NOVEMBER 15, 1989
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Recreation Commission of the Town
of Queensbury, held Wednesday, November 15, 1989, at the Queensbury Town Office
Building, Queensbury, New York. Chairman Simmonds called the meeting to order
at 7:31 P.M.
Commissioners Carusone, Labatore, LaBombard (7:37 P.M.), Simmonds,
Sperry and Teti
Director Hansen and Recording Secretary Schaefer
Commissioner Bly
Chairman Simmonds opened the meeting by welcoming Commissioner John
Carusone, who had been recently appointed by the Town Board to fill Commissioner
Lettus' vacancy.
Commissioner Teti moved to approve the minutes of the October 16, 1989
meeting. Commissioner Sperry seconded the motion. The Director requested that
prior to voting, the Commission take a moment to review that portion of the minutes
which pertained to Mike Brandt's West Mountain presentation. He mentioned that
there had been some comment with regard to accuracy and, therefore, he wished
to have eVETYone review it one more time before voting and thus making it official.
There werE! no comments or corrections and after polling all Commissioners, the
motion to approve the minutes was unanimous.
The Director reviewed his cross-country ski trail lighting memorandum to
the Supervisor, which the Commission had directed be written. at the October meeting.
He pointed out that the Commission's comments about the project had been relayed
in the memo and that the Supervisor had acknowledged receipt thereof in a subsequent
memo dated 10/31/89. A number of Commissioners questioned whether all Town
Board members were aware of the initial ski trail lighting memorandum and the
Director explained that each Town Board member receives the same packet of
information sent to each Commissioner.
A second item of correspondence (complimentary letter) from Ms. Karen
Pound, a Queensbury resident, was also briefly reviewed and there were no comments.
The Commission briefly mentioned the Town Board's responsibility and Commissioner
LaBombard pointed out that the Supervisor and the Board, though frequently criticized,
nonetheless have a tough job when it comes to governing the Town.
The Director briefly highlighted specifics about the just completed fall children's
soccer program and pointed out that in all likelihood, based on the results this year,
the program would be offered again next season.
The Commission discussed the third item of correspondence which was a
copy of a newspaper article dealing with subdivision recreation fees. The article,
which appeared in the November 7th Post Star, explained a recent New York State
Court of Appeals decision that upheld a town's authority to require developers
to help pay for new parks and playgrounds. The Director mentioned the articles
timeliness in that West Mountain, Inc. was in fact disputing the validity of the
recently revised 1988 local town law which addressed that very topic. In regard
to that subject, Commissioner Teti requested an update on the status of the acquisition
of the proposed West Mountain park site in lieu of recreation fees. The Director
explained that there had been no action by the Town Board with regard to this
question. However, he suggested that it would seem to be appropriate that the
Commission give their input in order to assist the Town Board in making a decision.
The Director summarized the Department's options including the pros and cons
of developing a passive park facility which was located within the Adirondack Park
boundary in the Town of Luzerne. The Commission requested current property
tax information on the parcel in question and also whether or not the Town of Luzerne
was in favor of developing this park jointly. They also were concerned with regard
to whether this possible park had been considered in the soon to be finished Department
Master Plan.
The Director was able to shed light on a number of the concerns expressed
by the Commission, including that the architect of the Master Plan had been apprised
of the possible acquisition and development of this park. However, the Director
mentioned that a number of important questions remained unanswered and that
before making a recommendation, the Commission should know all the facts. Therefore,
he suggested that rather than drafting a motion/recommendation regarding the
West Mountain parcel tonight, that the Director investigate additional information
including property taxes, the amount of money per building lot which West Mountain
would have to provide, and what stipulations, if any, APA would impose regarding
park development. He explained that the answers to these questions were certainly
important and undoubtedly would affect the Commission's decision/recommendation.
There was further discussion by the Commission and Chairman Simmonds summarized
the deliberation by pointing out that there were still some concerns with regard
to the viability of the West Mountain parcel as a possible future park facility.
The Director reiterated that he expected that the Town Board would make
a decision shortly with regard to either accepting the property or the per lot fee.
He pointed out that as the developer, the West Mountain Corporation would have
to pay the fee up front when final approval by the Planning Board was obtained.
Though this puts a hardship on the developer, nonetheless, the local law is specific
in this regard. After further discussion, the Commission agreed to postpone a decision/
recommendation until the December meeting, when the Director will furnish additional
information regarding the West Mountain Development Pl"oject parcel.
The Director briefly updated the Commission regarding a number of park
projects and mentioned that Rist Frost, the Town's engineering firm, had been
directed to design the specifications and draw up the bids for the South Queensbury
Park basketball court. In addition, the Director has made tentative arrangements
for new park signs at both the South Queensbury and the Ridge/Jenkinsville Park
It was mentioned that work at Hovey Pond is still proceeding and that once
ENCON gives written approval to the annual reapplication, that the Highway Department
will begin dredging operations. This work will continue throughout the winter months
when the conditions are most favorable for this phase of the project.
Chairman Simmonds noted that the Commission receives the monthly packet
prior to the meeting and therefore requested that each Commissioner peruse the
material beforehand.
The Director detailed the fall programs which were underway and highlighted
some of the winter programs which are scheduled to begin shortly.
The Director briefly highlighted the NRP A Conference, which he recently
attended, and thanked both the Commission and the Town Board for allowing him
the opportunity.
The Director relayed to the Commission that the Department's funding request
for recreation program reimbursement in 1990, in the amount of $18,500., had
been approved.
A revised Recreation Commission member list was distributed and each of
the Commissioners was asked to check his/her particular information for accuracy.
Along this line, Chairman Simmonds brought up the subject of reappointment to
the Commission and term of office. She pointed out that it was not a foregone
conclusion that each Commissioner would be automatically reappointed and that
in addition, Commissioners should not be offended if the Town Board said "thanks,
but no thanks," with regard to reappointment. She mentioned that the Town Board
might ask each Commissioner to draft their own letter requesting reappointment,
as was the case (SOP) at higher levels of government.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:28 P.M.
The next meeting will be held on December 11, 1989, at 7:30 P.M., at the Supervisor's
meeting room (upstairs) in the Town Office Building.
Sharron Simmonds, Chairman
Minutes prepared by Harry R. Hansen