JULY 14, 1993
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury, held Wednesday, July 14, 1993 at South
Queensbury Park, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called
the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, Hersh, Labombard,
Maine and Simmonds
Director Hansen
Commissioner Labatore (ex)
Commissioner LaBombard moved to approve the minutes of the June 9,
1993 meeting. Commissioner Maine seconded the motion and after
polling all commissioners, the motion was unanimously approved.
The Director distributed copies of the letter including two concept
drawings (gazebo) which were given to the Chairman by the Friends
of Hovey Pond (FHP) earlier in the week. The group (FHP) were
requesting approval with regard to which of the two structures the
Commission would be in favor of. There was considerable discussion
by the Commission as to the purpose and the size of "gazebo"
structure which was envisioned (by the Commission) at the park.
The Director mentioned that because of numerous factors (size/type
of park, park facilities and available parking) the gazebo he
contemplated at the park was similar to structure presently located
adjacent to the Meineke shop on Lafayette Street. However, after
talking with others, it would seem that the FHP group are proposing
a bigger structure along the lines of a band shell or bandstand (GF
city park). Furthermore, he felt that this type/size of structure
(bandstand) would be somewhat out of place in a small passive
neighborhood park such as Hovey Pond. The Commission expressed
mixed emotion and after further discussion, the Chairman was
directed to contact M.L. Gosline (FHP) to determine what purpose
they (FHP) expected the gazebo to be used for. This would then
help the Commission in deciding which size and type of structure
would be suitable for the site and could then be recommended to the
group (FHP). In addition, the Chairman was instructed to find out
more specifics (cost, number, etc.) about he park benches which
were also proposed by the FHP group.
The Director handed out a swim pool revenue recap sheet and
explained the figures contained therein. After 16 days of pool
operation, open swim attendance figures were up (compared to 1992
figures) and daily admission revenue had already exceeded 1993
budget projections. Swim lesson figures (registration as well as
revenue) were close to projections even though the Department was
not offering lessons at the school pool. This was certainly a
positive indicator that swim lesson fees had not adversely affected
attendance/participation. On the negative side, the sale of swim
pool tokens was off, considerably (compared to projections), but in
fact, this (the projection) was nothing more than a "calculated
guess" using another community as a base guideline. In any case,
daily pool attendance was up and, therefore pool usage by the
community did not seem to be negatively affected by the fees being
charged this year.
Overall, the Commission was pleased that pool and lesson fees and
charges which had been implemented this season were not a negative
factor and there was discussion on usage by non-residents. Also a
number of Commissioners mentioned that the majority of comments
(pool and swim lesson fees, tokens, etc.), they had heard were
positive and in favor of pool fees.
The Director briefly reviewed other pool related items including
personnel and the equipment which had been purchased in order to
implement the fees and charges program.
The Department monthly report was briefly reviewed by the Director
and there were no comments.
The Director briefly explained information· regarding the South
Queensbury Park facility and pointed out the structures which the
Department had installed at the site (basketball court, cookout
grill, backstop, etc.). It was noted that the basketball court
lines had not been re-painted (promised by B. Granger) and that a
basketball net was missing. The Director will see that these items
are corrected as soon as possible. There was also discussion on
park usage and the programs the Department offered at this site
during the year.
The Chairman inquired if there was preference with regard to the
site for next month's meeting and it was the consensus that the
meeting be held at West End Park.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was
adjourned at 7:48 p.m. The next meeting will be held on August 11,
1993, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at West End Park (shelter) on Luzerne
Sharron M. imrnonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen