Town of Queensbury Planning Board Agenda
First Regular Meeting – Tuesday, March 20, 2012 @ 7 p.m.
Queensbury Activities Center @ 742 Bay Road
1.0 Approval of Minutes:
1.1 January 17 & January 24, 2012
2.0 Administrative Items:
2.1 Meeting Date Change: 2 June meeting
2.2 Subdivision 8-2005: Mt. Hollow H.O.A-for further tabling consideration
2.3 Site Plan 77-2011: Bear Pond Ranch/French Mt. Bear Pond-for further tabling consideration
3.0 Planning Board Recommendations to Zoning Board of Appeals:
Applicant(s) CHRISTINE MOZAL & Application Type Subdivision 8-2008
Owner (s) Same as applicants SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Thomas Hutchins Lot size 1.01, 2.42 & 0.14 acres
Location 99 Fitzgerald Road Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential
Tax ID No. 289.14-27.1, 27.2 & 28 Ordinance Reference Chapter A-183
Cross Reference
AV 10-12, SP 3-10, AV 4-10, AV
70-08, AV 77-98, SP 34-91
Public Hearing 3/20/2012 APA, CEA, Other Glen Lake CEA, NWI Wetlands
Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes a lot line adjustment involving a total of 3 lots of which two lots are associated with a
previously approved subdivision. Modification to a previously approved subdivision requires Planning Board review and approval.
Variance: Relief requested from side setback and lot size requirements of the WR zone.
Applicant(s) DONALD MARSHALL Application Type Site Plan 3-2010
Owner (s) Donald Marshall SEQR Type II
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 0.14 +/- acres
Location 101 Fitzgerald Road Ext. Zoning Classification WR-Waterfront Residential
Tax ID No. 289.14-1-28 Ordinance Reference § 179-9
(289.14-1-27.1, 27.2, 28)
Cross Reference APA, CEA, Other Glen Lake CEA, NWI Wetlands
AV 9-12, SUB 8-08M, AV 4-10; BP
Public Hearing 2010: 1/19, 1/26, 3/23, 5/20,
6/15, 8/17, 10/19, 12/21; 2011:
3/15, 6/21, 9/27, 11/17; 2012:
1/24; Not required for
Project Description: Site Plan: Applicant proposes removal of 130 sq. ft. of existing stairs and replacement with 320 sq. ft. of stairs,
landings, and decking. Further a 23 sq. ft. access landing and stairs to be removed and replaced on the west side of structure. Applicant
has received ZBA approval for a 116 sq. ft. deck along shoreline (AV 4-2010), total square feet of new stairs, landing and decking equates
to 456 square feet. Hard surfacing within 50 feet of a shoreline, removal of vegetation within 35 feet of a shoreline and expansion of a
nonconforming structure in a CEA requires Planning Board review and approval. Variance: Relief requested from shoreline and side
setback requirements of the WR zone. Further relief requested for the expansion of a nonconforming structure in a CEA.
4.0 Old Business:
Applicant(s) VMJR COMPANIES Application Type Subdivision 1-2011 &
FWW 1-2011
Preliminary Stage
Owner (s) Forest Enterprise Mgmt. SEQR Type Type I
Agent(s) MJ Engineering Lot size 6.39 & 84 +/- acres
Location Quaker Rd./Queensbury Ave Zoning Classification CLI-Comm. Light Ind.
Tax ID No. 303.11-1-4, 303.15-1-25.2 Ordinance Reference § Chapter A-183
Cross Reference SP 65-10, SP 49-10
Public Hearing APA, CEA, Other DEC, ACOE
4/26, 5/31, 7/26, 9/20 11/15/11;
Tabled to 3/20/2012
Project Description: Subdivision: Applicant proposes subdivision of an 84 +/- acre parcel into five (5) commercial lots ranging in size from
6.49 acres to 29.78 acres with 10.69 +/- acres proposed as open space. Further, extension of Quaker Ridge Boulevard to access main
parcel proposed. Subdivision of land requires Planning Board review and approval. Freshwater Wetlands: Proposed construction within
100 feet of wetlands [Big Cedar Swamp] requires Planning Board review and approval.
Applicant(s) WILLIAM THREW Application Type Site Plan 1-2012 &
Special Use Permit 11-2012
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering Lot size 3.14 & 5.5 acres
Location 375 Big Bay Road & off Eagan Zoning Classification CLI-Comm. Light Industrial
Tax ID No. 309.17-1-7, 13 Ordinance Reference § 179-9
Cross Reference Warren Co. Planning 1/11/2012
AV 1 & 2-12, SP 2-12, NOA 3-10,
SP 80-90,
SP 67-89, BP 07-753, 246, 229,
00-631, 96-720, 89-410
Public Hearing 1/24/12, Tabled to 3/20/2012
Project Description: Proposal calls for a boundary line adjustment between the northern and southern lots as well as combining the
northern lot with existing western lot in order to promote site compliance and separate ownership; resulting combined lot size to be 9.18
acres. Further, applicant proposes a 9,600 sq. ft. warehouse, relocated 4,500 sq. ft. Quonset hut, sawmill and firewood operation, and
equipment storage yard. New uses and new construction proposed for the property requires review and approval from the Planning Board.
Applicant(s) WILLIAM THREW Application Type Site Plan 2-2012
Owner (s) Same as applicant SEQR Type Unlisted
Agent(s) Hutchins Engineering; Michael Lot size 2.2 acres
J. O’Connor
Location 369 Big Bay Road Zoning Classification CLI-Comm. Light Industrial
Tax ID No. 309.17-1-12 Ordinance Reference § 179-9
Cross Reference Warren Co. Planning 1/11/2012
AV 1 & 2-12, SP 1-12, SUP 11-12,
NOA 3-10, SP 80-90, SP 67-89;
BP 07-753, 246, 229, 00-631, 96-
720, 89-410
Public Hearing 1/24/12, Tabled to 3/20/2012
Project Description: Proposal calls for a boundary line adjustment between the northern and southern lot to promote site compliance and
separate ownership; resulting lot size for south lot to be 1.91 acres. Further, applicant proposes to relocate existing 4,500 sq. ft. Quonset
hut to northern parcel and construct a 6,000 sq. ft. vehicle repair facility.
Any further business which may be properly brought before the Board