DECEMBER 9, 1992
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the
Town of Queensbury, held Wednesday, December 9, 1992, at the
Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman
Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioners Auer, Carusone, LaBombard, Maine and
Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering
Commissioners Hersh (ex) and Labatore (ex)
Commissioner Auer moved to approve the minutes of the October 21st
and November 4, 1992 meetings. Commissioner LaBombard seconded the
motion and after polling all commissioners, the motion was
unanimously approved. Commissioner Maine inquired about spelling
or typing errors in the minutes and pointed out a misspelled word
in the last paragraph of the October 21st minutes. The Director
explained that accuracy was important and will correct the mistake
in the official records.
Chairman Simmonds introduced Charles Maine, the newest Recreation
Commissioner and officially welcomed him.
The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence
(11/13/92, Trout Unlimited letter and the 11/9/92, park update for
Glenwood Avenue residents), included in the monthly packet and
there was discussion on Dr. Braico's response to Mr. Eddy's letter.
It would seem that T.U. had forgotten that initially their group
had advocated the planting of maple and oak trees along Glenwood
Avenue (9/23/92 letter) I instead of being directed to do so
(11/3/92 letter).
The Director explained that work at the Hovey Pond Park site had
concluded for the winter and there was considerable discussion
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about the two items of information (D. Sage letter and the
Q.C.C.B., November 9th meeting minutes), which had been circulated
to all commissioners. Overall, the Commission was pleased with Mr.
Sage's objective assessment of the Department's efforts, at Hovey
Pond. Commissioner Maine confirmed that Mr. Sage has some
expertise in this area and, therefore, his evaluation validates the
excellent work already accomplished.
The Director relayed information concerning T. U. ' s handicapped
fishing access proposal and displayed the plans/drawings which Dr.
Braico had dropped off earlier that day. The Commission reviewed
the drawing and the Director explained that the T.U. group was
still working and would come forward at a later date to present the
total design for this structure (handicapped access fishing).
The Department's 1993 adopted budget figures were reviewed and
discussed and there were questions on the revenue income including
program fees and charges. It was explained that the department
would be investigating and recommending a proposal (first to the
Commission and then to the Town Board), sometime after the first of
the year. There was concern over the question of resident vs. non-
resident fees and charges and, if the Department could handle the
increased paperwork/bookkeeping. A number of commissioners also
expressed apprehension with regard to how the public would accept
the new policy of fees and charges, especially for programs which
in the past, were offered free. After further discussion, the
consensus was that charging fees would probably improve program
attendance and that residents and, especially, non-residents would
understand and accept the need to generate additional revenue in
order to help defray program operating costs.
The tentative 1993 Recreation Commission Meeting Schedule was
reviewed and approved as written. The Director will insure that
all interested parties (Town Board, newspaper, etc.), are notified.
The revised Recreation Commission Committee list included in the
monthly packet, was also discussed and Commissioner Maine
volunteered to participate on the Hovey Pond and Riverside Park
committees. The list will be changed and a new list given to all
commissioners at the January meeting.
Chairman Simmonds also announced that Commissioner Carusone had
volunteered to be the chairman of the Hovey Pond ad hoc committee
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that will review the design/plans which the Beautification/Friends
of Hovey Pond group will present after the first of the year.
The Director reminded the members of the Joint School/Commission
Committee of the January 21st meeting and will send out notices a
week before. The Director will also prepare an agenda of topics
for discussion that evening. The use of a timer to control the
Aviation Road athletic facility lights and/or the installation of
"a coin operated" (revenue producing), mechanism at the facility
were items which the Director planned to address that evening.
The monthly department report was reviewed briefly and there were
some questions about the ski lesson package offered through West
Mountain and the bi-monthly weekend ski trips. The Department was
complimented on the contents of the winter brochure including the
note on new program/activity comments and suggestions.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was
adjourned at 8:23 p.m. The next meeting will be held on January
13, 1993, beginning at 7:00 p.m., in the supervisor's meeting room
(#37), at the Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen