MARCH 12, 1990
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town of Queensbury,
held Monday, March 12, 1990, at the Queensbury Town Office Building, Queensbury,
New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order at 7:37 P.M.
Commissioners Carusone, LaBombard, Simmonds, Sperry and Teti
Councilwoman Monahan, Director Hansen and Recording Secretary
Commissioner Labatore (Ex.) and Councilmembers Montesi (Ex.) and
Potenza (Ex.)
Commissioner Carusone moved to approve the minutes of the February 12, 1990
meeting. Commissioner Sperry seconded the motion and after polling all Commi-
ssioners, the motion was unanimously approved. .
The Director briefly reviewed the correspondence which was included in the monthly
packet and expounded on Mr. Murman's Master Plan letter. He updated the Commission
with regard to what has transpired since the second draft had been presented.
He noted that Murman Associates was redoing the second draft because of the
many mistakes and inaccuracies which were found in the document. Hopefully,
the revised draft will be finished shortly and the document can be presented for
comments at a public meeting.
Chairman Simmonds briefly reviewed some of the events with regard to the 20
acre parcel, which is to be gifted to the Town of Queensbury by the West Mountain
Development Corporation. The Director also reviewed the Recreation Commission's
12/15/89 letter which recommended acceptance of the parcel of property in lieu
of fees for the development of a passive park area atop West Mountain. He also
distributed a copy of that portion of the 2/14/90 joint Board/Developer meeting
minutes, which dealt with that same subject (20 acre park parcel/emergency access
road). She then requested that Councilwoman Monahan shed some light on the
the situation with regard to the emergency access road which was under construction.
Councilwoman Monahan explained, in detail, much of what has transpired between
the 2 communities and the Developer with respect to the 120 acre parcel just west
of Luzerne Mountain Road. She mentioned that she too had walked much of the
property and that the Town of Luzerne was responsible for the emergency access
road. A number of Commissioners questioned why Cormus Road could not be used
as an emergency access road and one possibility was that the engineering and con-
struction costs might be prohibitive. However, it was pointed out that Cormus
Road leads directly to a well used West Mountain maintenance road, which could
be paved and would certainly suffice as an emergency access road. On the other
hand, paving the one lane nature trail/road, which bisects the 120 acre parcel would
undoubtedly take away from the aesthetics of the "wilderness park area." In addition,
the pond, which is immediately adjacent to the road, would be of little value as
a "nature site" if the roadway next to it were paved.
Councilwoman Monahan pointed out that the Town has first choice regarding the
20 acre parcel and there was further discussion with respect to the need for an
emergency access route in this 120 acre area. There was also discussion about
the Town of Luzerne being given 100 acres for park development. It was pointed
out that when the Recreation Commission initially made the decision about the
20 acre parcel, at that time the remaining 100 acres of APA property had not been
committed. This, of course, was changed when, in January, the Developer proposed
gifting this remaining acreage to the Town of Luzerne for park purposes.
There was further discussion by the Commission and overall, those present were
concerned that their intent regarding the creation of a specific 20 acre passive
park site atop West Mountain has somehow been misinterpreted. Councilwoman
Monahan also mentioned that she was concerned in that the Commission and the
Department had not been advised regarding the Board's decisions. There was some
additional discussion regarding whether the acquisition of property had been finalized
and whether the Commission had any recourse with regard to the paving of the
proposed nature trail for use as an emergency access. The Director pointed out
that the agreement between the Town and the Developer has been executed but,
to the best of his knowledge, the location of the 20 acre parcel has yet to be selected.
Of course, it should be noted that the Commission is aware that as an advisory
group, they only have the authority to recommend the 20 acre parcel and that the
Town Board will, of course, have the final say with regard to the park); actual location.
