SEP-0654-2021 A SEP Ge GOQSPC SAL PF-R �aA�PPLEtv.A_9 I0N O f:ce UseOnsf _ t 742 Bail Read.,07ueensbui%MY MCK figrn od[Zittmhnrr C 255 Permit F: — P:.�.x�U�-J6.i7J =77�7�1'���.wT.�E�-`...w .�i'1.:� 'fair Map W#z 6 Am, e> '2' Pei mir Pee: invoice#: Project t®cal®no §_Olned4g LILIA Septic variance? ✓ K1a Promarif Owner(s) Mailing Address p X /J_ jLl-���I IV Phone&Email Sr�J", ��MI5 d ®1 Masi aller�l�uildee f A-�✓/ � �/vi e uON®,c Mailing Address C�S� F?V .Phone&Email E Mailing Address Phone &Email COn arc 1Pem6n for Di iding&Code Compliance: Phane:J(7d RESIDENCE INFORMATION.- Year Built' #of bedrooms X gallons per bedroom =total daily flow Garbage Grinder Yes No 1980 or older- Installed? (arcle one} 1 ggz_z 992 //� Spa or Hot Tub Yes ?992-Present Q` /� installed?jcircle one) PARCEL INFORMAT80N.- Topography LIE Flat Rolling Steep Slope Slope Soil Nature Sand Loam Clay Other Groundwater At what depth? Bedrock/impervious material I At what depth? p/ 14 Doriestic Water Supply Municipal _Well(if well,water supply from any septic system absorption is�ft.) Percolation Test Race: .'7W per minute per inch(test to be compieted by licensed ejngineerjarelifta) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEW CONSIRUCF90N: Tank size 92 gallons(min_size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons for each garbage cylinder or spalhot tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length i3d ft.,• Each Trench Seepage Pit uiith##3 stone How many. 114 " -Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: Holding T ankSLystem Total required capacity? -tanlc size :#o€tanks NOTES-.1.Alarm system&associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;.2.We vuiil no longer allow systems to be covered until such ime as an as-built plan is received and approved_ `The installed system must match the septic layout on file—no exceptions. Declarafiosn:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to matte a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant,shall be void. 1 have read the regulations and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance., PRINT NAME: / DATE: / 'r SIGNATURE: DA tom: Town of Queensbury Building«Code Enfortement Revised February2017 ' 6 oty TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,.Queensbury,-NY. 12804-5902 �VN1 � Septic System Checklist YPlan to scale YReceived Deep'hole perc test results from engineer/Architect if applicable(Town Approved Engineers and Architects;June 30 to April 15 Town Engineer for unapproved Engineers and Architects) All wells on property and adjacent properties shown tAQV3iC_d Fh\_ water line shown Municipal r well 10'separation to any part of system" Setback to property lines show 10'or more for any part of system Septic tank and pump stations rom foundation 50'from any well/lake/wetland 10'from any waterline YSeptic tank to foundation crawl space/slab on grade,grade in crawl space must be above top of septic tank for 0',Separation required (field verification required) YSeptic tank sized for number of bedrooms and.add 250 gals for Jacuzzi tubs/garbage grinder each ' � ! Leech Field Aro oundation 100 from any well 10'from water line Seepage pit 150'from well.50'from septic tank - Seepage Pits 3-times diameter apart Septic tank and pump stations over 30 gallons 50'from watercourse or wetland Ydistance from bottom of trench or syste 24" o bedrock or mottling 36" within 1000'of Lake George YLeech field 100'from watercourse or wetland Toe of mound or bottom of retaining wall 10'from property line 100'from well 20'from . FoundationY Provide Engineer/Architect stamp for bed or design systems Department of Health Approval for all mobile home park new systems Flood Plain requirements - �2' above established flood elevation to bottom of system All tanks anchored or 2'above flood elevation ©�� -uv�� Revised 4/15/2021 'JqWYoa Department STATE Of flPP.flRTUNV tl of Hea {.,L ANDREW M.CUOMO HOWARD A.ZUCKER,M,.D.,J.D. USA J. PINQ,M.A.,ID. Governor Commissioner Exec-tivEr©eputy Commissioner August 13,2021 p E C E o IE Charles Baker,P.E. SEP 0 2 2021 Environmental Design Partnership,LLP 900 Route 146 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Clifton Park,NY 12065 BUILDING& CODES' Re: Homestead Village Mobile Home Park Facility ID#5&6911 Lots#62,�9�7N B,.43,44, and 79 Replacement Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Queensbury(T),Warren.County Dear Mr.Baker, We have this day,approved the plans and specifications for the above referenced project. Application for this project was duly made by you on plans titled, "Septic Design prepared for Lot 62 Alpine Avenue Homestead Village;Lot 97&98 Alpine Avenue;Lot 43 Windsong Drive;Lot,44 Windsong Drive;Lot 79 Alpine Avenue," and were most recently dated June 10,2021. This project includes modification of the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System'. Lots#62,97 &98,43,44,and 79. The replacement systems consists of a 1,000-gallon septic tanks and 150-feet of absorption trenches to serve 3-bedroom homes. Approval of these plans is conditioned on the following: ' 1. That the proposed works be constructed in complete conformity with the approved plans or amendments thereto; . 2. That all components of the proposed works be installed, operated, and maintained as per the manufacturer's specifications; 3. That approval be granted by other agencies or municipalities having jurisdiction; 4. That the design professional provides inspects the construction and provides certification to,this office that construction was completed in accordance with the approved plans.. Certification shall also be provided to the Town Office Building and Code Enforcement. The-responsibility for the design of the sanitary system lies solely with the'design professional and the proper operation of the sanitary system lies solely with the owner.''.The purpose of the Department of Health review is for compliance with the New York State Sanitary Code and in no way guarantees proper operation. A set of the approved plans is being retained in our files. Sincerely, Kevin J.K/on Profession I Glens Falls District Office Empire State Plaza,Corning Towner,Albany,NY 122371 health.ny.gov Cc: Jeffrey Cohen,Affordable Great Locations,Inc. Dave Hatin,Town of Queensbury John Schroeder, Glens Falls District Offide Rebecca Bussert, Glens Falls District Office Maria O'Connell, Glens Falls District Office ti i ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN 'PARTNERSHIP, LLP. 900 New York 146 Clifton Park,NY 12065 eco,. (P)518.371.7621 (F)518.371.9540 edpllp.com Shaping the physical environment December 17, 2021 Mr. John O'Brien EAA V I LT Queensbury Building & Code EnforcementB 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Via email: johno@queensbury.net Regarding: Homestead Village Mobile Home Park Lot 97&98 Alpine Avenue Dear Mr. O'Brien: On December 15, 2021, our office observed the septic system installation at the above referenced Homestead Village Mobile Home Park. The purpose of this visit was to observe the installation of the new septic system, designed by EDP (June 2021) and approved by NYSDOH (August 13, 2021). Based on my review of the plans and our observation of the installation, it is my opinion that the system was installed substantially in compliance with the intent of the design plans. The only modification to the approved plans was the orientation of the two, 1,000-gallon septic tanks (the design plans noted 1,250-gallon tanks, however the standard septic tank that has been used throughout the park for three-bedroom units has been 1,000 gallons). Both septic tanks (#98 &#97), were rotated 45 degrees to the inlet pipes from both mobile homes (see As-built Schematic attached). Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Charles Baker, P.E., 70,149 EC E Q V E Cc: Kevin Kenyon DEC 2.0 �0�1 0 TOWN NG&CODES Y A BORING AND PERCOLATION T• f� /�Y TEST P.ERF.ORMED ON AUGUST 2006' O, —8'MEDIUM FINE SAND )/ l WA7ER AT 84 INCHES \W W fr PERCOLA77ON RATE ONE MINUTE, 25 SECONDS SEPTIC DESIGN_ APPLICATION 'RATE _• 1.2 GAL./SF%DAY r W o N 6 BEDROOMS TOTAL =1 co, PROPOSED 4-PVC'SOR 40 AT 1%MIN. Z J�jU:D 6 BEDROOMS'-AT 410 GALLONS/BEDROOM Z z PROPOSED VZ"y.CALLON SEPTIC TANK _ -PROPOSED 1250.GALLON SEPTIC TANK =660 GALLONS (SEE OETAIL'-•SHEET 2) —_ (SEE DETAIL--SHEET 7) �GDG / USE 1250 GALLON PRECAST TANK PROPOSED 4'PVC PROPOSED 1'PVC USE 6 LINES AT 50 FT. EACH (SPACED 6 F•T. ON—CENTER) SON 40 AT 2S YIN. S. 40 AT 2X MI. 1 �( uJ Al � W OZJPROPOSED CTSTM13UTICN BOX 02 I\I I I I' V wm L / LL T� s(SITS DETAIL—SHEET 2) I .l'Ij.�j.rl�� I /� j n {� h 1 I i i i i j I I 1 1 I t W -ONSTR I-RON'NO c•' r) eoNsmuenoN OF ABSOPPTION FAuunEs SMALL Nor oceMR WHEN R.E Q Q PT. 1 I I I I I f GROUND/S FROZEN OR TIRE 50R MOISTURE'CONTENT/5 HIGH. IPA FRAGNFWT a, I I I I y OF SOIL FROM APPROX ATELY NINE INCHES BELOW,THE SURFACE,CAN EASILY y I I I 1 BE'ROLLED INTO A RIBBON INSTEAD OF CRVMBUNG THE MGSTUR£CONTFNr f5 W I I I I I I T00 HfGH FOR CONSTRUCTION PVAPOSE'S ODNOUSLI;SON£9L7 OR CLAY )y 1 1 1 1 1 MUST BE PIL�'SEN7 FOR,a RIBBOV TQ B�FORMEo." LL o , CO 4 y 2) TRENCH LOCHDONS AND DEPTHS SI+OULD BE MARKED BY;STAKES'BEFORE LL } O 0 TRENCHES ARE EXCAVATED..7NE NATURAL SURFACE SHALL:NOr BE _ YT SIGNIFICANTLY DISTURBED. IF.THE ATE IS REGRADED OR SIMILARLY DISTURBED. THE SOT.SHALL'OE ALLOV.ED'TD STABILIZE(LE.SETTLE NATURALLY FOR A PERIOD OF AT LEAST SIX AIOVTHS•WCLUDING-AT.LEAST ONE FREEZE-'THAW /Z W WI .CYCLE)AND NEW PERCOLATION AND DEEP.:NOLE.TESTS CONDUCTED. HEAVY• V ■ m Z LOT 99 OUIPMENr USE IN THE DESIGNATED ABSORPTION SYSTEM AREA SHOULD BE' ,w MINIMIZED.TO PREVENT SOIL PERMEABILITY REDUCTION DUE M.COMPACTION V 7 Z (� �• PLUS POSSIBLE TRENCH-CAVE-IN-AND DISTRIBUTION PIPE' h I r MISAUGNMENr/BREAKAGE. ILUW Z• :p LOT 98 L'O,T.96 J) AFTER FINAL GRADE'CHECK',TRENCH EXCAVATION MAY'BECIN. TFENGH �'� _ .�I .LOT'97 DEPTH SHALL BE.AS SHALLOW AS POSSIBLE our Nor LESS MAIN 18 INCHES - 0 TRENCHES SHALL DE EXCAVATED.TO OESIGN,DEPTIR V,?N BOTTOMS PRACTICALLY ,�1.. V Q \J LL Z •4 'PAwNP �L PM4 PnM�C d) FMLOYaNG EXCAVw RON, THE TRENCH BOTTOMS SHOULD BE CRADEO BY HAND. O Z Lu L y .7ME 0077CAIS OF THE TRENCHES SMWLD BE CHECKED BY A TRANSIT,, 'ENONEER'S LEVEL.OR CARPENTERS LEVY TO ASSURE THAT EACH IS PRACTICALLY LEVEL. 7RENCH BOTTOMS AND SIDEWALLS SHOULD BE W ¢ a IMMEDIATELY RAKED AFTER FINAL GRADING AND,Ar LEAST SIX INCHES OF AGGREGATE PLACED IN THE TRENCHES co _ 5) GRAWTY DISTRIBUTOR PIPE SHALL BE CAREFULLY INSTALLED AT A SLOPE OF 24 �• TV Y•INCH PER.FOOT. PRESSURE OR DOSED DISTRIBUTOR PIPE SHALL Be INSTALLED LEVEL GRADES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY AN ENONEERT LEVEL I 7RANSIT OR CARPENTER'S LEVEL. AN EASY METHOD OF MEASURING ME TIA � n INCH PER FOOT SLOPE FOR DISMSU70R PIPE IS-70'TAPE A R INCH BLOCK TO PROPOSED ABSORPTION FIELD ,(// MTN�THE a OCK FACING DOWN ON TTHE BOARD_ By TOPGO�hl6 BLOCKED END CHARLES.D. L LINES AI 50 FT.ET PIPE.A CARPENTER'S LEVEL CAN BE USED TO DETERMINE THE ILA INCH PER BAKER (SEE DETAIL-SHEET 2) FOOT SLOPE. A YW INCH BLOCK SIMILARLY USED WDULD RESULT IN A , INCH PER FOOT SYOPP ANOTHER METHOD USED TO ESTABLISH THE GRADS Oi;' PQ�49 DISTRIBUTOR PIPE IS BY BATTER BOARDS •AGGREGATE SHALL BE INSTALLED W THE TRENCHES TO A DEPTH OF Ar LEAST TTNT-WCHES ABOVE THE RAR Of 7HE p DISTRIBUTOR PIPES ADDITIONAL'AGGREGATE MAY BE REWIRED.TO BRING THE - l ®® TOP OF THE AGGREGATE TO W77NIn SIX TO.72 INCHES OF fINA1 GRADE' ,e I kq i ( G) AFTER ME. UNTREATED UPPER AGGREGATE IS PLACED IN THE 7RENCNE$ i7+E CEDTr:Tr7YLE. 'CEDE NEPjY .� 01,THE7AC BUILDING PAPER.HAY OR S7RA W./S TO BE IMMEDIATELY INSTALLED .�P Q,f,ES D,B O �T OY,THE AGGRECA TE AND THE TRENCH'BACKFLL£D MTN EXCAVATED S02 IF .THE 1RENCMCS CANNOT BE IMNEOIATELY BAGKA.LED. THE„TRENCHES SHOULD, * Cal BE TEMPORAPIL'Y:COVSPED WIN,AN IMPERVIOUS MA7ERIAL.'.SUCH,AS TREATED, �a .BUILDING PAPER TO.PREVENr SIDEWALL_COLLAPSc AND^JLTArTON.IN70..THE C ACORECA7E m2. 7) THE EARTH DACXF2L IS TD BE MOUNDED SLICHTLY-A061E THE ORIGINAL, N0,'• - .C) s, GROUND'LEVEL(LE.NOT COMPACTED):70 ALLOW FOR SETTLING.FOLLOWING; SETTLEMENT. THE ENTIRE'AREA SHOULD BE GRADED mmour THE uSE or HEAVY EQUIPMENT AND SEEDED WIN CRASS...HEAVY'COWPMENT SHALL NOT pAOFESSIDt1iC. 'S c�io:I Pi dwwuT.u ,HEAVY THE ABSORPTION FACILITY AREA OR 7MC PROPOSED EXPANSION AREA P.4ntA�.o,nP.AIL PasArxAm AFTER THE SUBSURFACE-SEWAGE_.TREATMENr:SYSTFJW HAS BEEN CONSTRUCTED. j Nn T ;y SCALE. :wm..P+S P.ne Im.Ia.R ST.IL -1 MOBILE HOME UNITS. TO BE PLACED WITH A MINIMUM 10 FT. HORIZONTAL SEPARATION. O nG?/�K. _ mRT l.N M O,4>wa � SHEET NUMBER ❑mom �`�., 9'.OF 2