to use the building at all.
Mr. Cowles mentioned their concern over liability, however, future
use of the old facility was being discussed.
There was further discussion regarding the new site and the
fire company representatives were in favor of the Town developing
a variety of recreational facilities (ball fields, play area,
etc.), similar to what had been accomplished at the South
Queensbury firehouse site. There were comments about the present
park program and whether the year-round population of area children
and adults warranted a "full size" park facility. Mr. Cowles
explained that the number of "summer resident" was substantial (no
figures), and also that the old firehouse building/site was in need
of some repairs (septic tank, toilets, etc.). It was also
mentioned that the site is in the APA and, therefore appropriate
guidelines and regulations would have to be adhered to.
After further discussion, the Commission agreed that the use of a
portion of the 27 acre firehouse site (new area) had potential as
future Town park. Chairman Simmonds thanked the representatives
for their information and reiterated that the
Commission would discuss the matter further and respond to the fire
company, as soon as possible.
The Director explained the NYS Recreation & Park lettèr (West End
Park), and briefed the Commission on the details of the recent
vandalism at the park (play apparatus).
The 8/9/94 Supervisor's memo (Hudson River Park public hearing),
was also discussed and there were questions on the $82,000. grant
which had been outlined in a recent Post Star article. The
Director mentioned that the Recreation Committee (Town Board) had
asked that the Commission explore alternatives to the grant
proposal (recreation facilities included in the grant), and respond
as soon as possible. The Commission agreed to discuss the matter
at the first available meeting (October) following the public
The memo from B. Eddy (FHP) was distributed and the Commission had
no comment.
The Director briefly explained some of the specifics in the 1995
department budget and mentioned that they (the Commission) would be
unable to review the figures before they were initially turned in
to the Supervisor (due to the time factor). However, as in the
past, the Director would have a recap sheet available so that
questions from the Commission and changes, if warranted could still
be discussed at a Commission meeting and then be included before
the final budget was adopted in November.
A one page pool recap sheet (as of 8/10/94) was distributed and the
figures were explained by the Director. He mentioned that in his
opinion, the lack of non-resident fees combined with unseasonable
weather (cool and damp) have directly affected total pool revenue
as well as attendance figures to date.
The monthly department report included in the packet was briefly
reviewed and there were comments about the drop in attendance of
some of the programs.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was
adjourned at 8:24 p.m. The next meeting will be held on September
14, 1994, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the Supervisor's conference
room (#37), at the Queensbury Town Office Building.
The Commission members accompanied W. Cowles on a short tour of the
new firehouse and surrounding grounds.
~ÆVS< ~
rron L. Slmmonds, Chalrman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen