OCTOBER 1, 1990
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury,
held Monday, October 1, 1991, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury, New
York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:30 P.M.
Commissioners Carusone, Labatore, LaBombard, Simmonds and
Director Hansen
Commissioner Hersh and Teti (ex)
The Director displayed a schematic of the joint lighting project and updated the Commission
on the status of the contractor's work to date. Trenching for the underground electric
lines has been completed and the light poles and fixtures have arrived and are on-site.
He explained that the tennis courts would be illuminated by 24-1000 watt metal halide lights
affixed to 6-45' metal poles. In addition, 8 of the same lights atop 2-30' poles would provide
sufficient footcandle lighting for the basketball court. Furthermore, the 4 light fixtures
atop the basketball light pole, closest to the open field, would be realigned in the winter
to provide illumination for the ice skating facility which the Department creates and
A number of commISSIOners questioned the Director with regard to the total cost of the
project, and what affect the trenching would have on the School's property. It was explained
that the contractor has promised to return the area to its original state (repave and reseed)
once the project is completed. With regard to project cost, it was pointed out that Hour
Electric was the low bidder for the lighting contract, at $64,419.00.
The Director explained a variety of other items pertaining to the lights including specifics
about the panel control board, location of the ice skating shed and operating cost
The South Queensbury Park situation was briefly discussed and it was explained that further
work by the Department at this site, was on hold until the Fire Company finalizes its plans
for expansion. To date, the Town Board and the Fire Study Committee have withheld
approval of the Fire Company's request for additional building space and this in turn has
caused the Department to postpone installation of the park facilities (water line, drinking
fountain and sign/planter box) which were scheduled this past year.
The status of the Department's work projects at the maintenance facility at
Ridge/ J enkinsville Park were outlined by the Director and included the roof work, and
a heating system for the building. A number of Commissioners commented that they had
seen and were pleased with the facility (outside only) and the Director encouraged everyone
to stop by and view the inside as well. The Commission also had questions about the Gurney
Lane recreation facility and it was pointed out that work was continuing in preparation
for winter usage of the x-country ski trail. On the same subject the ski trail groomer/track
setter and snowmobile machine which is budgeted for, should be available for use right
after the first of the year.
Chairman Simmonds presented a brief summary of the Master Plan project and relayed
that Mr. Bernard Rahill had communicated with her on behalf of the Citizen Advisory
Committee on Environmental Affairs, regarding the acquisition of Round Pond for
recreational purposes. She explained Mr. Rahill's comments which came about as a result
of the Commission's letter (l0/4/90) to Environmental Committee Chairman Morton and
mentioned that this group is interested in making the pond a part of the Queensbury Park
System. She reiterated that the Commission was amenable to discussing this and/or other
recreation related matters and that their attendance (committee members) at a future
meeting would be welcomed.
Chairman Simmonds requested comments on the recently distributed Inventory and Analysis
portion of the Master Plan report (mailed) and there was discussion on the total project
and what the next step would be. The Director explained that 25 copies of this section
of the plan was now out in the community (library, firehouses, schools, etc.) and that a
public meeting for comments and reaction by area residents was scheduled on November
1st at 7:00 p.m., in the Queensbury Center. The date of this meeting had been changed
(originally 10/18), in order to give the community sufficient time to review the document
thoroughly. A number of Commissioners expressed concern and displeasure, in that this
project (Master Plan update) has taken quite a bit longer than projected (l8 months actual
vs 8 months projected). However, it was the consensus that the end product (Master Plan)
will be a worthwhile document which would benefit the Town and improve the Department.
The Director presented a verbal report and updated the Commission on the Department's
budget situation and the search for a Recreation Program Specialist. The latter is the
new full-time staff position which the Department is authorized and been attempting to
fill since May. The Chairman and the Director have conducted interviews (top 12 candidates)
and it is anticipated that the position will be filled by November 1st.
The Director advised the Commission that he and the Chairman were scheduled to attend
the upcoming NRPA conference in Phoenix, Arizona (October 11-15, 1990).
The Commission was also updated on the status of the eagle scout project (new walkway)
which is underway at Gurney Lane and the Director also reported on Elaine's condition
Chairman Simmonds mentioned that the next meeting was scheduled for November 12th
and inasmuch as this is a holiday (Veterans Day), she would therefore suggest a change
of date. After a short discussion it was the concensus that the upcoming Commission meeting
date be changed to November 19th.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. The
next meeting will be held on November 19, 1990, at 7:30 p.m., at the Supervisor's meeting
room (#37) in the Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen