CC-0605-2021 i - - Office Use Only
Permit Fee:$ vlp-(� 5
Town of(Leensbur)
742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 128
Invoice#: o
P:518-761-8256 www. ueensbur . AUG 17 2021
Flood Zone? Y Reviewed `
Project Location: V15 ea..; tNG&CO rS
Tax Map ID#: 6-z3ilo0 30F. /a -;Z-�/. l Subdivision Name:
TYPE: Residential _Commercial, Proposed Use:
Single-Family —Two-Family _Multi-Family (#of units ) —Townhouse
Business Office _Retail _Industrial/Warehouse _Garage (#of cars_)
e4 Other(describe Nia,.,� ��-��•-,�+5 )
1st floor: 1st floor: iJ/J7 ,S�
2nd floor: 2nd floor:
3rd floor: 3rd floor:
Basement(habitable space): Basement (habitable space):
Total sq ft: Total sq ft:
Scope of work to be done: _qaavv-, q- O
�e�r�i L G'7-"c�UG�tuv2 �� �✓tLG-h /JY-eC3� _r
�9 DA
l��5�d�� csv�� c�iaO�o✓4 .-f l�,-�e�ao r ��OC�
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
3(� (JUU Cc hC"c C.CA- -V SA I I" w /
1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ S PV& 1-011w-�- Do�cgj�
2. Source of Heat (circle one): /Gas _Oil _Propane Solar Other
f Fireplaces/inserts need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimney Application
3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES ,/NO Explain:
4. Are there any easements on the property? YES ,/ NO
• Is this a corner lot? YES NO
• Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? _YES ,/NO
• What is the water source? ,/(PUBLIC _PRIVATE WELL
• What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? i✓SEWER _PRIVATE SEPTIC
1. 1 acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be
completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require
the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval.
2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn,30%of the fee is retained by the Town of
Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained.
3. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees
and department approval.
4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description
of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws
and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations.
5. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of
6. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly
constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
I have read and agree to the above:
PRINT NAME: �f �� V %�
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
• Applicant:
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: c2/5 Cam,. t�.-�-F� t4.y l F'd
Cell Phone: �_) Land
Email: e.!�ilo(D coot
Primary Owner(s):
Name(s): -FZ,k,"s ;Sy-
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Phone:_) Land Line:
❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only
• Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form)
Contact Name(s): �
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Phone: Land Line: � )
**Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application**
• Arch itect(s)/Engineer(s):
Business Name: _ /�
Contact Name(s): 7a He x��-�
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 76 -a 2®2C3
Cell Phone: ( Land Line:
Email: rjr �,� ��„-� tO / e--
Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Via,
Cell Phone: Land Line: ) f-q-3-re,73/
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
• Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s): Jh Y cte-,15
Contractor Trade: Vi,-ywa(I %.rN�vf�.-t-�o+�f
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: /5� J- Sr-.-4,4o S i o--I
Cell Phone: Land Line: C i83 -761- 09 9
Email: cicz� h ydP►-�ol-y ,6j, e o
• Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ,a J 1-?,.rk Rd �uYy, N `/ 12b'6 4
Cell Phone: Land Line: C--/,?) 793_ 2a'9�y
Email: (( 1.
toot, covr,
• Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade: Ca���•-��y / ��� -�� `O"�
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: sooA-6, eirlbl i\f-V- -26Fd y
Cell Phone: Land Line: (, 09) 75/;?-
Email: V" C- a5-;P-5- e -ycz, ", Cove
• Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Phone: Land Line:
• Contractor(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application
Contractor Name(s):
Contractor Trade:
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Phone: Land Line:
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
Tozvn of Queensbury
742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804
"Home of Natural Beauty ... A Good Place to Live "
Hacker Boat Company
315 Corinth Road ��
CC- _
Plan Review
Progress drawings for shop ®�
The following comments are based on review of drawings:
• Verify fire extinguisher-locations
• Function test all exit/EL fixtures
• Verify posted EVAC plan
• Locks /Latches shall comply w/ Chapter 10 of the IFC. No key or thumb
turn devices accepted
• Carbon Monoxide detection required
• Verify aisles
• Verify storage
• Any modifications or additions to the sprinkler system, will require an
NFPA 13 compliance letter
• Is the alrran ,c ant con71 liant, se 1006.2.1 a d 1007.1.1
Michael J Palmer
Fire Marshal
742 Bay Road
Queensbury NY 12804
Fi r e M a r s h a I 's Off i c e - P h o n e: 518-761-8206 - F a x: .518-745-4437
�iremarshal@queensburt .net - zvzvm.queensbum net
_ S
All portions of machinery rooms shall be within 150 [BE]1006.2.2.4 Group I-4 means of egress.Group I-4
feet(45 720 mm)of an exit or exit access doorway.An facilities, rooms or spaces where care is provided for
increase in exit access travel distance is permitted in more than 10 children that are 2'/2 years of age or less,'.
accordance with Section 1017.1. shall have access to not less than two exits or exit access_..
Exit and exit access doorways shall swing in the doorways.
direction of egress travel, regardless of the occupant [BE] 1006.2.2.5 Vehicular ramps. Vehicular ramps`;
e load served. Exit and exit access doorways shall be shall not be considered as an exit access ramp unless It-'
tight fitting and self-closing. pedestrian facilities are provided. n.r..
[BE] 1606.2.2.3 Refrigerated rooms or spaces. [BE] 1006.2.2.6 Groups R-3 and R-4. Where Group,-;"-
Rooms or spaces having a floor area larger than 1,000 R-3 occupancies are permitted by Section 903.2.8 to be 1 '
square feet(93 m2),containing a refrigerant evaporator protected by an automatic sprinkler system installed in,,
and maintained at a temperature below 68T (20°C), accordance with Section 903.3.1.3, the exit access:;
shall have access to not less than two exits or exit travel distance for Group R-3 shall be not more than ;
access doorways. 125 feet (38 100 mm).Where Group R-4 occupancies;'
Exit access travel distance shall be determined as are permitted by Section 903.2.8 to be protected by ali
specified in Section 1017.1,but all portions of a refrig- automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with;;
erated room or space shall be within 150 feet (45 720 Section 903.3.1.3, the exit access travel distance for
mm) of an exit or exit access doorway where such Group R-4 shall be not more than 75 feet(22 860 mm).,,,
rooms are not protected by an approved automatic [BE] 1006.3 Egress from stories or occupied roofs. The s ',
sprinkler system. Egress is allowed through adjoining means of egress system serving any story or occupied roofFes.
refrigerated rooms or spaces. shall be provided with the number of separate and distinct 11-
Exception: Where using refrigerants in quantities exits or access to exits based on the aggregate occupant load,
limited to the amounts based on the volume set forth served in accordance with this section.Where stairways serve:::
in the Mechanical Code of New York State. more than one story, only the occupant load of each story
I _ '
[BE]TABLE 1006.2.1
MAXIMUM OCCUPANT Without Sprinkler System :ter
OCCUPANCY LOAD OF SPACE (feet) With Sprinkler System
Occupant Load (feet)
OL S 30 OL>30 <<x
M,E,M 49 75 75 75a _
B 49 100 75 1002 '
F 49 75 75 100, ? ,
H-1,H-2,H-3 3 NP NP 25'
H-4,H-5 10 NP NP 75'
I-1,I-2°,I-4 10 NP NP 75a .
I-3 10 NP NP 1004
R-1 10 NP NP 75a :}�
R-2 20 NP NP 125a
R-3` 20 NP NP 125"B f
R-4` 20 NP NP 1250-8
St 29 100 75 1003
U 49 100 75 75a =s
For SI: 1 foot=304.8 turn.
NP=Not Permitted.
a. Buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2.See Section 903 for occupancies where
automatic sprinkler systems are permitted in accordance with Section 903.3.1.2 N.
b.Group H occupancies equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2.5.
c. For a room or space used for assembly purposes having fixed seating,see Section 1029.8.
d.For the travel distance limitations in Group I-2,see Section 407.4 of the Building Code of New York State.
e. The common path of egress travel distance shall apply only in a Group R-3 occupancy located in a mixed occupancy building or within a Group R-3 or R-4 _,r
congregate living facility.
f. The length-of common path of egress travel distance in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall be not more than 100 feet.
g.For the travel distance limitations in Group R-3 and R-4 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.3,seeY
Section 1006.2.2.6.
_ t
SECTION 1007 3. The separation distance to exit access
EXIT AND EXIT ACCESS be measured to the start of the ramp'run.
[BE] 1007.1.2 Three or more exits or exit access door
[BE] 1007.1 General.Exits, exit access doorways, and exit ways.Where access to three or more exits is requirt il;ttot
access stairways and ramps serving spaces, including indi- less than two exit or exit access doorways shad
vidual building stories,shall be separated in accordance with arranged in accordance with the provisions of Section;.
the provisions of this section. 1007.1.1.Additional required exit or exit access dooriv..
[BE]1007.1.1 Two exits or exit access doorways.Where shall be arranged a reasonable distance apart so that ifgne+
two exits, exit access doorways, exit access stairways or becomes blocked,the others will be available. -,
ramps, or an combination thereof, are required from an
p y q Y [BE] 1007.1.3 Remoteness of exit access stairways�o�
portion of the exit access, they shall be placed a distance ramps.Where two exit access stairways or ramps provide
apart equal to not less than one-half of the length of the the required means of egress to exits at another story,i111e
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or required separation distance shall be maintained for 1'
area to be served measured in a straight line between them. portions of such exit access stairways or ramps. <� ,
Interlocking or scissor stairways shall be counted as one
[BE] 1007.1.3.1 Three or more exit access stairways-
exit stairway. or ramps.Where more than two exit access stairways;
Exceptions: or ramps provide the required means of egress,not less
1. Where interior exit stairways or ramps are inter- than two shall be arranged in accordance with Section
connected by a 1-hour fire-resistance-rated corri-
dor conformingto the requirements of Section '
1020, the required exit separation shall be mea SECTION 1008 ' =a
sured along the shortest direct line of travel MEANS OF EGRESS ILLUMINATION
within the corridor.
[BE] 1008.1 Means of egress illumination. Illuminatidn
2. Where a building is equipped throughout with an shall be provided in the means of egress in accordance wi
automatic sprinkler stem in accordance with emergency p f g
P system Section 1008.2. Under emer enc power, means o e res"s
Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2,the separation dis- illumination shall comply with Section 1008.3.
tance shall be not less than one-third of the length [BE] 1008.2 Illumination required. The means of egress;r
of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of serving a room or space shall be illuminated at all times that;;
the area served, the room or space is occupied.
[BE] 1007.1.1.1 Measurement point. The separation Exceptions:
distance required in Section 1007.1.1 shall be measured `
Group in Occupancies
in accordance with the following: 1. Occu p p U.
1. The separation distance to exit or exit access 2• Aisle accessways in Group A. {t:r
doorways shall be measured to any point along 3. Dwelling units and sleeping units in Groups R-1,R===`,
the width of the doorway. 2 and R-3.
2. The separation distance to exit access stairways 4. Sleeping units of Group I occupancies.
shall be measured to the closest riser.
[BE]TABLE 1006.3.3(2) ri
A,Bb,E Fb,M,U 49 75 A.
H-2,H-3 3 25
First story above or below grade plane
H-4,H-5,I,R-1,R-2°• 10 75 :i
Sb.° 29 75 {
Second story above grade plane B,F,M,S° 29 75 ;1
Third story above grade plane and higher NP NA NA
For SI: I foot=304.8 mm.
NP=Not Permitted.
NA=Not Applicable.
a. Buildings classified as Group R-2 equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 and provided
with emergency escape and rescue openings in accordance with Section 1030,
b.Group B,F and S occupancies in buildings equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 shall have a
maximum exit access travel distance of 100 feet.
c.This table is used for R-2 occupancies consisting of sleeping units.For R-2 occupancies consisting of dwelling units,use Table 1006.3.3(1).
d.The length of exit access travel distance in a Group S-2 open parking garage shall be not more than 100 feet.
. - , COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb FILE COPY
'Mechanical Compliance Certificate,
Project Information
Energy Code: 2020'New York Energy Conservation Construction Code
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020
Location: Glens Falls, New York REVIEWED FOR
Climate Zone: 6a
Project Type: Alteration ENERGY CODE COMPLIANCE
Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor:
315 Corinth Road David Sollenberger Mark Bagdon
Queensbury,New York 12804 Morgan Marine LaBella Associates,DPC
315 Corinth Road 25 Delaware Ave
Queensbury,New York 12804 Delmar,New York 12054 .
Mechanical Systems List
Quantity System Type &,Description
1 HVAC System(Unknown w/PerlmeterSystem):
Heating:2 each-Unit Heater,Gas,Capacity=240 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency=80.00%Ec,Required Efficiency: 80.00%Ec
1 HVAC System(Unknown w/PerimeterSystem):
Heating: 1 each-Unit Heater,Gas,Capacity=140 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency=80.00%Ec,Required Efficiency: 80.00%Ec
1 HVAC System(Unknown w/PerimeterSystem):
Heating:2 each-Unit Heater,Gas,Capacity=100 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency.=80.00%Ec,Required Efficiency: 80.00%Ec
1 HVAC System (Unknown w/PerimeterSystem):
Heating: 1 each-Unit Heater,Gas,Capacity= 143 kBtu/h
Proposed Efficiency=82.00%,Ec,Required Efficiency: 80.00%Ec
Mechanical Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement: The proposed mechanical alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the building
plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed mechanical systems have been
designed to meet the 2020 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck Version COMcheckWeb
and to comply with any applicable mandatory requirements listed in a Inspection Checklist.
Name-Title Signa Date
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename:
Page 1 of 10
COMcheck Software Version COMcheckWeb
Inspection Checklist
Energy Code: 2020 New York Energy Conservation Construction Code !
Requirements: 98.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software
Text in the"Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception
is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided.
# Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions
&Re .ID
C103.2 ;Plans,specifications,and/or Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[PR2)1 calculations provide all information ;E]Does Not
with which compliance can be ONot Observable
!determined for the mechanical
;systems and equipment and ;C7Not Applicable ;
document where exceptions to the
;standard are claimed.Load
calculations per acceptable
engineering standards and
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 111i gh Impact(Tier 1) 2 IMedium Impact(Tier 2) 13 Low Impact;(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page 2 of 10
t ➢
# Footing,/Foundation Inspection ,Compiles? ; cCom nt nSes/Assumptions
'&Re .ID1
C4.U31:2 2ISnow/ice melting system and freeze ;❑Coi»plies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
;protection systems have sensors and :❑Does Not
C4,„03.12:3 controls configured to limit service for Not Observable
(FO9)3 pavement temperature and outdoor Not Applicable
temperature.future connection to pp
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
,1 High`Irimpact(Tier 1) 2 IMedlum,Impadt(Tier 2) . '3" Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Flacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page 3 of ,10
Section � - --
# Plumbing Rough-In Inspection Complies2 Comments/Assumptions
&Re .ID
C404.5, "' Heated water supply piping conforms ,❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply.
C404.5.1,,;Ito pipe length and volume ODoes Not t
C404.5.2• `requirements.Refer to section details, :
'C404. r>� ❑�of Observable;
I ;L✓INot Applicable
C404S5; Heated water supply piping conforms i❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply;,
C404:5,1;°'�to pipe length and volume ;❑Does Not
C404.5:2 Mrequirements. Refer to section details. :;[]Not Observable;
[PL6]3 ONot Applicable
C404:5,,'';Heated water supply piping conforms i❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
C404:5r1,,,!to pipe length and volume ;❑Does Not
C404SZ. , requirements. Refer to section details._;❑Not Observable
GPL6]3 iFrNot Applicable
C4045;,.;'gP Heated water supply piping conforms .,❑Complies :Exception:Requirement does not apply..
C404.5.1 to pipe length and volume ❑Does Not
C404:5.2;;°;+requirements.Refer to section details
[,PL6]3- ;❑Not Observable
' „4
;GAot Applicable
N 3F
;C464:6,3s,J Pumps that circulate water between a ;❑Complies :Exception:Requirement does not apply.,, i
[PL7]3 theater and storage tank have controls !❑Does Not
"^that limit operation from startup to ❑fyot Observable
<=5 minutes after end of heating [ of Applicable
cycle. - —
G404.6:3 M'jPumps that circulate water between a ;❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
(P Lill"3 '),heater and storage tank have controls ODoes Not
;that limit operation from startup to
hk<=5 minutes after end of heating ❑�of Observable
[cycle. 'aot Applicable
G404:6:3 'Pumps that circulate water-between a ;❑Complies :Exception:Requirement does not apply.
[PL7]3 ':' % heater and storage tank have controls 1❑Does Not
;that limit operation from startup to ❑Not Observable.;
>a <=5 minutes after end of heating I ,
y cycle.. ,MNot Applicable
C404:6.3•,.;,Pumps that circulate water.between,a ;❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply..
[PL7]3 11,heater and storage tank have controls 0Does Not
Qthat limit operation from startup to !❑Not Observable_,
e< 5 minutes after end of heating
;cycle,, ;E3�Not Applicable, ;
Mitt. ", Demand recirculation water systems (❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply..
[PL8]3 %1 have controls that start the pump UDoes Not
upon receiving a signal from the"
❑Not Observable
action of a user of a fixture or
1 :gNot Applicable
appliance and limits the temperature PP
of the water entering the cold-water j
,;;piping to 104°F;
C404;7 ?Demand-recirculation water systems ;❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply,
[PL8]3 have controls that start the pump ;❑Does Not
upon receiving a signal from the ,nNot Observable:
action of a user of a fixture or
appliance and limits,the temperature 11ONot Applicable 1
°4bt of the water entering the cold-water
'piping to 104°F..
C404.7; `,-',;Demand recirculation water systems 1�Cormplies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply,
[PL8], w"°,;''„`shave controls that start the pump IPDoes Not
f'upon receiving a signal from the j
action of a user of a fixture or ❑, of Observable
:.appliance and limits the temperature ��Not Applicable
,lof the water entering the cold-water ,
„,;,piping to 104°F,
1 JHidh Impact(Tier 1) 12 JMediiJm lrhp2'1ct'(Tier2) 3;Low,lmpact(Tier 3),
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page 4 of 10
Y f
Section —
Plumbing,Rough-lminspectioii ;Complies? Comments/Assumptions
;C4.O4 7. s Demand recirculation water systems t❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply,
have controls that start the pump i❑QoesNot
upon receiving a signal from the n ,t Observable;
;f action of a user of a fixture or
appliance and limits the temperature of Applicable
Tof the water entering the cold-water
`jplping to 104°F.
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High`ImpkE(Tier 1) 2• Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3`-Eiw Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page 5 of 10
I b
Section .
# Mechanical Rough-in Inspection ,. comies?pl Comments/Assumptions
&Req.ID . . ;
C402.2.6''�Thermally ineffective panel surfaces of;❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply,
[ME41]3, asensible heating panels have ;❑Does Not
rinsulation>=R-3. :
4 5 ❑foot Observable'
Nat Applicable
C403.11.3"!HVAC piping insulation insulated in :❑Complies ,Exception: Requirement does not apply.
[ME61]2 1 accordance with Table C403.11.3. ;❑Does Not
insulation exposed to weather is
protected from damage and is [--]Not Observable
provided with shielding from solar ;BNot Applicable
C403.11.3 i HVAC piping Insulation Insulated-in ;❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply.
[ME61]2 i accordance with Table C403.11.3. UDoes Not '
I Insulation exposed to weather is
'protected from damage and is :[_],ot Observable
;provided with shielding from solar :[]'Not Applicable j
I radiation.
C403.11.3;HVAC piping insulation insulated in ;❑Complies
[ME61]2 'accordance with Table C403.11.3. ;❑Does Not
i Insulation exposed to weather is plyot Observable'
protected from damage and is Q'
provided with shielding from solar Not Applicable
l radiation. I
C403.11.31 HVAC piping insulation insulated in ❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
[ME61]2 ;accordance with Table C403.11.3. !❑Does Not
Insulation exposed to weather is
protected from damage and is ,❑ of Observable
provided with shielding from solar '�ryot Applicable
i radiation.
C403:8,1,. HVAC fan systems at design ;❑Complies :Exception: Requirement does not apply.
[ME65]3" conditions do not exceed allowable ;❑Does Not
fan system motor nameplate hp or fan',—,,, t Observable:see the Mechanical systems list for values. I
=system bhp. ��'
( Not Applicable
C403.8.1 ,-:HVAC fan systems at design ;❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
[ME65]3 conditions do not exceed allowable []Does Not
fan system motor nameplate hp or fan Rot Observable;See the Mechanical systems list for values.
system bhp.
i Not Applicable _
c403.8.1 HVAC fan systems at design :❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply. f
[ME65]3 .a conditions do not exceed allowable j❑Does Not
,fan system motor nameplate hp or fan :See the Mechanical systems list for values.
;system bhp. of Observable:
C403.8.1. ;:,HVAC fan systems at design ;,[]Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
[.ME65]3 ';i conditions do not exceed allowable ;❑Does Not
,fan system motor nameplate hp or fan :See the Mechanical systems list for values.
;I system bhp. :❑dot Observable
: Not Applicable
C403.8.3 !Fans have efficiency grade(FEG) >= :❑Complies Exception:Single fans with motor nameplate horsepowerof=
[ME117]2 67.The total efficiency of the fan at ❑Does Not '5 hp. 1
the design point of operation <= 15% ;nn,ot Observable
Iof maximum total efficiency of the
fan. Not Applicable
C403.8.3 'Fans have effieiency grade(FEG) >= UComplies :Exception:Single fans with motor nameplate horsepowerof=
[ME317]2 :67.The total efficiency of the fan at :❑Does Not �5 hp.
jthe design point of operation <= 15% ti,��, t Observable:
I of maximum total efficiency of the :EENot Applicable
i fan. pP e
C403.8.3 Fans have efficiency grade(FEG)>= ;OComplies ;Exception:Single fans with motor nameplate horsepowerof=
[ME117]2 ;67.The total efficiency of the fan at ;❑Does Not ;5 hp.
-the design point of operation<= 15% ❑ t Observable:
;of maximum total efficiency of the LZt Applicable
Jfan. pp e
1 High ImpaCt(Tier 1) 112 IMedium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page 6 of 10
# Mechanical Rough-In Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Req.ID
C403:8.3 ::Fans have efficiency grade(FEG)>= ;❑Complies :Exception: Single fans with motor nameplate horsepowerof=
[MEL171? �67.The total efficiency of the fan at ;❑Does Not :5 hp.
,;the design point of operation<= 15%
of maximum total efficiency of the :❑,.�/Not Observable'
;fan. :WJ of Applicable ;
C403.12.1'Systems that heat outside the building;❑Complies :Exception: Requirement does not apply,
[ME71]2 Eenvelope are radiant heat systems ;❑Does Not
controlled by an occupancy sensing :
device or timer switch. ;❑N.t Observable
I ot.Applicable
C403.2.3 IHVAC equipment efficiency verified. ZComplies ;Seethe Mechanical Systems list for values.
[ME55]2 I ;❑Does Not
;❑Not Observable
❑Nat Applicable
C403.2.2 ;Natural or mechanical ventilation Is ` 4❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply.
[ME59]1 ;provided in accordance with '❑Does Not
International Mechanical Code
;Chapter 4.Mechanical ventilation has of Observable;
(capability to reduce outdoor air supply' Not Applicable
;to minimum per IMC Chapter 4.
C403.7.1 ;Demand control ventilation provided ;❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
[ME5911 :for spaces>500 ft2 and >25 ;❑Does Not
;people/1000 ft2 occupant density and
:served by systems with air side ❑ of observable;
ieconomizer,auto modulating outside ;uryot Applicable
;air damper control, or design airflow
>3,000 cfm.
C403 7T 2 Enclosed parking garage ventilation E❑Complies !Exception: Requirement does not apply„
[ME115]3•:has'automatic contaminant detectidn' !❑Does Not
^,and capacity to stage or modulate
'[]Not Observable:
,fans to 50%or lesspf design capacity.: j
dNot Applicable
C403.7.6 I HVAC systems serving guestrooms in :❑Complies Exception: Requirement does not apply, ;
tME141]3 ;Group R-1 buildings with>50 :❑Does Not l
`'guestrooms:Each guestroom is f
provided with controls that :❑�1ot Observable
[automatically manage temperature Not Applicable
lsetpoint and ventilation(see sections
AIC403.7.6.1 and C403.7.6.2).
C403.7.4 ;Exhaust air energy recovery on ;❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply.
[ME5711 !systems meeting Table C403.7.4(1) ;❑Does Not
:and C403.7.4(2).
❑Not Observable;
:QIN6Applicable .j
C403.7.5 Kitchen exhaust systems comply with :❑Complies ;Exception:Requirement does not apply.
tME11613 replacement air and conditioned ;❑Does Not
supply air limitations,and satisfy hood;❑Not Observable;
rating requirements and maximum ;
exhaust rate criteria, ;FNot Applicable i
C403.11,1;HVAC ducts and plenums insulated Tn ❑Complies ,Exception:Requirement does not apply.
accordance with C403,11.1 and :❑Does Not
C403.11.2:constructed in accordance with ;❑Not Observable:
[ME60]Z ,C403,11.2,verification may need to ;
occur during Foundation Inspection. : Not Applicable
C403.4.1. ;Heating for vestibules and air curtains ;❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply.
4 :with integral heating include UDoes Not
[ME63]2 :automatic controls that shut off the
iheating system when outdoor air ;pelf of Observable
temperatures>45F.Vestibule Not Applicable
heating and cooling systems
;controlled by a thermostat in the
:vestibule with heating setpoint<=
60F and cooling setpoint>= 80F. I
1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3' Low Impact.(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page 7 of 10
Section 1
Mechanical:Rough-ln.lnspection Compiles? Comrrierits/Assurfiptlons J
& Re :ID'
C4;08 2,1„r'Air outlets and zone terminal devices �❑Complies tException:Requirement does not apply,
1° have means for air balancing. 1❑Does Not j
Rot Observable
i L✓INot Applicable
C403,5,;,;;':i'Refrigerated display cases,walk-in ;❑Complies !Exception:Requirement does not apply.
G4035.1,,:1 coolers or walk-in freezers served by i❑Does Not
Ca03:5.2 remote compressors and remote ;nNot Observable
[MEl%23]3 condensers not located in ap ,WN_ot Applicable condensing unit,
condensers that comply with Sections
y(C403.5.I and refrigeration compressor:
?systems that comply with C403.5.2.,
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3; Low Impact(Tier 3) ,
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06/24/21
Data filename: Page B of 110
I Section
# Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
6e Req.ID
C303.3, ;j Furnished O&M manuals for HVAC Complies ;Requirement will be met;
CA08.2.5, ['systems within 90 days of system ;❑Does Not
3„ aacceptance.
[FI813 ';[--]Not Observable;
! !❑Not Applicable
C4032.27 HVAC systems and equipment ; Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[F12,7r•]3, capacity does not exceed calculated ❑Does Not
loads, I ;
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C403.2.4. ;Heating and cooling to each zone is Complies ,Requirement will be met.
] ?controlled by a thermostat control ;❑Does Not
[FI47]3 " ,?Minimum one humidity control device
per installed ;❑Not Observable:
humidification/dehumidification ;[]Not Applicable
C403:2,4,, lHeating and cooling to each zone is i "Complies ;Requirement will be met.
1" controlled by a thermostat control, j❑Does Not
[F147]31• (Minimum one humidity control device
i per installed �❑Not Observable
(humidification/dehumidification I❑Not Applicable
;system. �
`C403.2'.4. Heating and cooling to each zone is !BC.omp(ies !Requirement will be met,
"controlled by a thermostat control. ;Does Not
[F147]3 i,Minimum one humidity control device ?❑Not Observable:
per installed
;humidification/dehumidification ;❑Not Applicable
,G403.2.4,.,i Heating and cooling to each zone is Complies :Requirement will be met,
1° controlled by a thermostat control. :❑Does Not
[F147]3 ;Minimum one humidity control device
{per installed ,❑Not Observable:
Jhumidification/dehumidification '❑Not Applicable
C403.4.1,,aThermostatic controls have a 5 °F f Complies .Requirement will be met.
2, deadband. ;❑Does Not
;❑Not Observable I
I❑Not Applicable
C403:2.4,-Temperature controls have setpoint ;❑Compl'ies !Exception: Requirement does not apply:•
[FI 2013 "$overlap restrictions. :[]Does Not
❑Ij[ot Observable;
Not Applicable
C403.2.4.;r Each zone equipped with setback Complies ;Requirement will be met.
2 ;controls using automatic time clock or. ❑Does Not
[F[39]3 programmable control system. '
�❑Not Observable;
g ❑�ot Applicable
C403.2,4. lAutornatic Controls:Setback to 55°F EfComplles :Requirement will be met,
2:1, (heat)and•85°F(cool);7-day clock,2- ❑Does Not I
C403.2.4. '!houP occupant override, 10-hour ❑Not Observable
0]3 backup I❑Not.Appl!cable p `
C408.2.1 :Commissioning plan developed by Complies ;Requirement will be met..
[F128]1 registered design professional or ;❑Does Not
;approved agency. i
❑Not Observable:,
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 12 IMedium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact:(Tier 3)_ _
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date; 06/24/21
Data filename Page 9 of 10
FiriblAnspectiori, Complies?• Commeriits/Assumptions
& MOD .. __
C408.2.3. ;HVAC equipment has been tested to Complies ;Exception:Unitary or packaged HVAC eqiupment without
1 ;ensure proper operation. ;❑Does Not ,supply air economizers.
!❑Not Observable
;Opt Applicable
C408.2,3. HVAC control systems have been ;Complies ;Requirement will be met.
2 :tested to ensure proper operation, ;❑Does Not
[FI30]1 :calibration and adjustment of controls.I❑Not Observable'
;❑NNot Applicable
C408.2.4 ;Preliminary commissioning report ;QComplies :Requirement will be met.
[FI2911 completed and certified by registered �❑Does Not
design professional or approved i, Observable
9 Y
a enc . 1011otApplicaiile
C4082:5,`.;Furnished HVAC as-built drawings Complies :Requirement will be met.
.submitted within 90 days of system j❑Does Not
[FI7�3' acceptance. ;❑Not Observable
n ;❑Not Applicable
C408.2.5. ;An air and/or hydronic system ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
3 ;balancing report is provided for HVAC :❑Does Not
[FI43]1 systems. ![]Not Observable
t Applicable NiT lleW- J4 ICDiyDT
C408.2.5.• ;Final commissioning report due to I Complies ;Requirement will be met.-
4 Rbuilding owner within 90 days of ;❑Does Not
[F13011 ;receipt of certificate of occupancy.: ❑Not Observable; l
❑Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact;(Tier 1)4 ' 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3<,Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility NYSECC 2020 Report date: 06124/21
Data filename: Page 10 of 10
Customer: Hacker Boat Company
Project: Quote #097429
Date: 7/1/2021
SONA Installation Details Checklist
Saima Customer
Special Approvals(UL, FM, UCL,AQMD etc.) X
All local, Municipal,state,federal permits X
Final Equipment Location Approval X
Site prepped and Cleared Before Arrival X
Pit Excavation, Form and Pour X
New Pad (Indoor and Outdoor)-AMUs,Condensers,etc X
Curb Construction/Removal X
,Roof Openings by Professional Roofer . X
Roof Resealing by Professional Roofer X
Wall Penetration X
Penetrate and Seal Roof X
Wall Sealing X
Davis Bacon or Union Wages X
Dumpsters&Concrete Debris Removal X
Fork Lift(If needed) X
Crane(If needed) X
Scissor Lift(If needed) X
Start-up and Training X
Equipment Erection X
Crating Removal in Customer's Dumpsters X
Equipment Storage(If Necessary) X
Light Tubes X
Breathable air-operator PPE X
Breathable air pump/Filtration X
Compressed air filters/regulators.for spray air X
Compressed air fittings for spray/breathable air X
Building Modifications (Not specifically defined) X
Unleveled Floor Modification Needed X
Abatement of hazardous materials X
Incidental damage to floors/floor finishes during install X
Fire Suppression;Supply&High Temp Heads X
Fire Alarm (Wiring) X
Gas Piping Connected to Burner Inlet Pipe X
Air Piping to Regulator on damper X
Exhaust Stack To: Interior Ceiling X
Intake Stack To: Interior Ceiling X
Exhaust&Intake Stack Offsets X
-Placement of Duct above roof: includes but is not limited
to:duct stacks,caps,guy wires. X
Roof Flanges X
Roof Curbs. X
Air Filter&Dryers X
BMS Integration X
Electrical Controls:On Equipment Wiring X
Wiring of Equipment; No Power X
Light Strobe&Alarm (If Required) X
Internet Connection to Control Panel-if required X
Utility Upgrades X
Electrical Feeds and Final Connection X
Main Gas Feed X
Main air feed X
Water feed for evap cooling or steam gen X
Unloading X
U ncrating X
Laydown space X
Dry storage of equipment prior to install X
Monorail X
Conveyor X
Hoists X
Hydrostic Test for Water(if required)-sprinkler X
Sump Pit/Pump X
Customer: Hacker Boat Company
Project: Quote #097379 or 097378
Date: 6/25/2021
SOMA Installation Details Checklist
Saima Customer
Special Approvals(UL, FM, UCL,AQMD etc.) X
All local, Municipal,state,federal permits X
Final Equipment Location Approval . X
Site prepped and Cleared Before Arrival X
Pit Excavation, Form and Pour X
New Pad (Indoor and Outdoor)-AMUs,Condensers,etc X
Curb Construction/Removal X
Roof Openings by Professional Roofer, X
Roof Resealing by Professional Roofer X
Wall Penetration X
Penetrate and Seal Roof X
Wall Sealing X
Davis Bacon or Union Wages X
Dumpsters&Concrete Debris Removal X
Fork Lift(If needed) X
Crane(If needed) X
Scissor Lift(If needed) X
Start-up and Training X
Equipment Erection X
Crating Removal in Customer's Dumpsters X
Equipment Storage.(If Necessary) X
Light Tubes X
Breathable air-operator PPE X
Breathable air pump/Filtration X
Compressed air filters/regulators for spray air X
Compressed air fittings for spray/breathable air X
Building Modifications (Not specifically defined) X
Unleveled Floor Modification Needed X
Abatement of hazardous materials X
Incidental damage to floors/floor finishes during install X
Fire Suppression;Supply& High Temp Heads X
Fire Alarm (Wiring) X
Gas Piping Connected to Burner Inlet Pipe X
Air Piping to Regulator on damper X
Exhaust Stack To: Interior Ceiling X
Intake Stack To: Interior Ceiling X
Exhaust&Intake Stack Offsets X
Placement of Duct above roof: includes but is not limited
to:duct stacks,caps,guy wires X
Roof Flanges X
Roof Curbs X
Air Filter&Dryers X
BMS Integration X
Electrical Controls:On Equipment Wiring X
Wiring of Equipment; No Power X
Light Strobe&Alarm (If Required) X
Internet Connection to Control Panel-if required X
Utility Upgrades X
Electrical Feeds and Final Connection X
Main Gas Feed X
Main air feed X
Water feed for evap cooling or steam gen _ X
Unloading X
U ncrating X
Laydown space X "
Dry storage of equipment prior to install X
Monorail X
Conveyor X
Hoists X
Hydrostic Test for Water(if required)-sprinkler X
Sump Pit/Pump X
•' - _ COMcheck Software Version
Interior Lighting Compliance Certificate
Project Information REVIEWED FOR
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility
Project Type: Alteration
Construction Site: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor:
Glens Falls, NY David Sollenberger Pasquale Marchese
Morgan Marine Bottega of Architecture
315 Corinth Road 1431 Rocco Drive
Queensbury, NY 12804 Schenectady, NY 12303
Allowed Interior Lighting Power
Area Category Floor Area Allowed Allowed Watts
(ft2) Watts/ft2 (B X C)
1-Metal Shop(Manufacturi ng:Detailed Manufacturing) 1958 0.93 1821
2-Parts Department(Manufacturing:Equipment Room) 1940 0.65 1261
3-Parts Counter(Manufacturing:Equipment Room) 350 0.65 228
4-Bills Office(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed) 325 0.93 302
5-Compressor Room(Manufacturing:Equipment Room) 625 0.65 406
6-Wood Prep and Upholstery(Man ufacturing:Detailed Manufacturing) 1300 0.93 1209
7-Manufacturing Floor(ManufacturingAigh Bay(25-50 ft.Floor to Ceiling Height)) 40400 0.75 30300
8-Truck Bay(Manufacturing:High Bay(25-50 ft.Floor to Ceiling Height)) 2600 0.75 1950
9-Truck Scale Room(Manufacturing:High Bay(25-50 ft.Floor to Ceiling Height)) 1890 0.75 1418
Total Allowed Wafts= 38894
Proposed Interior Lighting Power
Fixture ID : Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D)
Fixture Fixtures Watt.
Metal Shop(Manufacturing:Detailed Manufacturing 1958 sq.ft.),
LED 1:LED Panel 55W: 1 16 56 894
Parts Department(Manufacturing:Equipment Room 1940 sq.ft.)
LED 2:LED Panel 55W: 1 16 56 894
Parts Counter(Manufacturing:Equipment Room 350 sq.ft.)
LED 3:LED Panel 55W: 1 4 56 224
Bills Office(Common Space Types:Office-Enclosed 325 sq.ft.)
LED 4:LED Panel 55W: 1 4 56 224
Compressor Room(Manufacturing:Equipment Room 625 sq.ft.)
LED 5:LED Other Fixture Unit 80W: 1 4 77 308
Wood Prep and Upholstery(Manufacturing:Detailed Manufacturing 1300 sq.ft J
LED 6:LED Panel 55W: 1 12 56 671
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility Report date: 04/27/21
Data filename: D:\Users\MSchietzelt\Documents\COMcheck\Hacker Boat Facility.cck Page 1 of 7
a >.J
Fixture ID-: Description/Lamp/Wattage Per Lamp/Ballast Lamps/ #of Fixture (C X D)
Fixture Fixtures Watt.
Manufacturing Floor(Manufacturing:High Bay(25-50 ft. Floor to Ceiling Height)40400 sq.ft.)
LED 7:Other: 1 62 186 11532
Truck Bay(Manufacturing:High Bay(25-50 ft. Floor to Ceiling Height)2600 sq.ft.)
LED 8:Other: 1 3 136 408
Truck Scale Room(Manufacturing:High Bay_(25-50 ft.Floor to Ceiling Height)1890 sq.ft.)
LED 9:Other: 1 4 136 544
Total Proposed Watts= 15699
PASSESInterior Lighting
Interior Lighting Compliance Statement
Compliance Statement: The proposed interior lighting alteration project represented in this document is consistent with the
building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application.The proposed interior lighting
systems have been designed to meet the 2018 IECC requirements in COMcheck Version and to comply with any
applicable mandatory requirements listed in the Inspection Checklist.
Michael Schietzelt, PE AW-VA 4/27/2021
Name-Title Signature Date
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility Report date: 04/27/21
Data filename: D:\Users\MSchietzelt\Documents\COMcheck\Hacker Boat Facility.cck Page 2 of 7
e-� r
a COMcheck Software Version
Inspection Checklist
Energy Code: 2018 IECC
Requirements: 100.0% were addressed directly in the COMcheck software
Text in the "Comments/Assumptions" column is provided by the user in the COMcheck Requirements screen. For each
requirement,the user certifies that a code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or that an exception
is being claimed.Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a reference to that table is provided.
Lion -
Plan Review Complies? Comments/Assumptions
C103.2 ;,Plans, specifications, and/or :❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[PR4]1 calculations provide all information 1❑Does Not j
with which compliance can be
Idetermined for the interior lighting ;❑Not Observable
land electrical systems and equipment ,E]Not Applicable
land document where exceptions to ;
Ithe standard are claimed.Information
1provided should include interior I
lighting power calculations,wattage of:, l
lbulbs and ballasts,transformers and I
!control devices. I I
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
i High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) -3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility Report date: 04/27/21
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# Rough-In Electrical Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Req.ID
C405.23, ;,Daylight zones provided with ;❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply.
C405.23. ;individual controls that control the ;❑Does Not
1, Tights independent of general area ❑Not Observable',
C405.2.3. ;lighting.See code section C405.23
2 �Daylight-responsive controls for ,❑Not Applicable
[EL23]2 :applicable spaces, C405.23.1 Daylight; ;
{responsive control function and ;
section C405.2.3.2 Sidelit zone.
C405.2.4 ;Separate lighting control devices for ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[EL26]1 specific uses installed per approved !❑Does Not
lighting plans.
;❑Not Observable;
❑Not Applicable
C405.2.4 ;Additional interior lighting power ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[EL27]1 !allowed for special functions per the 1❑Does Not
;approved lighting plans and is ;
;automatically controlled and ❑Not Observable;
separated from general lighting. ![]Not Applicable
C405.3 ;.Exit signs do not exceed 5 watts per {❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[EL6]1 !face. ;❑Does Not
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
C405.6 ;1-ow-voltage dry-type distribution ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[EL26]2 'electric transformers meet the :❑Does Not
minimum efficiency requirements of
;Table C405.6. UNot Observable
❑Not Applicable
C405.7 R Electric motors meet the minimum ;❑Complies :Requirement will be met.
[EL27]2 "efficiency requirements of Tables ;❑Does Not
:C405.7(1)through C405.7(4).
Efficiency verified through certification,❑Not Observable
under an approved certification ❑Not Applicable
program or the equipment efficiency
ratings shall be provided by motor
manufacturer(where certification
:programs do not exist). ;
C405.8.2,- ;,Escalators and moving walks comply ;❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement does not apply.
C405.8.2. with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 and have ❑Does Not
1 ;automatic controls configured to
[EL28]2 ;reduce speed to the minimum ❑Not Observable
ipermitted speed in accordance with ;❑Not Applicable ;
1ASME A17.1/CSA B44 or applicable
;local code when not conveying ;
i passengers.
C405.9 ;Total voltage drop across the ;❑Complies ,Requirement will be met.
[EL29]2 i combination of feeders and branch �❑Does Not
:❑Not Observable;
❑Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility Report date: 04/27/21
Data filename: D:\Users\MSchietzelt\Documents\COMcheck\Hacker Boat Facility.cck Page 5 of 7
c # Final Inspection Complies? Comments/Assumptions
& Re .ID
C303.3, ;Furnished 0&M instructions for ;❑Complies :Requirement will be met.
C408.2.5. 'systems and equipment to the !❑Does Not
2 building owner or designated
[F[17]3 representative. ❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable ;
C405.4.1 ;Interior installed lamp and fixture ;❑Complies ;See the Interior Lighting fixture schedule for values.
[F[18]1 lighting power is consistent with what :❑Does Not
;is shown on the approved lighting ;
;plans,demonstrating proposed watts ;❑Not Observable
fare less than or equal to allowed ;❑Not Applicable
watts. ;
C408.1.1 ;Building operations and maintenance ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[FI57]1 !documents will be provided to the :❑Does Not
owner. Documents will cover
;manufacturers' information, ❑Not Observable
specifications,programming ,❑Not Applicable ;
;procedures and means of illustrating ); ;
;to owner how building,equipment and: !
!systems are intended to be installed,
;maintained,and operated.
C408.2.5. Furnished as-built drawings for ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
1 )electric power systems within 90 days T Does Not
[FI16]3 �of system acceptance.
;❑Not Observable:
❑Not Applicable
C408.3 iLighting systems have been tested to ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met.
[FI33]1 !ensure proper calibration,adjustment, :❑Does Not
;programming, and operation. ; ;
❑Not Observable
❑Not Applicable
Additional Comments/Assumptions:
1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3)
Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility Report date: 04/27/21
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Project Title: Hacker Boat Facility Report date: 04/27/21
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