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IV MAPNOTE5 ��4� ZDNING REQUIREMENT'.: DELD R.�FERt;NCE. 1 , r , .7. Bhuttd , ctuSorcrtatrc.3n shoy'vz2 hereon was cL�nr 7rled Irczzn Ina) ref�renct, 1 and an actrral.freld setrvey'conducted on tl�axcfz . y ,. � � C 1 .. a t , 199� filed.in the Warren Counu r Clerks Office on Ma V 21, Zone,ct..................................HI L Con d Y T,S;:019 �^ rt ahy ecd dated!V�'7 1ti x � ' Lot Size........................... ...N/A 1991 in Book 823of Deeds atpage.204 3 I _ r Y Murrmcrrrz Lot Width.,........ Utz 2. North onentafxon and beano base rStatePlane Coordinates.N4:D l;3 r Mrr�murn etb'aCA5 p pµ © f "' "f .ram 3 rolzt............................. t a 03.21�2-4t8 .: t 1t10 MA RF,FLRE 3. Warren Court y t x parcel 3 � ..�t�t Y ' S G l L I n —.. ._. s u�'4� � Side............................. �•" gix u �. ;, EI YCor , to the Count of Warren b , of Sur r Conveyed!'i C1BA-G G� t l.. l Map � a lan s to be Canprepared Rear:...............................54 r Formerly of 7, 11�Ia et fit t c �e of d y ,Y p �' y 4 The lacatrart of under Dried im .rave.ntents ox errcxoac.ltrzzentsr rf an exist,ar as.showrn.hereon,are not cc_rtrfred There I .. - � ,r,=a�;,b „�, . • , >....,- ,,�: ar ... �, Lands , Jaw c r y f� � yp�' CJ' � � x-o<.'�f 4�a;r� : q ,, 7`.., ,''; lid a t . a e Warren Corrt Clerks Office on May 21 199.1 � '���:, F ':.l y �.. .: ,.:, .. ��. � , ,;,.. ; . .�;,; ,,;} , .,_..... . ,,.... (_oultcz �r McCnx.naek, L�rrtd Surveyors, dated March 6, 1991,bled in the ty y � rna �be other rrnde round utrlrtres,#lze existence of which are unknown. Size and location of underground Irtrlitres � �",. , ,, ����,�.: �.� � ,„L � :- rµ. .r,l ,-,�.:,:.. ..w ,. . : y .J'r � � �` - 1 �yl ;' ,=�,;s�. � F -t' ' x: �4�1 l�,y ..'w• ....: ,:-' :+,fir_; . , , tlaerllat.A 1•-1n, verified .' • ,,,. . . ors.txra stun r a r r. h Urtr o cl.F Ir. .s.Protective err : . _ , ;� rNx;r,. CI.6A_,S ev al Chemicals Coo Ir p y p must beby the app aprrate rthotrt es The d gr atrr ac r Ire 1'otectr e C rga .atron.gnus t be notified ( � � � �� ,..� ti � prior to conducting test borings,exca vah;onand Conattuctlon. NO 1110 Book 96 Page 9 5. This-survey l was prepared without the benefit of an u1" to date?abstract Of title. � ;w �<;� � " * -- 30 .249— —50 1 t F:r - OH W OH Nl 6 Fielddata capture took place with an acccrntrrlated sea w cover of "fo 12': 1vexy ettzrt,?ras been made to prepare a y , coir plete plotting of the cartditions k ....." ------..._ OHW-_`---- Oki 7 Horizontal caardLnate and elevadon units are U,S s1Jmey feedOHW IS0 _ R Reproduction or cop of this document may be a violation of copyright)aYv unless jx rtn-ission of the a uthor and O - or copyright holder s obtained w f `'�• """`•----. ,,_,, -- .,,..,, r�HW - 9. A espVof this dacurnent rM1'thouta Rraperapplicataan oz`theti>zrrvv kors embossedseal.slrcrrrld toe assumed to be, dzrz: rrrtauthorL.,eelccal;?y; , ,,,,wriwrarrrn.rww+ wrr ---- ._.""�'_-._._ _. --•.j�-. , �..iTar.7lefi�'�2x"r t �'V---�.-,._�... t appetx'Lron StBt't?t�'�1"E 2529,7' ...........r...�„w„ C"tV�1'CJ11C ...'---••.. .. ...._,...` •, (Low Roof t�otrnd ' 32 - _ __�_ ______ � :CC TI(?1' . Street I Lands Now of Forme y of OH W f OH W -- _ - ^-''" -----. �"�"".." . / Maureen 1'11en Parr - Pule w/ ._ ,.._., buy I 1 / _n1'" c Buildin " `s C7.73 Ease tS'31�,37�`M"` """"■+nY... ..,,,,, ,� ~-- ,a meter panel `,/' S rnew.Pazvel peg•Mqp.Ret 1 ..,_..._ .�.! �^ -,._..._ ..._ ,..-_ _._... l � � t'latfvrfin i --•--..._.� Syr•-.._ "...r^,......,,.,,,, '',^•,, 303.20-2-47 lraires97 PTVC. Cry77777 Pole r,;� ; 'r 1 ..._•-- .._._,.., � �v ---_.-- +...... N 82° 29"E - 22._5' -- r �� `�^-- .. 5lI'���asen�re�zt per Map.Ref'1 j Ret Wag -� 3f�Fi.9J' __X, - t Under round j _ I L/tilitiesshown Gate Approximate 7G 'Set1 � _ -_ 4� _ "rr� r; / / • ..,''7 * . t per Overlay of Map Ref.X 1 fine .> // j ,/ �,// / /,'�,� :• Pavement y w i Fuel Cell Lands to be Con veyed by the ,,p, County of Warren y'�%' AREA =10.5f ACRFS to be Retained by the Ii3l,frex-----'. A 1 / County of Warren of Line PV I O ``� / proposed / AREA =426tACRE.S Piv7 ion LIi7e �I Stone ✓"/` // ) Pole t Build , I ,/ .o`"i�-a �ricr i'.• Loading ;i Concrete Wall ` ''� RampI Pavement ` Pavement Transkrrr)ter Pad rT{ Gatet l ' �t �r /G l tc a h a 1 Ma'tnules t t i`: `. .•`' / frorz Pi 1-1 '- J j // 05 61- /—_D /' / / n r hal r-y jAvement •� Concrete ` Po,e x N8 °CJ321' �' '" 0 '' L017 Pipe f S[71°.����1'1 stir �.�' � � � —� �i Lands tVoiv or i:ormerly of ., Ret, / / .S8803-939°9"�%�% 3110' CIBASpecayL. tn.ieals' Corp.Gor � � — — — — — — — — — — _._._ - Salt',,eds y .�' ' ' hLanhc7lesC+ `7, I /' " 1Page _ -_ _ - - - - - - - - Gate Ol 1 x -- Bde7�f �e�8 l�Cr r' �I� Lron Pi e _ oIe _ __ N 0 Pavement LLJ found w Clxar,Link F'enc:e - }( 1°, ' j.y r _ 1C. ,, r -— ----�--- -- 5 88° 839"W' 7a3.74 ....W 460.29' -- 1 .-- 37 �x ,HMO 5t38°4839" "" — ___-•_---_ -- _ -____-_` - __ __ ..-_. _...— E . _ Railroad 7zaeks Lands holy or jrormer4, of 2D795ON" instr#2019-3000059 l 07'29/2019 01:13:23 PM 1 Pages LEGENLD r ;' r';, Delaware & Hudson fall wa rx r Coz an "f, w �' MAP Book 814 Inge 7,y,) psmelaJ.Vogel,Warren CoClerk Fll_ED C8 fl CA7'CHBAS1N PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL I'!XTINDICA7OR �.......e... . ....W... ,: ..... .... w,.... ...... . .""..... .... .. .. .e. . . a... ... .. ,�. L'IV p VALVE Approved Under ArrthorityofaResolutionAdopted KRISTIN M. DARRAH 050803 DATE REVISIONS RECORD/DESCRIPTION DPAFTER uNAOTHTO THIS tD�.noro S �� - OHW— Ot�RF11EAD WIRE AnomoN To THiS �,xuuENT Is A �'1`ta�J't�►S��t Z�.�`t�l vIS.����7 �..� VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209 -._..., . rc suao UG � _._�._.._: UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC � vN ;ZU1.9 -•..._ ..__ _ _. +ws+oN �a , �+E NoNEWrrc f_alzc'ts.l�Crl�vr-polmerlyrlfthe LAW. 2019 yaMf`V tA,'9W 1w Mrr,.r'i t, - ST --- STORMSEWER Mf-ft to"4w'A�� • Darroh land Serve 'n PtIC �".-�`�1�..��tv oa Y !' A-n � M,k p„ by the Planning Board of,the Town of 0wei2shiny,.New Yark �I:, �, / � ri 9' S --- sANITARrsEwER +'SIP APPROVED.•KMD TOW'V 01- QUTIENSBL-1':'Y T1VA1i°R1•''VWZIIN7'l' NW YORK DRAFTED. MWB r aS L _ 3 - CHECKED,'ICMD 59Ds3la��e Iuer�n N Ytrr�i _ 1 .. _.. y , c E PROD. NO. l ?3 : � ,.r _. Tl r C? �51�) 79C� v SITELT• �' . "ONLY BOUNDARY SLTRVEY MAPS WITH THE SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED L Chairman w:, - - SEAI.ARF CiP.NLTItF TRUE AND CORRECT COPIES OF THE SURVEYOR'S " �" SCALE: 1"=SO' yW �71`(�7 ZS� 4f! 9 _ZIT ORIG NAL WORK AND OP1NION. ------ f'�'G�1 NG? 1�03� DATE;3/2fi/19 Qn.ee'ubul,y De�%vopxrn� t t l ce `�inint�nit a qy 'q f {) gyp{.,s '�" .'749,lu..,�. C3 F"5 (r•' x �$EL,� •1..R+Fw4 �141. 'Y# „ ,Kd1u� �Mt" ns 42 Bay'P d, QueeU5br w 1 , tl , Town of , Office�y I�velo t P Board NY 12804 Town ueen�.blu",w 742 ,n � Bo��rd Tom afe� rP'U Declaration 1 ,;" LI'I"1N{I - " E 't ' ' - l e+ I7 To �►�n of teen kbtuN P ' oard 5 3-2',01 �' H: S , ubd���i si n Eirial.; ge .3-2.019 t�l�di%�.sio�i P>, � � � � � , �OS , 1-2 ty l Fug rer street Z ouiu E,: HI � ss,: -� 1 P ��ex "fir+eet M� Zoning:: HI 'Tax M.a ID: 303.20,-2 18 t� ,proms Address: 1 `T'y4 Map EX, 303.20-"-44, B Proms 1 L �"]]'Z;+�N1�. �•-� '� P Pxel min �Sta 1- . for the, foll : la�nt a Stet HI � A �. U,c� Bard � �' � • , • . ,. �, •'� -.�.��.� a�` P`r�a � ��►� : �: �, `�-��1 ' " Zoning,:Plartrt:n Bird for tie tolls rA " .. ., ation has bey nmde to the � Pla in l� ., .. , . .. deg gym, tlh�' �xtsb � ,�, ,>,ttbdl��sion .�]�� � �iabdi�w��n�;n Tarp.�,Iap I�. ...,�..,� . '-6sion application has been � ,��abdt pp . .. �, � � 1�.` acre a �,rec��c le center area) and �.��� .pion of a: 1�.r� ace Parcel to o Dots. o.f 1.�1.� acres, �r�eo.��.le ��eaxtex a�aaea and �..� n, of a 14. 6 a � to NvO lots of proposes � t°�'�o lit stibdi�� �' �� � two .lot sttbch��s�c � � enl�at s, The ext�tu � drive- . . . pro dnii� �r .cte arra:l� .�. � �� ��. There are n� �cUana t� any battildiu,�or site an�a� r �,. The existing, drive „ s any bull aantenanoe. building). g. �e 'nor 1 at.re a m ,. current The � an ., . ,. ; a ,� too ,�. r � � ;��•� fix the follow; � , � tenance Intild n c m t�► tli ctiux t bwIdiu s on each ar�.el ��� arias � an �acu parcel�el to re � . +��a �. In addition. �, �' uldu�g,a shared .u. bt P � ,, �, �Rdi snbdi�-iscari. application has been made to the tee. btu� P'l�r�� , � M � y �. r , r�; . In acldntlo _ ,�� 1� to i�en �.,� i l�l� w , a�.�ce . i , s; an sta. ,e^ . . . - . _ . , ter area and 4.26 e��m. a� � plan stage.. Waiver requested fi�+.nn sketch plan,, � sass .� to r s �a� sketch '., ' a� R �� i �� xe ue�te-d p ,� maintenance bn. �bdc���non of�. 1�.�� acre parcel to �o lots, of 1�..� ac.�s' re�c�,�, a �°� T F e �, � az�,e q .. _ � ter ��a��en �'otrt �� , � , ; o� a two �' r maintenance recycle center ' .' The e. is _ . rase~ � � � l �d �' . .