1984-12-18 SP 1r Special Meeting December 18 , 1984 Members Present: Frances J. Walter, Supervisor Daniel Olson, Councilman Charles Eisenhart , Councilman Daniel Morrell, Councilman Betty Monahan, Councilman Wilson Mathias , Town Counsel was not present. ! Press present : Post Star Town Officials : Paul Naylor, Harry Hansen Guests : Richard Morse, Don Krebs The meeting was opened at 4:45 P.M. with Deputy Town Clerk, Darleen Dougher leading the pledge of allegiance. Mrs. Walter announced that the purpose of this meeting was to review the bids which were opened on December 12 relating to the Gurney Lane project. Mrs. Walter introduced Mr. Richard Morse who would explain the bids to the board. Richard Morse : The total bids for the four contracts were in excess of $739,000.00. These were over budget. J.M. Weller was the apparent low bidder on Contract No. 1, his bid was $ 694,300.00. Contract No. 2 the low bidder was Dwyer' s Plumbing and Heating with a figure of $3,300.00. Contract No. 3, Plumbing, the low bidder was Rozell Inc. with $16,600.00. Contract No. 4, electrical to Russell Brown with a low bid of $24,870.00. Dr. Eisenhart: Asked about the exclusion of power company char P Y es.g Richard Morse : Niagara Mohawk did not have these figures available so the electrical bids do not have that charge in their figures. Mr. Olson: Was every bidder aware of that? Mr. Morse: Yes. There are no estimated available for these charges. The other area of concern, on the Weller bid they noted that they would use a sub-contractor Custom Pools of New Hampshire and the intent of that contractor was to use custom or the supplier of the gutters and filters and associated deck equipment for the pool. I questioned whether they would meet specs . He said if they did not he would get another supplier that did. Dr. Eisenhart: Asked about the alternates . Mr. Morse: On contract No. 1 there was a deductive alternate for the paving. It was discussed having Paul Naylor do the paving. *� If you took all the alternates you come up with $709 ,070.00 plus the Llcharges of Niagara Mohawk for a minimum bid,stated Dr. Eisenhart. Mrs. Walter: Using a sub-contractor on the general construction low bidder, is that kind of a legal question? Mr. Morse: It might be good to get a legal opinion. Mrs. Monahan: Did you have an item in there that you would approve all sub-contractors on the job? Mr. Morse: We do evaluate the major subcontractors. Mrs. Monahan: You do have .the right of refusal? i Mr. Morse: We can, yes. Dr. Eisenhart: Do we have an explanation as to why this has doubled what we hoped? Mr. Morse: There have been some indication that the bidding climate is good. There is apparently a lot of work in the area. The contractor might be picking this up and doing it under winter construction. Three of the prices are close. Mr. Olson: What was your estimate of the whole project? Mr. Morse: Around $515 ,000.00 Mr. Olson: And now we are looking at $709,000.00 Mrs. Monahan: In your estimate of $515 ,000.00 or 550,000.00,you had paving in there. Mr. Morse: That is correct. Mrs. Walter: I suggest that we take all of the 45 days in making a decision. In the meantime we will geth legal opinion and have all that information at a board meeting to either accept or reject it. Dr. Eisenhart : The 45 days will be up the 26th of January, 1985. Mrs. Walter: We have three meetings that we can determine where we are going to go. I hesitate to rebid the project because of a recent experience where the bidding went up. Mr. Morse, do you have any words of wisdom for the board. Mr. Morse: No. Mr. Morrell: The heating, ventilAting, plumbing and electrical all seem to be in line. Mrs. Monahan : Do you remember what your budget was for the plumbing and heating? Mr. Morse: About $25,000.00 Mrs. Monahan: With these figures coming in close to budget price, why is one area coming in high? That is what we are looking at. Mr. Olson: We have three bidders who are very close, roughly $24,060 apart. Mrs. Monahan: They can be close and still be bidding high. Mr. Morse: This could have been caused by some bidders using sub- contractors. Mrs. Monahan: What proportion of the GC contract is the site work? I Mr. Morse: One-Third or less. Mrs. Monahan: I have a list of people who picked up the specs and there were not a lot of GC' s who picked them up. Mrs. Walter: I would like the board to digest these figures. Take all the time you need and ask whatever questions before we make a decision whether to accept or reject the bids. Mr. Morrell: -Do we have any information on grants? Mr. Morse: That is a January decision. 3 Dr. Eisenhart : Will it be before the 26th? Mr. Morse: I am not sure about that. Mr. Olson: The application were based on the engineers estimate to do the whole project. Now we are looking at a quarter of a million dollars over our estimate. Mr. Morrell : They can be resubmitted for an increase, if I am not mistaken. Mr. Morse: That is correct Mrs. Walter : Thank you Mr. Morse, I am sure we will be in contact with `-- you. Mrs. Walter : Pat Tatich is here and would like to fill the board in on a grant that we did get. Miss Tatich: I would like to compliment the Town Board for the recent surveys for the housing program. The new area to be funded is the Big Bay-Big Boom area. This area had the highest percentage of housing needs. We will refurbish 24 to 28 dwellings in that area. We will utilize $84,000.00 in community development funds . I have pamphlets to be distributed to residents in that area. We will have two location specialists in 19F5. I would like to know how the town will distribute the pamphlets and the applications. The map that is here is for the town' s use for when residents come in for an application they can see if they are in the target area. Mr. Chase: They certainly can pick them up in my office and I think an ad in the paper would help. Miss Tatich: We will take care of all the advertising. If the towns wish to do something in addition to that, that is their prerogative. s Mrs . Walter: Do we use the same Citizens Advisory that we used in the other areas? Miss Tatich: I would suggest we find people in that new area. At least three people. Dr. Eisenhart: There is no overlap in the target area with the other target area. Miss Tatich: No. Mr. Olson: Is there anything out of the target area to help the handicapped winterize their home or make their home more livable. Miss Tatich: I have contacted a woman in Albany who is working on helping the handicapped with other monies , I will get that information to you. Dr. Eisenhart : We are very pleased with your work. ' Miss Tatich: Thank you, I will relate that to the other staff members. Mrs. Walter: The Town of Queensbury is running out of areas that can qualify for this aid. Miss Tatich: Maybe you can do another survey in the South Queensbury area. Also because of the construction in the area we are having a difficult time in getting reliable contractors to do the jobs . Unknown: Is there any thing to report on the Round Pond purchase: 4 Mrs . Walter: There has been a lot of discussion. We have not determined whether to go to a public hearing or a public information meeting. We are still investigating it, however it is land negotiation and it is not really a public thing. Unknown: You should get the feeling of the people in the community before you make any decision. Mrs. Walter: We are. I have had several letters from constituents who chose to write. We had 20 people at our last meeting. Unknown: That is a pretty small group. f Mrs. Walter: How would uou suggest.. that we get it out to the public; Unknown: I think the facts should be gathered and call some kind of meeting. Mrs. Walter : I think the people should call their representatives. Unknown: You will only get a small percentage that way. Mr. Morrell: There are some eighth grade children who will be circulating petitions throughout their neighborhoods. Mars. Walter: Both projects are very expensive. We know what Gurney Lane will cost but we do not know what Round Pond will cost. Some renovation will need to be done. We are gathering information now. Mr. Olson: There is a lot of discussion going on around town about this project. We will get a feedback from these people as to what they feel about the Round Pond project, or both projects. We all need that to - make our decisions . i Mrs. Walter : There is strong support in the town for us to purchase Round Pond. They are looking at a cost that was presented in the paper. That may not be the top dollar. Unknown: There may not be another opportunity like this again. On motion the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted Donald A. Chase , Town Clerk