Staff Notes revised for 02 29 12
Town of Queensbury
Zoning Board of Appeals
Community Development Department Staff Notes
Area Variance No.: 56-2011
Project Applicant: Dean & Pamela Romer
Project Location: 641 Ridge Road
Meeting Date: February 29, 2012
Description of Proposed Project:
Applicant proposes construction of a 950 sq. ft. accessory building.
Relief Required:
Proposal constitutes a second garage on parcel where only one is permissible.
Criteria for considering an Area Variance according to Chapter 267 of Town Law:
In making a determination, the board shall consider:
Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a
detriment to nearby properties will be created by the granting of this area variance.
impacts to the neighborhood may be anticipated as a result of the current proposal.
Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the
applicant to pursue, other than an area variance.
Feasible alternatives would be to expand the
existing garage to the maximum allowable and erect compliant accessory structures to house equipment
not requiring a garage door.
Whether the requested area variance is substantial.
The request for an additional garage or 100%
relief from the requirement of only one garage permitted per dwelling as per §179-5-020D may be
considered severe relative to the ordinance.
Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or
environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district.
Minor impacts on the physical or
environmental conditions in the neighborhood may be anticipated.
Whether the alleged difficulty was self created
. The difficulty may be considered self created.
Parcel History (construction/site plan/variance, etc.):
BP 2002-428 SFD Approved 2002
AV 61-2010 2,400 sq. ft. second garage Withdrawn by applicant
Staff comments:
The applicant has stated in the narrative that the proposal is for personal belongings and that the allowed
750 square feet for accessory structures would be inadequate, necessitating the need for this variance.
Type II-no further action required
SEQR Status:
L:\Keith Oborne\2012 Staff Notes\Zoning\February 29\AV 56-11 Romer revised for 02 28 12.doc
Zoning Board of Appeals
Community Development Department Staff Notes