The Commission reviewed and discussed subsequent information regarding the West
Mountain Park site, including specifics about the 1988 subdivision regulations, APA
restrictions and the Cormus Road/emergency access possibility. There was also
discussion on the 2/8/90 agreement (pp. 23-25) between the Developer and the
Town and the 2/14/90 Board minutes (pp. 120-123), both of which seem to indicate
that the Board had chosen to pave the one lane trail which bisects the 120 acre
AP A parcel.
Chairman Simmonds summarized and highlighted much of what had been discussed
previously and it was the consensus by those in attendance that a letter to the
Town Board expressing the Commission's concern might now be appropriate. Further-
more, the Chairman suggested that it would be appropriate to also indicate to the
Town Board that the Commission was excited about the opportunity and anxious
to be involved further in the development of the 20 acre park. She agreed to draft
a letter on behalf of the Commission, as quickly as possible, indicating their stated
concerns and submit it, in person, along with the Director, at an upcoming Board
meeting. All those in attendance were in favor and indicated their unanimous support.
The Director reviewed a number of future park plans and there was discussion on
the "Development Plan for the Lake George (Sandy Bay) Property Report," which
had been forwarded to the Commission in mid February. He summarized the plan
and mentioned that the Supervisor had indicated that he was in communication
with ENCON personnel who were receptive to the Town possibly developing this
parcel (Sandy Bay) as a park site. Neighborhood opposition to the development
of a Town park at this site which might also include a swimming facility was also
discussed. In summary, it was agreed that the Commission and the Department
have done their work and the next step is up to ENCON and the Town Board.
The final site plan diagram of the new basketball court at the South Queensbury
Park was reviewed and it was explained that as soon as soil conditions at the park
warrant, that Highway Department crews would undertake the project task.
The Director also updated the Commission on a number of future park possibilities
along the Hudson River and in the West Mountain area. He mentioned that the
Supervisor was in negotiations with a number of other parties and would explain,
in more detail, once additional information became available.
The Commission inquired about the dedication ceremony planned at the Ridge/Jenkinsville
Park this coming spring and the Director explained that Monday, May 7th, the first
day of league play, was the tentative date for this event. Councilwoman Monahan
mentioned that there was also a Town Board meeting scheduled on Monday, May
7th, and that the Director might want to touch base with the Supervisor with regard
to a possible conflict. The Director agreed inasmuch as this type of function, similar
to the Gurney Lane grand opening, will undoubtedly be organized by the Supervisor's
The Director presented his monthly report verbally and briefly updated the Commission
on the status of most of the winter programs which are in the process of winding
down. A number of Commissioners commented on the success of the PeeWee wrestling
program and Commissioner Carusone spoke favorably on the open swim program
at the Queensbury School Pool. There were also some favorable comments on the
"Learn to Ski" program and the Director mentioned his disappointment with the
Saturday ski trip program, which was unsuccessful this past winter (4 trips programmed,
none went).
Councilwoman Monahan requested to make a few comments and complimented
Pat Borgos on the Summer Youth Program Report. She also mentioned the Ridge/
Jenkinsville Park facility and inquired about future plans for additional play structure
equipment and the creation of an ice skating area at the site. The Director explained
that the Department had, this past season, created and maintained a skating area
(natural swale area) which was used by area residents. With regard to additional
playground apparatus - that was planned for this summer and should be available
when the park opens in June. Concerning future park development, the Director
reaffirmed that the Commission had submitted a prioritized list to the Town Board,
some time ago, of possible athletic/recreational facilities for this site, and that
the next step would undoubtedly be to retain an architectural/engineering firm
to design the project.
The Director briefly explained 2 new programs (Merry Mohicans Dance Club and
Scuba Diving lessons), both of which were seeking future sponsorship by the Department.
It was mentioned that more information about both programs was forthcoming
and that he anticipated detailing more about both programs at a later date.
There being no further business, the Commission adjourned. The next meeting
will be held on April 9, 1990, at 7:30 P.M., at the Supervisor's meeting room (upstairs)
in the Town Office Building.
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. arron Simmonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen