JUNE ll, 1990
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury, held Monday, June ll, 1990, at the Queensbury Town Office Building,
Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at
7:33 P.M.
PRESENT: Commissioners Hersh, LaBombard, Simmonds and Sperry
ALSO PRESENT: Councilwoman Potenza, Director Hansen and Recording
Secretary Schaefer
ABSENT: Commissioner Carusone (ex), Labatore and Teti (ex)
The Director briefly reviewed the items of correspondence which were included
in the monthly packet and there was considerable discussion with regard to the
Recreation Program Specialist memo. The Commission was interested to learn
more details with regard to, why Mrs. Harris rejected the full-time position after
initially accepting the same. In addition, they also wanted to know how this
would affect the Department and what the next step might be. The Director
relayed the specifics of his phone conversation with Mrs. Harris, and explained
as best he could the "personal reasons" which she gave for rejecting employment
with the Town. Regarding the game plan from this point on, the Director has
advised the Supervisor/Town Board, that due to the circumstances/time of year,
work load, etc., that he would recommend putting off hiring a Recreation Program
Specialist until late summer or early fall. The Commission also agreed, and
after further discussion, it was decided that a committee, rather than just the
Director, should interview all candidates for this full-time position. Chairman
Simmonds and Councilwoman Potenza volunteered to serve on the interview
committee, once the position vacancy is advertised.
The Commission was briefed on the status of the basketball court construction
at the South Queensbury Park site and the Director also informed them that
the purchase of Mrs. Pierce's linear parcel on the east side of Hovey Pond had
finally been consumated. The $15,000 land purchase had taken more than 2 years
to finalize, but the result will mean that the dredging work on the Glenwood
side of the pond can now begin.
The Director presented a verbal report and detailed the joint athletic facility
lighting project which should go out to bid shortly. Here again, this project has
been on the "drawing board" for sometime, but finally "there is a light at the
end of the tunnel." The engineering firm of Rist Frost has been reviewing the
specification for sometime, and the next step will be to send the project out
to bid.
The Director reviewed the Department's summer program brochure, and explained
that registration has already begun for many of the activities/programs listed
within. A number of Commissioners had questions on specific program and
registration, and there was also discussion on staff personnel, including the Swim
Lesson and Youth Program Coordinator positions.
A number of swimming programs were explained and discussed, and pre-season
weekend attendance, at the Gurney Lane Recreation Area swimming facility
was also commented on.
The Commission requested to know the status of the Department's Master Plan
and the Director relayed that the Inventory and Analysis portion had just been
completed, and would be out to each commissioner/steering committee member
by the end of the week.
There being no further business, the Commission meeting was adjourned at 8:07
P.M. The next meeting will be held on July 9, 1990, at 7:30 P.M., at the the
Supervisor's meeting room (upstairs) in the Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen