SEPTEMBER 10, 1990
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of
Queensbury, held Monday, September 10, 1990, at the 60 acre Town owned parcel
on the Hudson River, south of Corinth Road, in the West Glens Falls area of
Queensbury. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
PRESENT: Commissioners Carusone, Hersh, Labatore, LaBombard, Simmonds,
Sperry and Teti
PRESENT: Councilmember Montesi and Director Hansen
The group assembled at the end of Merritt Road and the Director distributed
a small map of the area and briefly reviewed some of the history/information
with regard to the two parcels. He mentioned that the parcels had been acquired
in 1968, as a future site for a Town landfill. This was changed in the 70's, and
for many years now, the two parcels have been mentioned as a possible park
site. He relayed that Allen Associates had developed a "Riverside Park" plan
in the late 70's, but funding and other park priorities had put this plan on hold.
The Director explained additional park information, including the new right-of-way,
terrain features and a number of possible park facility/usage options.
The group then proceeded on a short walking tour of the site, so as to better
familiarize themselves with the unique terrain features. The upper parcel is
a relatively high plateau area with sparce vegetation and "honeycombed" with
numerous trails/paths (dirt bike trails). The lower section which abuts the river
is a densely wooded wetland, lower in elevation than the upper section and quite
marshy, especially in the summer months.
Overall, the consensus was that the area had potential as a future park site for
hiking and X-country skiing. There was ·concern regarding the illegal dirt bike
usage and how this type of activity could be curtailed. There was also discussion
regarding possible funding options and how the development of this parcel would
dovetail with other park projects. The Director explained that Murman Associates
had also toured the site and that future usage/development of this parcel would
be addressed as part of the Master Plan.
The group returned to the Merritt Road parking area (7:45 P.M.) and a short
business meeting was held.
Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the April 9, 1990 meeting.
Commissioner Labatore seconded the motion and after polling all Commissioners,
the motion was unanimously approved.
The Director briefly reviewed the correspondence which was included in the
monthly packet. The Commission commented favorably on the Chairman's note
to Mr. Morton (9/4/90), and the two letters (Losinger &: Sigismondi), which
complimented the Department for specific summer activities. Mrs. Dicken's
letter (loud pool P A music), and the Director's response were also discussed,
and it was reiterated that this situation had been corrected.
A short synopsis of the summer program of activities was given by the Director,
and he explained that overall the season had been one of ups-and-downs. He
explained that some personnel problems and the N. Queensbury site being closed
had spoiled an otherwise excellent summer youth program. On the other hand,
the swim pool programs (lessons and open swim) were the best ever and this will
be expanded on for the future.
The Director also updated the Commission on the lighting project including the
timetable for installation and usage.
The status of the Recreation Program Specialist position was explained and there
was discussion on who would conduct the interviews.
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned at 7:59 P.M. The
next meeting will be held on October I, 1990, at 7:30 P.M., in the Supervisor's
meeting room (#37) at the Town Office Building.
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen