FEBRUARY 12. 1992
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury,
held Wednesday, February 12, 1992, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury,
New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:14 p.m.
Commissioners Carusone, Hersh, Simmonds and Teti
Director Hansen and Ass't. Director Lovering
Commissioners Labatore (ex), LaBombard (ex) and Sperry (ex)
Commissioner Carusone moved to approve the minutes of the June 10th and July 8, 1991
and January 8, 1992 meetings. Commissioner Hersh seconded the motion and requested
that the typographical error ("potable water" and not portable water) be corrected on page
3 of the official copy of the January 8, 1992 minutes. The Director will insure the file
copy is corrected to reflect the change. All Commissioners present were polled and the
motion was unanimously approved.
The correspondence from the Director and Mr. Stec (to the Supervisor) were briefly reviewed
and there was no further discussion.
The Director updated the Commission on his new responsibilities as Special Assistant to
the Town Board for Planning, Zoning and Building &: Codes. He reiterated that this was
a temporary assignment and that Ass't. Director Lovering would be assuming the
responsibility of the day-to-day operation of the Department. There was discussion as
to the length of the assignment and other specifics and these were answered. The Director
assured the Commission that he would continue to oversee the Department in all
administrative matters pertaining to park planning and development. Again, he reiterated
to those present that the Parks &: Recreation Department would continue to function as
proficiently as it has in the past.
The Commission reviewed the letter from Morse Engineering, which outlines and recommends
the "next steps" that are possible for this project. The Director also relayed results of
the recent meeting of the Supervisor, Director and ENCON officials regarding those same
project options. There was discussion and questions on the retaining structure (dam), the
need for a sedimentation trap, landscaping and if further pond dredging was viable.
Information about the upcoming Hovey Pond neighborhood meeting on March 26th was
also disseminated and there was considerable discussion and concern expressed about the
raceway (temporary rock channel on the eastern side of the pond). The Director explained
that the raceway was constructed as a temporary channel, so that the pond could be dredged
"in the dry." Thereafter, once the new retaining structure was in place, the channel would
then serve no useful function and could be removed. However, ENCON, because of storm
water runoff and the "cold water" fisheries habitat may not permit the raceway to be either
dismantled of enclosed in a culvert pipe.
A number of Commissioners experienced displeasure with the raceway from an aesthetic,
as well as a safety/liability point of view, but it was pointed out that ENCON might have
the final say. After further discussion, the Commission agreed that the most important
element was to finish the project as quickly as possible.
The Commission was updated on the status of the Miller Associates park design proposal
and recommendations and was advised by the Director that a resolution to authorize this
work would be considered by the Town Board at their next meeting in February.
Ass't. Director Lovering presented a verbal report and highlighted a number of winter
program statistics (participation/attendance figures).
Commission Hersh requested information on the Department's hiring procedure for summer
personnel and the Director outlined the system and how it functioned.
There being no further business, the Commission was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. The next
meeting will be held on March 11, 1992, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Supervisor's meeting
room (#37), in the Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen