1986-12-30 HEALTH p
DECEMBER 30, 1986
Mrs. Frances Walter-Supervisor
Mr. George Kurosaka-Councilman
Mr. Stephen Borgos -Councilman
Mr. Ronald Montesi -Councilman
Mrs. Betty Monahan -Councilman
TOWN COUNSEL-Wilson Mathias
7:40 P.M.
PRESS: Glens Falls Post Star
GUESTS: Mr. Jerome Bonnabeaux, Mr. Weaver, Mrs. Zverblis
TOWN OFFICIALS: Mack Dean, Stuart Mesinger
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Noted that the last meeting of the year is dedicated to the payment
of bills. We have some old business to consider as the Queensbury Board of Health regarding
a sewer variance for Jerome Bonnabeaux, Sunnyside North, in the Town of Queensbury. It
is a year round property and the Board is looking at a variance for the property with the sewer
facility shown to be over 120 feet from the lake and our variance addresses 75 feet from existing
water supply.
MR. WEAVER- I am on the west side of Mr. Bonnabeaux's'property and I am in charge of the
sewer system now, and all he can do is what has been proposed in the variance, it is as far
away from the lake and his water supply as possible. When Mr. Congdon dug it up, it turned
out to be a cesspool instead of a septic system and that is when he applied for a variance.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked if the old system was exactly the same place as the new system?
MR. WEAVER-Yes...well it would have to be moved farther away from the camp then what
the cesspool is now and then there will be a double size drainage pit...drywell, twice as big
as what you ordinarily have to have for each bedroom and in order to keep away from the well
he wants to run to the opposite corner of the lot and put in one twice as big rather than put
in two.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Asked if they had taken out the old one or dug around it and was
it sandy and gravel soil or clay?
MR. WEAVER-Yes, probably four or five feet and it has got good drainage there, sandy, gravel
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Noted that Mr. Weaver filled out the application for Mr. Bonnabeaux
and on the application he showed that the leach field will be a 120 feet from the lake property
but the tax map shows the property to be only a 100 feet deep.
MR. WEAVER-Said Mr. Congdon and he had measured whatever was put on the map.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked if they measured the contour of the land or did they measure
straight line, noting that the land is up on a hill which drains directly toward lake.
.. MR. WEAVER-Noted that the back part of the lot is real level, just the front of the lot drains
toward the lake.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Do you personally have any knowledge of where Mr. Bonnabeaux's
septic systems are, where is your septic system in relationship to his well and proposed septic?
MR. WEAVER-Mine is on the west side of my camp, at least halfway back from the lake, maybe
JEROME BONNABEAUX-I put the well in so I know it is a 150 feet deep and it has been in
there about six and one half years, it is a drilled well.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-How far down did you have to go before you hit rock?
JEROME BONNABEAUX-It went far because it was mostly casing, as I recall.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Asked how much casing was in the well?
JEROME BONNABEAUX-It came close to the whole way...at least a 100 feet. This would
be further away from the Lake where the new system is.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked if there is an additional building on this property, and was he
just coming up with a new septic system?
MR. BONNABEAUX-No building, this came up only because there was a problem about a month
ago and when they went to pump the system out they felt it should be updated.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked if there were laundry facilities in the place?
MR. BONNABEAUX-We never had one but I am not sure if the new people have one...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Noted that this would be putting more stress and strain on the
MR. BONN ABEAUX-We've been there about fourteen years and used the well with the existing
septic system and never had a problem with the water.
MACK DEAN-Building and Codes Enforcement Officer- it was a good system...
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked Mr. Dean if his department had checked the septic system
on the adjoining properties?
MACK DEAN-There is no way for us to tell, most of the immediate property owners are not
at home during the day and we checked back in the records but didn't find any septic permits
for any of those property owners. Our main concern is the setback from the water supply.
BETTY ZVERBLIS-Lake Sunnyside, our septic system is to the left of our camp which would
be the East side down near the point more... so it is not anywhere near theirs and
we don't have a well, we just get water from the lake in the summer when it is used.
COUNCILMAN BORGOS-If you were to put in a well is there a place where it would be a 100
feet from your system and a 100 feet from the proposed system.
BETTY ZVERBLIS-Yes, I think it is about 200 feet deep there. I am more concerned about
where he was putting it. (map shown)
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Noted that with the type of soil and with a 100 feet of casing
it is anadequate depth and the land, is type of soil for a septic system.
COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-He has not applied for a variance to put it closer to the lake...
they say there is a 120 feet there but the tax map shows that to be longer then their lot is.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-Do you have a right away across the property, looking at tax map
it appears that this is Zverblis's property that has road frontage in front of yours.
I would feel more comfortable if I knew where the four points were located.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-I don't think we have a deeded right away and if they moved the r
road back we've lost control of the property in between.
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-I am concerned about the people using the lake as drinking water.
COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-He is 75 feet from the lake and being the soil is sand and gravel
it will clean itself out.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-Asked for a consensus of the Board and referred to Counsel.
TOWN COUNSEL-You are going to be giving a permit to build a septic system on this man's
_ r
land not on the land of somebody else and the question is to the ownership of where the septic
system is going to be built, the germane issue is who owns the land and where it is situated.
Suggested the Board table it until they get more information.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-It is the consensus of the Board of Health to close the Public Hearing
the reason being is that there is a question as to where the new septic system will be located.
If it is not on your land there will have to be a revised application and we will have to have
another Public Hearing.
MR. BONNABEAUX-It is not going to be placed on any land that I have not thought to be my
own and maintained for fourteen years.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-There is a legal question here so we are not going to act on it but
�— we are not going to deny it until the Board gets further information. If your application changes
you will have to file a new application and then we will have another Public Hearing based
on that application.
MR. BONNABEAUX-The question then is whether or not I own the land behind my fence?
SUPERVISOR WALTER-We are going to require a copy of your deed to be reviewed by our
COUNCILMAN MONTESI-To solve the problem you might want to have it surveyed and establish
the four points.
SUPERVISOR WALTER-By closing the Public Hearing this does not preclude us from acting
on your application and if in fact on your map, and your application is shown to be correct
with the additional information you bring in, the Town Board could act on approving or disapproving
it without having another Public Hearing. Asked for further input, hearing none the Public
Hearing closed.