� ,� , , r : ire a1T"�� ].e�t� " t ����e. t��a �- recycle ..enter and.. Warren 1 , . . � � � ct tL; p Board re�~ae� a�tladt�isnon of land s be .ubi to ,�' , !g es to any buialding or .., �' n of l���i shall t� ,,11�:� �� � , Chapter, _'� �f !t}� ��un din ., � �aanuo� a�l� "I"he are: �� �.�, ' the Zoning Chxh= sttb In �si�a Ptir a t to chapter 1 acre -• �- arsaa to Chapter 1 _ of e � and a o' al• ,� �' " ai with u re%l ppr access is to area i�� is �n� a . : � � on each� aroel to�, addition. l�v.Idui �d r�� �a�,. In • e. and approval. v � Warren . _. � yard, . �� Board uses .,�.recycle, oenter,said ��men �"� �ca��anc�e btral�, "��� is x , t>,e�ste x , �o Play Board ac:.ou as t,u�b act to re era t�� of a bttr o -Chapter ter -1 Pla n . zsi of land shall be snub ect t " that the proposed se d project�e ct az�d � 1 a��� � Pttrsant to ,Chapter 1�� of the �.oaxun,� �rdrna�e, ��tbdn�, The Planning Board has determined pr F l trsuant to relevant sections of the Io view }'Sect; L xnnnetalhtalit Re has alttertred that this proposal satisfies xeaenraea��ts as stated in the ;o � Lw,d;e�r the �tat�e E,ra� r�M"ie �.and a�a��al. r'YI _ r � ,._,_ , ., � sections � t �sb•� ' �'��� 'Code,-Chapter -1 8.�, the Pla�.� -: Board a, . eaxt o-, o eutal Conser�a.ti.on ste-1 in the De A 1tblxc,hear was scheduled and held on 05 �.1� 01 � l�u��r�t to relevant. ections of the T� �f i dazed by t +s Bond 1.3 �JnU � l� ed aohon cons) a z- of the Town of de- P �;e,�e _ � . � ' � aerial � the file �' haa�>rle�ternue�d that this p��apot:al sads�.es the requirements as stated in the .oaxtn� ,wo Re0ations implementing the State Em n tan (�taiit� hoa n ma: This application is �saported with ,all doctttt�eYaitat�o►n.;�pubJla� �t� P Queenbur r records x, ttna�enta. of�there Environmental )alit . Ilevies'� Act ha been consider, ate. the Planning Introduced by and has adopted ted a '� � ._.. Declaration. No Federal �o agencies re vDlved , , - - d r the a licannt; David,Dee mho .moved ilts adoption_ L,on, E has been complete Pp p�tilalic,.hear t asdia7,el and held. an 1, ?! Part 1. of the g • ��.e� � �ha��e been :coaisiderecl and the P'lazr State.En n� taht c, comment„ and application anaten al in the file of 1. The rewa a nt of tl t application is � )d 'ilcation the e 1���. $card, Thr� application i�� supported.ta�it]n all do�cttanentata�ii, public, Part 2.of the Long E has b revile end ''the _ p, 4 d � the a Board has: adopted � -��' e tl':r�' �e�,larat�on of the State .Enoiiinent�l .t � Review Act ha.'► bl cotasidered„ and t proposed record. -o�N of e bitrtir Planning, r xatal ° arts. slid., therefore, c uclusion of the . antl y different environmental I this Ems, it is tb�e w ;� rant in 3ln''ti' zre�►�� or ssfi� � , . ti . ,. , , , 'y , e�ze of the iufort�►� ,reocarrded c an z�mod�"i�catic����]: do l�r res. TO A,Upon r t ad-vI er ae >m �,c t r, cln the a Ironment: . *. . m s: � eat ��>.11 r�est�t � no st�tt�icau M � Board as lead a ency that thus. Pr l � 1�'. t�a negative I claration, is no f +er E(� review is nec�es statement need be prepared, r�cc or _ , ,. httrcadticerl b� I�a��d.Ih who moored.i. opbon.,. therefore an eu3,�iro ental impact stateaxt g. landsca uie, li7-lntmg plan%' ry; '� ai �erre at ed: storm )ter izz� t., grad- R L lwi ke Valentine. Duly, itdoptecl this ` .1It day o l��i,a�.- 201 by the folio ink ��ote: iiel. - — Action, seconded _ - �T 1 _ gone, ozange cvnstactCon fencing shall be installed - ti FOR SU3D ISIO F�.�I. T.k E ll constitute a a� out bltflCer 'E Il!EL. .�iTIt�- F �., The hirlats o,f c1e:ar `T E, � TI r Development staff Ia�ir. Shafer, x. Dixom Mr. �r,�leaitiue, lair. Debi ems. ��u' Tr aver IUOTI "� TO " , ' d r id Isla moved far in adoption- secoildei t�% _,sich��e.. '�'alEntilne' around tilde areas field Trifled by Cos ntwit r I e�,�elopme Introduce. � hired. ;a�ior to signature of"Planning Board Chairman. 1�E1J� : I��r. Ht�ier �-the resol�,ttom prepared 'A� �. Eain�n�s�srn-off"�re� f' As per prep o�in�,to the Tovim: M TI ►N.� T AFP'ROU P ELL'�1 � 1 X ST A E -20191 � � :I . O . Introduced b)r David. Iet .b��the ?1a Boar d The applbc.at anti submit, a copy ofthe foil Part E of the Long £ has b r am.and pomp 1 I)E ' PIE dal Permit, ICU mho >n -ed its. adoption.. 1 a The project NOI (Notice of Intent) for cove tinder the cm,ent , P diwidtaal '�P'I�fi� prior to the Mart. of�,sit�e work.d Ld not identity otenball for ccnTra under an p v r f the Pl ann 11� � a. P or " because � project',ect and ece�s letlou a�f the I�iot�oai se�c�aax�ded b�� ��ohn'`�hafayx. Il�,tl��adopted this �1�t day of h+�fa�, '�" 1�`b�7 the ; o�nri�; vote: Part TII of the Ln E x not n 1 ro jest 1'���T fi�toti� �e of T�eittiou� tan pomp F l • b Thep., a moderate to�e muapao . m �.�� Mr. haf�ex 1�1r. orl 1�1r. "�TR�lentrte, ��ir. �ee'b. 1�1s. te.�� �1r. ��,yer .. The appU�t�must maintain an 'their project site, for ree�a�� bit staff � ' " da r of r�� 1. ba�'�the folio g 'Ore, r.tT�tar. T7>e'S I .p L al.�,r adoapted this , 1 must a T aprprc��ed final that �� been stamped by the T"o��rn Zou.nL ,�dnuru� iti,c.ltilde the projects, %Tpp Storm Tgater Polhttlon Pre, entio�l pEau ���rher� acxl_h a Blau � as ,l� ed I E : NONE ,t�.'�"'E . Shafer, l' �. I"�ixorab fir. Valentine, Mr. Deeb, �ls. «'lute. ?��i.r. Tra��er a proved-,axl .. NOES: ?�'�1�"E, RE�`t,.ISE`I�: Mr. Hier P.ECUSEI�: Mi. Hunsingex t of •� , � t 518.761-8 0 J,�ax. �518.745.:� 1 742., Bay .>oad QAWI .' buq,NY INN ' 1N '•q Phone: 5 U361..92201 FIK 511' 414437 17421 flay RO-4 51:93 61 M:20 I�`= 518345.4437. 1742 B�� Rmd. Queen"- u s. Imo' 12 ;wu-w.que ui.>`ti Ltr'r.UA t PLAN ,proved U(1dwr Autharity or - !'� �-� , 2019500&,4 �r^1t�d Insir#2019-3000059 Red-,o itlOr'� �`' � p x y 07'29/2019 01:13:23 PM ." „� - 1 Pages by the Plannir�cl Board of the Town MAP �Y, oameia J Vogel,Warren Co Clerk FILED Ot c:)ueenr>bury, ,�111 Date ;